MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { clamp } from './MathUtils.js'; /** * Ref: * * phi (the polar angle) is measured from the positive y-axis. The positive y-axis is up. * theta (the azimuthal angle) is measured from the positive z-axis. */ class Spherical { constructor( radius = 1, phi = 0, theta = 0 ) { this.radius = radius; this.phi = phi; // polar angle this.theta = theta; // azimuthal angle return this; } set( radius, phi, theta ) { this.radius = radius; this.phi = phi; this.theta = theta; return this; } copy( other ) { this.radius = other.radius; this.phi = other.phi; this.theta = other.theta; return this; } // restrict phi to be between EPS and PI-EPS makeSafe() { const EPS = 0.000001; this.phi = clamp( this.phi, EPS, Math.PI - EPS ); return this; } setFromVector3( v ) { return this.setFromCartesianCoords( v.x, v.y, v.z ); } setFromCartesianCoords( x, y, z ) { this.radius = Math.sqrt( x * x + y * y + z * z ); if ( this.radius === 0 ) { this.theta = 0; this.phi = 0; } else { this.theta = Math.atan2( x, z ); this.phi = Math.acos( clamp( y / this.radius, - 1, 1 ) ); } return this; } clone() { return new this.constructor().copy( this ); } } export { Spherical };