MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { Material } from '../Material.js'; import { NormalBlending } from '../../constants.js'; import { getNodeChildren, getCacheKey } from '../../nodes/core/NodeUtils.js'; import { attribute } from '../../nodes/core/AttributeNode.js'; import { output, diffuseColor, emissive, varyingProperty } from '../../nodes/core/PropertyNode.js'; import { materialAlphaTest, materialColor, materialOpacity, materialEmissive, materialNormal, materialLightMap, materialAO } from '../../nodes/accessors/MaterialNode.js'; import { modelViewProjection } from '../../nodes/accessors/ModelViewProjectionNode.js'; import { normalLocal } from '../../nodes/accessors/Normal.js'; import { instancedMesh } from '../../nodes/accessors/InstancedMeshNode.js'; import { batch } from '../../nodes/accessors/BatchNode.js'; import { materialReference } from '../../nodes/accessors/MaterialReferenceNode.js'; import { positionLocal, positionView } from '../../nodes/accessors/Position.js'; import { skinningReference } from '../../nodes/accessors/SkinningNode.js'; import { morphReference } from '../../nodes/accessors/MorphNode.js'; import { mix } from '../../nodes/math/MathNode.js'; import { float, vec3, vec4 } from '../../nodes/tsl/TSLBase.js'; import AONode from '../../nodes/lighting/AONode.js'; import { lightingContext } from '../../nodes/lighting/LightingContextNode.js'; import IrradianceNode from '../../nodes/lighting/IrradianceNode.js'; import { depth, viewZToLogarithmicDepth, viewZToOrthographicDepth } from '../../nodes/display/ViewportDepthNode.js'; import { cameraFar, cameraNear, cameraProjectionMatrix } from '../../nodes/accessors/Camera.js'; import { clipping, clippingAlpha, hardwareClipping } from '../../nodes/accessors/ClippingNode.js'; import NodeMaterialObserver from './manager/NodeMaterialObserver.js'; import getAlphaHashThreshold from '../../nodes/functions/material/getAlphaHashThreshold.js'; import { modelViewMatrix } from '../../nodes/accessors/ModelNode.js'; /** * Base class for all node materials. * * @augments Material */ class NodeMaterial extends Material { static get type() { return 'NodeMaterial'; } /** * Represents the type of the node material. * * @type {String} */ get type() { return this.constructor.type; } set type( _value ) { /* */ } /** * Constructs a new node material. */ constructor() { super(); /** * This flag can be used for type testing. * * @type {Boolean} * @readonly * @default true */ this.isNodeMaterial = true; /** * Whether this material is affected by fog or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ this.fog = true; /** * Whether this material is affected by lights or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ this.lights = false; /** * Whether this material uses hardware clipping or not. * This property is managed by the engine and should not be * modified by apps. * * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ this.hardwareClipping = false; /** * Node materials which set their `lights` property to `true` * are affected by all lights of the scene. Sometimes selective * lighting is wanted which means only _some_ lights in the scene * affect a material. This can be achieved by creating an instance * of {@link module:LightsNode~LightsNode} with a list of selective * lights and assign the node to this property. * * ```js * const customLightsNode = lights( [ light1, light2 ] ); * material.lightsNode = customLightsNode; * ``` * * @type {LightsNode?} * @default null */ this.lightsNode = null; /** * The environment of node materials can be defined by an environment * map assigned to the `envMap` property or by `Scene.environment` * if the node material is a PBR material. This node property allows to overwrite * the default behavior and define the environment with a custom node. * * ```js * material.envNode = pmremTexture( renderTarget.texture ); * ``` * * @type {Node<vec3>?} * @default null */ this.envNode = null; /** * The lighting of node materials might be influenced by ambient occlusion. * The default AO is inferred from an ambient occlusion map assigned to `aoMap` * and the respective `aoMapIntensity`. This node property allows to overwrite * the default and define the ambient occlusion with a custom node instead. * * If you don't want to overwrite the diffuse color but modify the existing * values instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialAO}. * * @type {Node<float>?} * @default null */ this.aoNode = null; /** * The diffuse color of node materials is by default inferred from the * `color` and `map` properties. This node property allows to overwrite the default * and define the diffuse color with a node instead. * * ```js * material.colorNode = color( 0xff0000 ); // define red color * ``` * * If you don't want to overwrite the diffuse color but modify the existing * values instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialColor}. * * ```js * material.colorNode = materialColor.mul( color( 0xff0000 ) ); // give diffuse colors a red tint * ``` * * @type {Node<vec3>?} * @default null */ this.colorNode = null; /** * The normals of node materials are by default inferred from the `normalMap`/`normalScale` * or `bumpMap`/`bumpScale` properties. This node property allows to overwrite the default * and define the normals with a node instead. * * If you don't want to overwrite the normals but modify the existing values instead, * use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialNormal}. * * @type {Node<vec3>?} * @default null */ this.normalNode = null; /** * The opacity of node materials is by default inferred from the `opacity` * and `alphaMap` properties. This node property allows to overwrite the default * and define the opacity with a node instead. * * If you don't want to overwrite the normals but modify the existing * value instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialOpacity}. * * @type {Node<float>?} * @default null */ this.opacityNode = null; /** * This node can be used to to implement a variety of filter-like effects. The idea is * to store the current rendering into a texture e.g. via `viewportSharedTexture()`, use it * to create an arbitrary effect and then assign the node composition to this property. * Everything behind the object using this material will now be affected by a filter. * * ```js * const material = new NodeMaterial() * material.transparent = true; * * // everything behind the object will be monochromatic * material.backdropNode = saturation( viewportSharedTexture().rgb, 0 ); * ``` * * Backdrop computations are part of the lighting so only lit materials can use this property. * * @type {Node<vec3>?} * @default null */ this.backdropNode = null; /** * This node allows to modulate the influence of `backdropNode` to the outgoing light. * * @type {Node<float>?} * @default null */ this.backdropAlphaNode = null; /** * The alpha test of node materials is by default inferred from the `alphaTest` * property. This node property allows to overwrite the default and define the * alpha test with a node instead. * * If you don't want to overwrite the alpha test but modify the existing * value instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialAlphaTest}. * * @type {Node<float>?} * @default null */ this.alphaTestNode = null; /** * The local vertex positions are computed based on multiple factors like the * attribute data, morphing or skinning. This node property allows to overwrite * the default and define local vertex positions with nodes instead. * * If you don't want to overwrite the vertex positions but modify the existing * values instead, use {@link module:Position.positionLocal}. * *```js * material.positionNode = positionLocal.add( displace ); * ``` * * @type {Node<vec3>?} * @default null */ this.positionNode = null; /** * This node property is intended for logic which modifies geometry data once or per animation step. * Apps usually place such logic randomly in initialization routines or in the animation loop. * `geometryNode` is intended as a dedicated API so there is an intended spot where geometry modifications * can be implemented. * * The idea is to assign a `Fn` definition that holds the geometry modification logic. A typical example * would be a GPU based particle system that provides a node material for usage on app level. The particle * simulation would be implemented as compute shaders and managed inside a `Fn` function. This function is * eventually assigned to `geometryNode`. * * @type {Function} * @default null */ this.geometryNode = null; /** * Allows to overwrite depth values in the fragment shader. * * @type {Node<float>?} * @default null */ this.depthNode = null; /** * Allows to overwrite the position used for shadow map rendering which * is by default {@link module:Position.positionWorld}, the vertex position * in world space. * * @type {Node<float>?} * @default null */ this.shadowPositionNode = null; /** * This node can be used to influence how an object using this node material * receive shadows. * * ```js * const totalShadows = float( 1 ).toVar(); * material.receivedShadowNode = Fn( ( [ shadow ] ) => { * totalShadows.mulAssign( shadow ); * //return float( 1 ); // bypass received shadows * return shadow.mix( color( 0xff0000 ), 1 ); // modify shadow color * } ); * * @type {Node<vec4>?} * @default null */ this.receivedShadowNode = null; /** * This node can be used to influence how an object using this node material * casts shadows. To apply a color to shadows, you can simply do: * * ```js * material.castShadowNode = vec4( 1, 0, 0, 1 ); * ``` * * Which can be nice to fake colored shadows of semi-transparent objects. It * is also common to use the property with `Fn` function so checks are performed * per fragment. * * ```js * materialCustomShadow.castShadowNode = Fn( () => { * hash( vertexIndex ).greaterThan( 0.5 ).discard(); * return materialColor; * } )(); * ``` * * @type {Node<vec4>?} * @default null */ this.castShadowNode = null; /** * This node can be used to define the final output of the material. * * TODO: Explain the differences to `fragmentNode`. * * @type {Node<vec4>?} * @default null */ this.outputNode = null; /** * MRT configuration is done on renderer or pass level. This node allows to * overwrite what values are written into MRT targets on material level. This * can be useful for implementing selective FX features that should only affect * specific objects. * * @type {MRTNode?} * @default null */ this.mrtNode = null; /** * This node property can be used if you need complete freedom in implementing * the fragment shader. Assigning a node will replace the built-in material * logic used in the fragment stage. * * @type {Node<vec4>?} * @default null */ this.fragmentNode = null; /** * This node property can be used if you need complete freedom in implementing * the vertex shader. Assigning a node will replace the built-in material logic * used in the vertex stage. * * @type {Node<vec4>?} * @default null */ this.vertexNode = null; } /** * Allows to define a custom cache key that influence the material key computation * for render objects. * * @return {String} The custom cache key. */ customProgramCacheKey() { return this.type + getCacheKey( this ); } /** * Builds this material with the given node builder. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. */ build( builder ) { this.setup( builder ); } /** * Setups a node material observer with the given builder. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {NodeMaterialObserver} The node material observer. */ setupObserver( builder ) { return new NodeMaterialObserver( builder ); } /** * Setups the vertex and fragment stage of this node material. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. */ setup( builder ) { builder.context.setupNormal = () => this.setupNormal( builder ); builder.context.setupPositionView = () => this.setupPositionView( builder ); builder.context.setupModelViewProjection = () => this.setupModelViewProjection( builder ); const renderer = builder.renderer; const renderTarget = renderer.getRenderTarget(); // < VERTEX STAGE > builder.addStack(); const vertexNode = this.vertexNode || this.setupVertex( builder ); builder.stack.outputNode = vertexNode; this.setupHardwareClipping( builder ); if ( this.geometryNode !== null ) { builder.stack.outputNode = builder.stack.outputNode.bypass( this.geometryNode ); } builder.addFlow( 'vertex', builder.removeStack() ); // < FRAGMENT STAGE > builder.addStack(); let resultNode; const clippingNode = this.setupClipping( builder ); if ( this.depthWrite === true || this.depthTest === true ) { // only write depth if depth buffer is configured if ( renderTarget !== null ) { if ( renderTarget.depthBuffer === true ) this.setupDepth( builder ); } else { if ( renderer.depth === true ) this.setupDepth( builder ); } } if ( this.fragmentNode === null ) { this.setupDiffuseColor( builder ); this.setupVariants( builder ); const outgoingLightNode = this.setupLighting( builder ); if ( clippingNode !== null ) builder.stack.add( clippingNode ); // force unsigned floats - useful for RenderTargets const basicOutput = vec4( outgoingLightNode, diffuseColor.a ).max( 0 ); resultNode = this.setupOutput( builder, basicOutput ); // OUTPUT NODE output.assign( resultNode ); // if ( this.outputNode !== null ) resultNode = this.outputNode; // MRT if ( renderTarget !== null ) { const mrt = renderer.getMRT(); const materialMRT = this.mrtNode; if ( mrt !== null ) { resultNode = mrt; if ( materialMRT !== null ) { resultNode = mrt.merge( materialMRT ); } } else if ( materialMRT !== null ) { resultNode = materialMRT; } } } else { let fragmentNode = this.fragmentNode; if ( fragmentNode.isOutputStructNode !== true ) { fragmentNode = vec4( fragmentNode ); } resultNode = this.setupOutput( builder, fragmentNode ); } builder.stack.outputNode = resultNode; builder.addFlow( 'fragment', builder.removeStack() ); // < OBSERVER > = this.setupObserver( builder ); } /** * Setups the clipping node. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {ClippingNode} The clipping node. */ setupClipping( builder ) { if ( builder.clippingContext === null ) return null; const { unionPlanes, intersectionPlanes } = builder.clippingContext; let result = null; if ( unionPlanes.length > 0 || intersectionPlanes.length > 0 ) { const samples = builder.renderer.samples; if ( this.alphaToCoverage && samples > 1 ) { // to be added to flow when the color/alpha value has been determined result = clippingAlpha(); } else { builder.stack.add( clipping() ); } } return result; } /** * Setups the hardware clipping if available on the current device. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. */ setupHardwareClipping( builder ) { this.hardwareClipping = false; if ( builder.clippingContext === null ) return; const candidateCount = builder.clippingContext.unionPlanes.length; // 8 planes supported by WebGL ANGLE_clip_cull_distance and WebGPU clip-distances if ( candidateCount > 0 && candidateCount <= 8 && builder.isAvailable( 'clipDistance' ) ) { builder.stack.add( hardwareClipping() ); this.hardwareClipping = true; } return; } /** * Setups the depth of this material. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. */ setupDepth( builder ) { const { renderer, camera } = builder; // Depth let depthNode = this.depthNode; if ( depthNode === null ) { const mrt = renderer.getMRT(); if ( mrt && mrt.has( 'depth' ) ) { depthNode = mrt.get( 'depth' ); } else if ( renderer.logarithmicDepthBuffer === true ) { if ( camera.isPerspectiveCamera ) { depthNode = viewZToLogarithmicDepth( positionView.z, cameraNear, cameraFar ); } else { depthNode = viewZToOrthographicDepth( positionView.z, cameraNear, cameraFar ); } } } if ( depthNode !== null ) { depth.assign( depthNode ).append(); } } /** * Setups the position node in view space. This method exists * so derived node materials can modify the implementation e.g. sprite materials. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {Node<vec3>} The position in view space. */ setupPositionView( /*builder*/ ) { return modelViewMatrix.mul( positionLocal ).xyz; } /** * Setups the position in clip space. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {Node<vec4>} The position in view space. */ setupModelViewProjection( /*builder*/ ) { return cameraProjectionMatrix.mul( positionView ); } /** * Setups the logic for the vertex stage. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {Node<vec4>} The position in clip space. */ setupVertex( builder ) { builder.addStack(); this.setupPosition( builder ); builder.context.vertex = builder.removeStack(); return modelViewProjection; } /** * Setups the computation of the position in local space. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {Node<vec3>} The position in local space. */ setupPosition( builder ) { const { object, geometry } = builder; if ( geometry.morphAttributes.position || geometry.morphAttributes.normal || geometry.morphAttributes.color ) { morphReference( object ).append(); } if ( object.isSkinnedMesh === true ) { skinningReference( object ).append(); } if ( this.displacementMap ) { const displacementMap = materialReference( 'displacementMap', 'texture' ); const displacementScale = materialReference( 'displacementScale', 'float' ); const displacementBias = materialReference( 'displacementBias', 'float' ); positionLocal.addAssign( normalLocal.normalize().mul( ( displacementMap.x.mul( displacementScale ).add( displacementBias ) ) ) ); } if ( object.isBatchedMesh ) { batch( object ).append(); } if ( ( object.isInstancedMesh && object.instanceMatrix && object.instanceMatrix.isInstancedBufferAttribute === true ) ) { instancedMesh( object ).append(); } if ( this.positionNode !== null ) { positionLocal.assign( this.positionNode.context( { isPositionNodeInput: true } ) ); } return positionLocal; } /** * Setups the computation of the material's diffuse color. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @param {BufferGeometry} geometry - The geometry. */ setupDiffuseColor( { object, geometry } ) { let colorNode = this.colorNode ? vec4( this.colorNode ) : materialColor; // VERTEX COLORS if ( this.vertexColors === true && geometry.hasAttribute( 'color' ) ) { colorNode = vec4( attribute( 'color', 'vec3' ) ), colorNode.a ); } // Instanced colors if ( object.instanceColor ) { const instanceColor = varyingProperty( 'vec3', 'vInstanceColor' ); colorNode = instanceColor.mul( colorNode ); } if ( object.isBatchedMesh && object._colorsTexture ) { const batchColor = varyingProperty( 'vec3', 'vBatchColor' ); colorNode = batchColor.mul( colorNode ); } // COLOR diffuseColor.assign( colorNode ); // OPACITY const opacityNode = this.opacityNode ? float( this.opacityNode ) : materialOpacity; diffuseColor.a.assign( diffuseColor.a.mul( opacityNode ) ); // ALPHA TEST if ( this.alphaTestNode !== null || this.alphaTest > 0 ) { const alphaTestNode = this.alphaTestNode !== null ? float( this.alphaTestNode ) : materialAlphaTest; diffuseColor.a.lessThanEqual( alphaTestNode ).discard(); } // ALPHA HASH if ( this.alphaHash === true ) { diffuseColor.a.lessThan( getAlphaHashThreshold( positionLocal ) ).discard(); } if ( this.transparent === false && this.blending === NormalBlending && this.alphaToCoverage === false ) { diffuseColor.a.assign( 1.0 ); } } /** * Abstract interface method that can be implemented by derived materials * to setup material-specific node variables. * * @abstract * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. */ setupVariants( /*builder*/ ) { // Interface function. } /** * Setups the outgoing light node variable * * @return {Node<vec3>} The outgoing light node. */ setupOutgoingLight() { return ( this.lights === true ) ? vec3( 0 ) : diffuseColor.rgb; } /** * Setups the normal node from the material. * * @return {Node<vec3>} The normal node. */ setupNormal() { return this.normalNode ? vec3( this.normalNode ) : materialNormal; } /** * Setups the environment node from the material. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {Node<vec4>} The environment node. */ setupEnvironment( /*builder*/ ) { let node = null; if ( this.envNode ) { node = this.envNode; } else if ( this.envMap ) { node = this.envMap.isCubeTexture ? materialReference( 'envMap', 'cubeTexture' ) : materialReference( 'envMap', 'texture' ); } return node; } /** * Setups the light map node from the material. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {Node<vec3>} The light map node. */ setupLightMap( builder ) { let node = null; if ( builder.material.lightMap ) { node = new IrradianceNode( materialLightMap ); } return node; } /** * Setups the lights node based on the scene, environment and material. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {LightsNode} The lights node. */ setupLights( builder ) { const materialLightsNode = []; // const envNode = this.setupEnvironment( builder ); if ( envNode && envNode.isLightingNode ) { materialLightsNode.push( envNode ); } const lightMapNode = this.setupLightMap( builder ); if ( lightMapNode && lightMapNode.isLightingNode ) { materialLightsNode.push( lightMapNode ); } if ( this.aoNode !== null || builder.material.aoMap ) { const aoNode = this.aoNode !== null ? this.aoNode : materialAO; materialLightsNode.push( new AONode( aoNode ) ); } let lightsN = this.lightsNode || builder.lightsNode; if ( materialLightsNode.length > 0 ) { lightsN = [ ...lightsN.getLights(), ...materialLightsNode ] ); } return lightsN; } /** * This method should be implemented by most derived materials * since it defines the material's lighting model. * * @abstract * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {LightingModel} The lighting model. */ setupLightingModel( /*builder*/ ) { // Interface function. } /** * Setups the outgoing light node. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {Node<vec3>} The outgoing light node. */ setupLighting( builder ) { const { material } = builder; const { backdropNode, backdropAlphaNode, emissiveNode } = this; // OUTGOING LIGHT const lights = this.lights === true || this.lightsNode !== null; const lightsNode = lights ? this.setupLights( builder ) : null; let outgoingLightNode = this.setupOutgoingLight( builder ); if ( lightsNode && lightsNode.getScope().hasLights ) { const lightingModel = this.setupLightingModel( builder ); outgoingLightNode = lightingContext( lightsNode, lightingModel, backdropNode, backdropAlphaNode ); } else if ( backdropNode !== null ) { outgoingLightNode = vec3( backdropAlphaNode !== null ? mix( outgoingLightNode, backdropNode, backdropAlphaNode ) : backdropNode ); } // EMISSIVE if ( ( emissiveNode && emissiveNode.isNode === true ) || ( material.emissive && material.emissive.isColor === true ) ) { emissive.assign( vec3( emissiveNode ? emissiveNode : materialEmissive ) ); outgoingLightNode = outgoingLightNode.add( emissive ); } return outgoingLightNode; } /** * Setups the output node. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @param {Node<vec4>} outputNode - The existing output node. * @return {Node<vec4>} The output node. */ setupOutput( builder, outputNode ) { // FOG if ( this.fog === true ) { const fogNode = builder.fogNode; if ( fogNode ) { output.assign( outputNode ); outputNode = vec4( fogNode ); } } return outputNode; } /** * Most classic material types have a node pendant e.g. for `MeshBasicMaterial` * there is `MeshBasicNodeMaterial`. This utility method is intended for * defining all material properties of the classic type in the node type. * * @param {Material} material - The material to copy properties with their values to this node material. */ setDefaultValues( material ) { // This approach is to reuse the native refreshUniforms* // and turn available the use of features like transmission and environment in core for ( const property in material ) { const value = material[ property ]; if ( this[ property ] === undefined ) { this[ property ] = value; if ( value && value.clone ) this[ property ] = value.clone(); } } const descriptors = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors( material.constructor.prototype ); for ( const key in descriptors ) { if ( Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( this.constructor.prototype, key ) === undefined && descriptors[ key ].get !== undefined ) { Object.defineProperty( this.constructor.prototype, key, descriptors[ key ] ); } } } /** * Serializes this material to JSON. * * @param {(Object|String)?} meta - The meta information for serialization. * @return {Object} The serialized node. */ toJSON( meta ) { const isRoot = ( meta === undefined || typeof meta === 'string' ); if ( isRoot ) { meta = { textures: {}, images: {}, nodes: {} }; } const data = this, meta ); const nodeChildren = getNodeChildren( this ); data.inputNodes = {}; for ( const { property, childNode } of nodeChildren ) { data.inputNodes[ property ] = childNode.toJSON( meta ).uuid; } // TODO: Copied from Object3D.toJSON function extractFromCache( cache ) { const values = []; for ( const key in cache ) { const data = cache[ key ]; delete data.metadata; values.push( data ); } return values; } if ( isRoot ) { const textures = extractFromCache( meta.textures ); const images = extractFromCache( meta.images ); const nodes = extractFromCache( meta.nodes ); if ( textures.length > 0 ) data.textures = textures; if ( images.length > 0 ) data.images = images; if ( nodes.length > 0 ) data.nodes = nodes; } return data; } /** * Copies the properties of the given node material to this instance. * * @param {NodeMaterial} source - The material to copy. * @return {NodeMaterial} A reference to this node material. */ copy( source ) { this.lightsNode = source.lightsNode; this.envNode = source.envNode; this.colorNode = source.colorNode; this.normalNode = source.normalNode; this.opacityNode = source.opacityNode; this.backdropNode = source.backdropNode; this.backdropAlphaNode = source.backdropAlphaNode; this.alphaTestNode = source.alphaTestNode; this.positionNode = source.positionNode; this.geometryNode = source.geometryNode; this.depthNode = source.depthNode; this.shadowPositionNode = source.shadowPositionNode; this.receivedShadowNode = source.receivedShadowNode; this.castShadowNode = source.castShadowNode; this.outputNode = source.outputNode; this.mrtNode = source.mrtNode; this.fragmentNode = source.fragmentNode; this.vertexNode = source.vertexNode; return super.copy( source ); } } export default NodeMaterial;