import NodeMaterial from './NodeMaterial.js';
import { diffuseColor, metalness, roughness, specularColor, specularF90 } from '../../nodes/core/PropertyNode.js';
import { mix } from '../../nodes/math/MathNode.js';
import { materialRoughness, materialMetalness } from '../../nodes/accessors/MaterialNode.js';
import getRoughness from '../../nodes/functions/material/getRoughness.js';
import PhysicalLightingModel from '../../nodes/functions/PhysicalLightingModel.js';
import EnvironmentNode from '../../nodes/lighting/EnvironmentNode.js';
import { float, vec3, vec4 } from '../../nodes/tsl/TSLBase.js';
import { MeshStandardMaterial } from '../MeshStandardMaterial.js';
const _defaultValues = /*@__PURE__*/ new MeshStandardMaterial();
* Node material version of `MeshStandardMaterial`.
* @augments NodeMaterial
class MeshStandardNodeMaterial extends NodeMaterial {
static get type() {
return 'MeshStandardNodeMaterial';
* Constructs a new mesh standard node material.
* @param {Object?} parameters - The configuration parameter.
constructor( parameters ) {
* This flag can be used for type testing.
* @type {Boolean}
* @readonly
* @default true
this.isMeshStandardNodeMaterial = true;
* Set to `true` because standard materials react on lights.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
this.lights = true;
* The emissive color of standard materials is by default inferred from the `emissive`,
* `emissiveIntensity` and `emissiveMap` properties. This node property allows to
* overwrite the default and define the emissive color with a node instead.
* If you don't want to overwrite the emissive color but modify the existing
* value instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialEmissive}.
* @type {Node<vec3>?}
* @default null
this.emissiveNode = null;
* The metalness of standard materials is by default inferred from the `metalness`,
* and `metalnessMap` properties. This node property allows to
* overwrite the default and define the metalness with a node instead.
* If you don't want to overwrite the metalness but modify the existing
* value instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialMetalness}.
* @type {Node<float>?}
* @default null
this.metalnessNode = null;
* The roughness of standard materials is by default inferred from the `roughness`,
* and `roughnessMap` properties. This node property allows to
* overwrite the default and define the roughness with a node instead.
* If you don't want to overwrite the roughness but modify the existing
* value instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialRoughness}.
* @type {Node<float>?}
* @default null
this.roughnessNode = null;
this.setDefaultValues( _defaultValues );
this.setValues( parameters );
* Overwritten since this type of material uses {@link EnvironmentNode}
* to implement the PBR (PMREM based) environment mapping. Besides, the
* method honors `Scene.environment`.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder.
* @return {EnvironmentNode<vec3>?} The environment node.
setupEnvironment( builder ) {
let envNode = super.setupEnvironment( builder );
if ( envNode === null && builder.environmentNode ) {
envNode = builder.environmentNode;
return envNode ? new EnvironmentNode( envNode ) : null;
* Setups the lighting model.
* @return {PhysicalLightingModel} The lighting model.
setupLightingModel( /*builder*/ ) {
return new PhysicalLightingModel();
* Setups the specular related node variables.
setupSpecular() {
const specularColorNode = mix( vec3( 0.04 ), diffuseColor.rgb, metalness );
specularColor.assign( specularColorNode );
specularF90.assign( 1.0 );
* Setups the standard specific node variables.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder.
setupVariants() {
const metalnessNode = this.metalnessNode ? float( this.metalnessNode ) : materialMetalness;
metalness.assign( metalnessNode );
let roughnessNode = this.roughnessNode ? float( this.roughnessNode ) : materialRoughness;
roughnessNode = getRoughness( { roughness: roughnessNode } );
roughness.assign( roughnessNode );
diffuseColor.assign( vec4( diffuseColor.rgb.mul( metalnessNode.oneMinus() ), diffuseColor.a ) );
copy( source ) {
this.emissiveNode = source.emissiveNode;
this.metalnessNode = source.metalnessNode;
this.roughnessNode = source.roughnessNode;
return super.copy( source );
export default MeshStandardNodeMaterial;