MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import MeshPhysicalNodeMaterial from './MeshPhysicalNodeMaterial.js'; import PhysicalLightingModel from '../../nodes/functions/PhysicalLightingModel.js'; import { transformedNormalView } from '../../nodes/accessors/Normal.js'; import { positionViewDirection } from '../../nodes/accessors/Position.js'; import { float, vec3 } from '../../nodes/tsl/TSLBase.js'; /** @module MeshSSSNodeMaterial **/ /** * Represents the lighting model for {@link MeshSSSNodeMaterial}. * * @augments PhysicalLightingModel */ class SSSLightingModel extends PhysicalLightingModel { /** * Constructs a new physical lighting model. * * @param {Boolean} [clearcoat=false] - Whether clearcoat is supported or not. * @param {Boolean} [sheen=false] - Whether sheen is supported or not. * @param {Boolean} [iridescence=false] - Whether iridescence is supported or not. * @param {Boolean} [anisotropy=false] - Whether anisotropy is supported or not. * @param {Boolean} [transmission=false] - Whether transmission is supported or not. * @param {Boolean} [dispersion=false] - Whether dispersion is supported or not. * @param {Boolean} [sss=false] - Whether SSS is supported or not. */ constructor( clearcoat = false, sheen = false, iridescence = false, anisotropy = false, transmission = false, dispersion = false, sss = false ) { super( clearcoat, sheen, iridescence, anisotropy, transmission, dispersion ); /** * Whether the lighting model should use SSS or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ this.useSSS = sss; } /** * Extends the default implementation with a SSS term. * * Reference: [Approximating Translucency for a Fast, Cheap and Convincing Subsurface Scattering Look]{@link} * * @param {Object} input - The input data. * @param {StackNode} stack - The current stack. * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. */ direct( { lightDirection, lightColor, reflectedLight }, stack, builder ) { if ( this.useSSS === true ) { const material = builder.material; const { thicknessColorNode, thicknessDistortionNode, thicknessAmbientNode, thicknessAttenuationNode, thicknessPowerNode, thicknessScaleNode } = material; const scatteringHalf = lightDirection.add( transformedNormalView.mul( thicknessDistortionNode ) ).normalize(); const scatteringDot = float( scatteringHalf.negate() ).saturate().pow( thicknessPowerNode ).mul( thicknessScaleNode ) ); const scatteringIllu = vec3( scatteringDot.add( thicknessAmbientNode ).mul( thicknessColorNode ) ); reflectedLight.directDiffuse.addAssign( scatteringIllu.mul( thicknessAttenuationNode.mul( lightColor ) ) ); } { lightDirection, lightColor, reflectedLight }, stack, builder ); } } /** * This node material is an experimental extension of {@link MeshPhysicalNodeMaterial} * that implements a Subsurface scattering (SSS) term. * * @augments MeshPhysicalNodeMaterial */ class MeshSSSNodeMaterial extends MeshPhysicalNodeMaterial { static get type() { return 'MeshSSSNodeMaterial'; } /** * Constructs a new mesh SSS node material. * * @param {Object?} parameters - The configuration parameter. */ constructor( parameters ) { super( parameters ); /** * Represents the thickness color. * * @type {Node<vec3>?} * @default null */ this.thicknessColorNode = null; /** * Represents the distortion factor. * * @type {Node<float>?} */ this.thicknessDistortionNode = float( 0.1 ); /** * Represents the thickness ambient factor. * * @type {Node<float>?} */ this.thicknessAmbientNode = float( 0.0 ); /** * Represents the thickness attenuation. * * @type {Node<float>?} */ this.thicknessAttenuationNode = float( .1 ); /** * Represents the thickness power. * * @type {Node<float>?} */ this.thicknessPowerNode = float( 2.0 ); /** * Represents the thickness scale. * * @type {Node<float>?} */ this.thicknessScaleNode = float( 10.0 ); } /** * Whether the lighting model should use SSS or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ get useSSS() { return this.thicknessColorNode !== null; } /** * Setups the lighting model. * * @return {SSSLightingModel} The lighting model. */ setupLightingModel( /*builder*/ ) { return new SSSLightingModel( this.useClearcoat, this.useSheen, this.useIridescence, this.useAnisotropy, this.useTransmission, this.useDispersion, this.useSSS ); } copy( source ) { this.thicknessColorNode = source.thicknessColorNode; this.thicknessDistortionNode = source.thicknessDistortionNode; this.thicknessAmbientNode = source.thicknessAmbientNode; this.thicknessAttenuationNode = source.thicknessAttenuationNode; this.thicknessPowerNode = source.thicknessPowerNode; this.thicknessScaleNode = source.thicknessScaleNode; return super.copy( source ); } } export default MeshSSSNodeMaterial;