MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { clearcoat, clearcoatRoughness, sheen, sheenRoughness, iridescence, iridescenceIOR, iridescenceThickness, specularColor, specularF90, diffuseColor, metalness, roughness, anisotropy, alphaT, anisotropyT, anisotropyB, ior, transmission, thickness, attenuationDistance, attenuationColor, dispersion } from '../../nodes/core/PropertyNode.js'; import { materialClearcoat, materialClearcoatRoughness, materialClearcoatNormal, materialSheen, materialSheenRoughness, materialIridescence, materialIridescenceIOR, materialIridescenceThickness, materialSpecularIntensity, materialSpecularColor, materialAnisotropy, materialIOR, materialTransmission, materialThickness, materialAttenuationDistance, materialAttenuationColor, materialDispersion } from '../../nodes/accessors/MaterialNode.js'; import { float, vec2, vec3, If } from '../../nodes/tsl/TSLBase.js'; import getRoughness from '../../nodes/functions/material/getRoughness.js'; import { TBNViewMatrix } from '../../nodes/accessors/AccessorsUtils.js'; import PhysicalLightingModel from '../../nodes/functions/PhysicalLightingModel.js'; import MeshStandardNodeMaterial from './MeshStandardNodeMaterial.js'; import { mix, pow2, min } from '../../nodes/math/MathNode.js'; import { MeshPhysicalMaterial } from '../MeshPhysicalMaterial.js'; const _defaultValues = /*@__PURE__*/ new MeshPhysicalMaterial(); /** * Node material version of `MeshPhysicalMaterial`. * * @augments MeshStandardNodeMaterial */ class MeshPhysicalNodeMaterial extends MeshStandardNodeMaterial { static get type() { return 'MeshPhysicalNodeMaterial'; } /** * Constructs a new mesh physical node material. * * @param {Object?} parameters - The configuration parameter. */ constructor( parameters ) { super(); /** * This flag can be used for type testing. * * @type {Boolean} * @readonly * @default true */ this.isMeshPhysicalNodeMaterial = true; /** * The clearcoat of physical materials is by default inferred from the `clearcoat` * and `clearcoatMap` properties. This node property allows to overwrite the default * and define the clearcoat with a node instead. * * If you don't want to overwrite the clearcoat but modify the existing * value instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialClearcoat}. * * @type {Node<float>?} * @default null */ this.clearcoatNode = null; /** * The clearcoat roughness of physical materials is by default inferred from the `clearcoatRoughness` * and `clearcoatRoughnessMap` properties. This node property allows to overwrite the default * and define the clearcoat roughness with a node instead. * * If you don't want to overwrite the clearcoat roughness but modify the existing * value instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialClearcoatRoughness}. * * @type {Node<float>?} * @default null */ this.clearcoatRoughnessNode = null; /** * The clearcoat normal of physical materials is by default inferred from the `clearcoatNormalMap` * property. This node property allows to overwrite the default * and define the clearcoat normal with a node instead. * * If you don't want to overwrite the clearcoat normal but modify the existing * value instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialClearcoatNormal}. * * @type {Node<vec3>?} * @default null */ this.clearcoatNormalNode = null; /** * The sheen of physical materials is by default inferred from the `sheen`, `sheenColor` * and `sheenColorMap` properties. This node property allows to overwrite the default * and define the sheen with a node instead. * * If you don't want to overwrite the sheen but modify the existing * value instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialSheen}. * * @type {Node<vec3>?} * @default null */ this.sheenNode = null; /** * The sheen roughness of physical materials is by default inferred from the `sheenRoughness` and * `sheenRoughnessMap` properties. This node property allows to overwrite the default * and define the sheen roughness with a node instead. * * If you don't want to overwrite the sheen roughness but modify the existing * value instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialSheenRoughness}. * * @type {Node<float>?} * @default null */ this.sheenRoughnessNode = null; /** * The iridescence of physical materials is by default inferred from the `iridescence` * property. This node property allows to overwrite the default * and define the iridescence with a node instead. * * If you don't want to overwrite the iridescence but modify the existing * value instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialIridescence}. * * @type {Node<float>?} * @default null */ this.iridescenceNode = null; /** * The iridescence IOR of physical materials is by default inferred from the `iridescenceIOR` * property. This node property allows to overwrite the default * and define the iridescence IOR with a node instead. * * If you don't want to overwrite the iridescence IOR but modify the existing * value instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialIridescenceIOR}. * * @type {Node<float>?} * @default null */ this.iridescenceIORNode = null; /** * The iridescence thickness of physical materials is by default inferred from the `iridescenceThicknessRange` * and `iridescenceThicknessMap` properties. This node property allows to overwrite the default * and define the iridescence thickness with a node instead. * * If you don't want to overwrite the iridescence thickness but modify the existing * value instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialIridescenceThickness}. * * @type {Node<float>?} * @default null */ this.iridescenceThicknessNode = null; /** * The specular intensity of physical materials is by default inferred from the `specularIntensity` * and `specularIntensityMap` properties. This node property allows to overwrite the default * and define the specular intensity with a node instead. * * If you don't want to overwrite the specular intensity but modify the existing * value instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialSpecularIntensity}. * * @type {Node<float>?} * @default null */ this.specularIntensityNode = null; /** * The specular color of physical materials is by default inferred from the `specularColor` * and `specularColorMap` properties. This node property allows to overwrite the default * and define the specular color with a node instead. * * If you don't want to overwrite the specular color but modify the existing * value instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialSpecularColor}. * * @type {Node<vec3>?} * @default null */ this.specularColorNode = null; /** * The ior of physical materials is by default inferred from the `ior` * property. This node property allows to overwrite the default * and define the ior with a node instead. * * If you don't want to overwrite the ior but modify the existing * value instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialIOR}. * * @type {Node<float>?} * @default null */ this.iorNode = null; /** * The transmission of physical materials is by default inferred from the `transmission` and * `transmissionMap` properties. This node property allows to overwrite the default * and define the transmission with a node instead. * * If you don't want to overwrite the transmission but modify the existing * value instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialTransmission}. * * @type {Node<float>?} * @default null */ this.transmissionNode = null; /** * The thickness of physical materials is by default inferred from the `thickness` and * `thicknessMap` properties. This node property allows to overwrite the default * and define the thickness with a node instead. * * If you don't want to overwrite the thickness but modify the existing * value instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialThickness}. * * @type {Node<float>?} * @default null */ this.thicknessNode = null; /** * The attenuation distance of physical materials is by default inferred from the * `attenuationDistance` property. This node property allows to overwrite the default * and define the attenuation distance with a node instead. * * If you don't want to overwrite the attenuation distance but modify the existing * value instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialAttenuationDistance}. * * @type {Node<float>?} * @default null */ this.attenuationDistanceNode = null; /** * The attenuation color of physical materials is by default inferred from the * `attenuationColor` property. This node property allows to overwrite the default * and define the attenuation color with a node instead. * * If you don't want to overwrite the attenuation color but modify the existing * value instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialAttenuationColor}. * * @type {Node<vec3>?} * @default null */ this.attenuationColorNode = null; /** * The dispersion of physical materials is by default inferred from the * `dispersion` property. This node property allows to overwrite the default * and define the dispersion with a node instead. * * If you don't want to overwrite the dispersion but modify the existing * value instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialDispersion}. * * @type {Node<float>?} * @default null */ this.dispersionNode = null; /** * The anisotropy of physical materials is by default inferred from the * `anisotropy` property. This node property allows to overwrite the default * and define the anisotropy with a node instead. * * If you don't want to overwrite the anisotropy but modify the existing * value instead, use {@link module:MaterialNode.materialAnisotropy}. * * @type {Node<float>?} * @default null */ this.anisotropyNode = null; this.setDefaultValues( _defaultValues ); this.setValues( parameters ); } /** * Whether the lighting model should use clearcoat or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ get useClearcoat() { return this.clearcoat > 0 || this.clearcoatNode !== null; } /** * Whether the lighting model should use iridescence or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ get useIridescence() { return this.iridescence > 0 || this.iridescenceNode !== null; } /** * Whether the lighting model should use sheen or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ get useSheen() { return this.sheen > 0 || this.sheenNode !== null; } /** * Whether the lighting model should use anisotropy or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ get useAnisotropy() { return this.anisotropy > 0 || this.anisotropyNode !== null; } /** * Whether the lighting model should use transmission or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ get useTransmission() { return this.transmission > 0 || this.transmissionNode !== null; } /** * Whether the lighting model should use dispersion or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ get useDispersion() { return this.dispersion > 0 || this.dispersionNode !== null; } /** * Setups the specular related node variables. */ setupSpecular() { const iorNode = this.iorNode ? float( this.iorNode ) : materialIOR; ior.assign( iorNode ); specularColor.assign( mix( min( pow2( ior.sub( 1.0 ).div( ior.add( 1.0 ) ) ).mul( materialSpecularColor ), vec3( 1.0 ) ).mul( materialSpecularIntensity ), diffuseColor.rgb, metalness ) ); specularF90.assign( mix( materialSpecularIntensity, 1.0, metalness ) ); } /** * Setups the lighting model. * * @return {PhysicalLightingModel} The lighting model. */ setupLightingModel( /*builder*/ ) { return new PhysicalLightingModel( this.useClearcoat, this.useSheen, this.useIridescence, this.useAnisotropy, this.useTransmission, this.useDispersion ); } /** * Setups the physical specific node variables. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. */ setupVariants( builder ) { super.setupVariants( builder ); // CLEARCOAT if ( this.useClearcoat ) { const clearcoatNode = this.clearcoatNode ? float( this.clearcoatNode ) : materialClearcoat; const clearcoatRoughnessNode = this.clearcoatRoughnessNode ? float( this.clearcoatRoughnessNode ) : materialClearcoatRoughness; clearcoat.assign( clearcoatNode ); clearcoatRoughness.assign( getRoughness( { roughness: clearcoatRoughnessNode } ) ); } // SHEEN if ( this.useSheen ) { const sheenNode = this.sheenNode ? vec3( this.sheenNode ) : materialSheen; const sheenRoughnessNode = this.sheenRoughnessNode ? float( this.sheenRoughnessNode ) : materialSheenRoughness; sheen.assign( sheenNode ); sheenRoughness.assign( sheenRoughnessNode ); } // IRIDESCENCE if ( this.useIridescence ) { const iridescenceNode = this.iridescenceNode ? float( this.iridescenceNode ) : materialIridescence; const iridescenceIORNode = this.iridescenceIORNode ? float( this.iridescenceIORNode ) : materialIridescenceIOR; const iridescenceThicknessNode = this.iridescenceThicknessNode ? float( this.iridescenceThicknessNode ) : materialIridescenceThickness; iridescence.assign( iridescenceNode ); iridescenceIOR.assign( iridescenceIORNode ); iridescenceThickness.assign( iridescenceThicknessNode ); } // ANISOTROPY if ( this.useAnisotropy ) { const anisotropyV = ( this.anisotropyNode ? vec2( this.anisotropyNode ) : materialAnisotropy ).toVar(); anisotropy.assign( anisotropyV.length() ); If( anisotropy.equal( 0.0 ), () => { anisotropyV.assign( vec2( 1.0, 0.0 ) ); } ).Else( () => { anisotropyV.divAssign( vec2( anisotropy ) ); anisotropy.assign( anisotropy.saturate() ); } ); // Roughness along the anisotropy bitangent is the material roughness, while the tangent roughness increases with anisotropy. alphaT.assign( anisotropy.pow2().mix( roughness.pow2(), 1.0 ) ); anisotropyT.assign( TBNViewMatrix[ 0 ].mul( anisotropyV.x ).add( TBNViewMatrix[ 1 ].mul( anisotropyV.y ) ) ); anisotropyB.assign( TBNViewMatrix[ 1 ].mul( anisotropyV.x ).sub( TBNViewMatrix[ 0 ].mul( anisotropyV.y ) ) ); } // TRANSMISSION if ( this.useTransmission ) { const transmissionNode = this.transmissionNode ? float( this.transmissionNode ) : materialTransmission; const thicknessNode = this.thicknessNode ? float( this.thicknessNode ) : materialThickness; const attenuationDistanceNode = this.attenuationDistanceNode ? float( this.attenuationDistanceNode ) : materialAttenuationDistance; const attenuationColorNode = this.attenuationColorNode ? vec3( this.attenuationColorNode ) : materialAttenuationColor; transmission.assign( transmissionNode ); thickness.assign( thicknessNode ); attenuationDistance.assign( attenuationDistanceNode ); attenuationColor.assign( attenuationColorNode ); if ( this.useDispersion ) { const dispersionNode = this.dispersionNode ? float( this.dispersionNode ) : materialDispersion; dispersion.assign( dispersionNode ); } } } /** * Setups the clearcoat normal node. * * @return {Node<vec3>} The clearcoat normal. */ setupClearcoatNormal() { return this.clearcoatNormalNode ? vec3( this.clearcoatNormalNode ) : materialClearcoatNormal; } setup( builder ) { builder.context.setupClearcoatNormal = () => this.setupClearcoatNormal( builder ); super.setup( builder ); } copy( source ) { this.clearcoatNode = source.clearcoatNode; this.clearcoatRoughnessNode = source.clearcoatRoughnessNode; this.clearcoatNormalNode = source.clearcoatNormalNode; this.sheenNode = source.sheenNode; this.sheenRoughnessNode = source.sheenRoughnessNode; this.iridescenceNode = source.iridescenceNode; this.iridescenceIORNode = source.iridescenceIORNode; this.iridescenceThicknessNode = source.iridescenceThicknessNode; this.specularIntensityNode = source.specularIntensityNode; this.specularColorNode = source.specularColorNode; this.transmissionNode = source.transmissionNode; this.thicknessNode = source.thicknessNode; this.attenuationDistanceNode = source.attenuationDistanceNode; this.attenuationColorNode = source.attenuationColorNode; this.dispersionNode = source.dispersionNode; this.anisotropyNode = source.anisotropyNode; return super.copy( source ); } } export default MeshPhysicalNodeMaterial;