MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import NodeMaterial from './NodeMaterial.js'; import { materialLightMap } from '../../nodes/accessors/MaterialNode.js'; import BasicEnvironmentNode from '../../nodes/lighting/BasicEnvironmentNode.js'; import BasicLightMapNode from '../../nodes/lighting/BasicLightMapNode.js'; import BasicLightingModel from '../../nodes/functions/BasicLightingModel.js'; import { normalView } from '../../nodes/accessors/Normal.js'; import { diffuseColor } from '../../nodes/core/PropertyNode.js'; import { MeshBasicMaterial } from '../MeshBasicMaterial.js'; const _defaultValues = /*@__PURE__*/ new MeshBasicMaterial(); /** * Node material version of `MeshBasicMaterial`. * * @augments NodeMaterial */ class MeshBasicNodeMaterial extends NodeMaterial { static get type() { return 'MeshBasicNodeMaterial'; } /** * Constructs a new mesh basic node material. * * @param {Object?} parameters - The configuration parameter. */ constructor( parameters ) { super(); /** * This flag can be used for type testing. * * @type {Boolean} * @readonly * @default true */ this.isMeshBasicNodeMaterial = true; /** * Although the basic material is by definition unlit, we set * this property to `true` since we use a lighting model to compute * the outgoing light of the fragment shader. * * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ this.lights = true; this.setDefaultValues( _defaultValues ); this.setValues( parameters ); } /** * Basic materials are not affected by normal and bump maps so we * return by default {@link module:Normal.normalView}. * * @return {Node<vec3>} The normal node. */ setupNormal() { return normalView; // see #28839 } /** * Overwritten since this type of material uses {@link BasicEnvironmentNode} * to implement the default environment mapping. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {BasicEnvironmentNode<vec3>?} The environment node. */ setupEnvironment( builder ) { const envNode = super.setupEnvironment( builder ); return envNode ? new BasicEnvironmentNode( envNode ) : null; } /** * This method must be overwritten since light maps are evaluated * with a special scaling factor for basic materials. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {BasicLightMapNode<vec3>?} The light map node. */ setupLightMap( builder ) { let node = null; if ( builder.material.lightMap ) { node = new BasicLightMapNode( materialLightMap ); } return node; } /** * The material overwrites this method because `lights` is set to `true` but * we still want to return the diffuse color as the outgoing light. * * @return {Node<vec3>} The outgoing light node. */ setupOutgoingLight() { return diffuseColor.rgb; } /** * Setups the lighting model. * * @return {BasicLightingModel} The lighting model. */ setupLightingModel() { return new BasicLightingModel(); } } export default MeshBasicNodeMaterial;