MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import NodeMaterial from './NodeMaterial.js'; import { dashSize, gapSize, varyingProperty } from '../../nodes/core/PropertyNode.js'; import { attribute } from '../../nodes/core/AttributeNode.js'; import { cameraProjectionMatrix } from '../../nodes/accessors/Camera.js'; import { materialColor, materialLineScale, materialLineDashSize, materialLineGapSize, materialLineDashOffset, materialLineWidth, materialOpacity } from '../../nodes/accessors/MaterialNode.js'; import { modelViewMatrix } from '../../nodes/accessors/ModelNode.js'; import { positionGeometry } from '../../nodes/accessors/Position.js'; import { mix, smoothstep } from '../../nodes/math/MathNode.js'; import { Fn, float, vec2, vec3, vec4, If } from '../../nodes/tsl/TSLBase.js'; import { uv } from '../../nodes/accessors/UV.js'; import { viewport } from '../../nodes/display/ScreenNode.js'; import { viewportSharedTexture } from '../../nodes/display/ViewportSharedTextureNode.js'; import { LineDashedMaterial } from '../LineDashedMaterial.js'; import { NoBlending } from '../../constants.js'; const _defaultValues = /*@__PURE__*/ new LineDashedMaterial(); /** * This node material can be used to render lines with a size larger than one * by representing them as instanced meshes. * * @augments NodeMaterial */ class Line2NodeMaterial extends NodeMaterial { static get type() { return 'Line2NodeMaterial'; } /** * Constructs a new node material for wide line rendering. * * @param {Object?} parameters - The configuration parameter. */ constructor( parameters = {} ) { super(); /** * This flag can be used for type testing. * * @type {Boolean} * @readonly * @default true */ this.isLine2NodeMaterial = true; this.setDefaultValues( _defaultValues ); /** * Whether vertex colors should be used or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ this.useColor = parameters.vertexColors; /** * The dash offset. * * @type {Number} * @default 0 */ this.dashOffset = 0; /** * The line width. * * @type {Number} * @default 0 */ this.lineWidth = 1; /** * Defines the lines color. * * @type {Node<vec3>?} * @default null */ this.lineColorNode = null; /** * Defines the offset. * * @type {Node<float>?} * @default null */ this.offsetNode = null; /** * Defines the dash scale. * * @type {Node<float>?} * @default null */ this.dashScaleNode = null; /** * Defines the dash size. * * @type {Node<float>?} * @default null */ this.dashSizeNode = null; /** * Defines the gap size. * * @type {Node<float>?} * @default null */ this.gapSizeNode = null; /** * Blending is set to `NoBlending` since transparency * is not supported, yet. * * @type {Number} * @default 0 */ this.blending = NoBlending; this._useDash = parameters.dashed; this._useAlphaToCoverage = true; this._useWorldUnits = false; this.setValues( parameters ); } /** * Setups the vertex and fragment stage of this node material. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. */ setup( builder ) { const { renderer } = builder; const useAlphaToCoverage = this._useAlphaToCoverage; const useColor = this.useColor; const useDash = this._useDash; const useWorldUnits = this._useWorldUnits; const trimSegment = Fn( ( { start, end } ) => { const a = cameraProjectionMatrix.element( 2 ).element( 2 ); // 3nd entry in 3th column const b = cameraProjectionMatrix.element( 3 ).element( 2 ); // 3nd entry in 4th column const nearEstimate = b.mul( - 0.5 ).div( a ); const alpha = nearEstimate.sub( start.z ).div( end.z.sub( start.z ) ); return vec4( mix(,, alpha ), end.w ); } ).setLayout( { name: 'trimSegment', type: 'vec4', inputs: [ { name: 'start', type: 'vec4' }, { name: 'end', type: 'vec4' } ] } ); this.vertexNode = Fn( () => { const instanceStart = attribute( 'instanceStart' ); const instanceEnd = attribute( 'instanceEnd' ); // camera space const start = vec4( modelViewMatrix.mul( vec4( instanceStart, 1.0 ) ) ).toVar( 'start' ); const end = vec4( modelViewMatrix.mul( vec4( instanceEnd, 1.0 ) ) ).toVar( 'end' ); if ( useDash ) { const dashScaleNode = this.dashScaleNode ? float( this.dashScaleNode ) : materialLineScale; const offsetNode = this.offsetNode ? float( this.offsetNode ) : materialLineDashOffset; const instanceDistanceStart = attribute( 'instanceDistanceStart' ); const instanceDistanceEnd = attribute( 'instanceDistanceEnd' ); let lineDistance = positionGeometry.y.lessThan( 0.5 ).select( dashScaleNode.mul( instanceDistanceStart ), dashScaleNode.mul( instanceDistanceEnd ) ); lineDistance = lineDistance.add( offsetNode ); varyingProperty( 'float', 'lineDistance' ).assign( lineDistance ); } if ( useWorldUnits ) { varyingProperty( 'vec3', 'worldStart' ).assign( ); varyingProperty( 'vec3', 'worldEnd' ).assign( ); } const aspect = viewport.z.div( viewport.w ); // special case for perspective projection, and segments that terminate either in, or behind, the camera plane // clearly the gpu firmware has a way of addressing this issue when projecting into ndc space // but we need to perform ndc-space calculations in the shader, so we must address this issue directly // perhaps there is a more elegant solution -- WestLangley const perspective = cameraProjectionMatrix.element( 2 ).element( 3 ).equal( - 1.0 ); // 4th entry in the 3rd column If( perspective, () => { If( start.z.lessThan( 0.0 ).and( end.z.greaterThan( 0.0 ) ), () => { end.assign( trimSegment( { start: start, end: end } ) ); } ).ElseIf( end.z.lessThan( 0.0 ).and( start.z.greaterThanEqual( 0.0 ) ), () => { start.assign( trimSegment( { start: end, end: start } ) ); } ); } ); // clip space const clipStart = cameraProjectionMatrix.mul( start ); const clipEnd = cameraProjectionMatrix.mul( end ); // ndc space const ndcStart = clipStart.w ); const ndcEnd = clipEnd.w ); // direction const dir = ndcEnd.xy.sub( ndcStart.xy ).toVar(); // account for clip-space aspect ratio dir.x.assign( dir.x.mul( aspect ) ); dir.assign( dir.normalize() ); const clip = vec4().toVar(); if ( useWorldUnits ) { // get the offset direction as perpendicular to the view vector const worldDir = ).normalize(); const tmpFwd = mix(,, 0.5 ).normalize(); const worldUp = worldDir.cross( tmpFwd ).normalize(); const worldFwd = worldDir.cross( worldUp ); const worldPos = varyingProperty( 'vec4', 'worldPos' ); worldPos.assign( positionGeometry.y.lessThan( 0.5 ).select( start, end ) ); // height offset const hw = materialLineWidth.mul( 0.5 ); worldPos.addAssign( vec4( positionGeometry.x.lessThan( 0.0 ).select( worldUp.mul( hw ), worldUp.mul( hw ).negate() ), 0 ) ); // don't extend the line if we're rendering dashes because we // won't be rendering the endcaps if ( ! useDash ) { // cap extension worldPos.addAssign( vec4( positionGeometry.y.lessThan( 0.5 ).select( worldDir.mul( hw ).negate(), worldDir.mul( hw ) ), 0 ) ); // add width to the box worldPos.addAssign( vec4( worldFwd.mul( hw ), 0 ) ); // endcaps If( positionGeometry.y.greaterThan( 1.0 ).or( positionGeometry.y.lessThan( 0.0 ) ), () => { worldPos.subAssign( vec4( worldFwd.mul( 2.0 ).mul( hw ), 0 ) ); } ); } // project the worldpos clip.assign( cameraProjectionMatrix.mul( worldPos ) ); // shift the depth of the projected points so the line // segments overlap neatly const clipPose = vec3().toVar(); clipPose.assign( positionGeometry.y.lessThan( 0.5 ).select( ndcStart, ndcEnd ) ); clip.z.assign( clipPose.z.mul( clip.w ) ); } else { const offset = vec2( dir.y, dir.x.negate() ).toVar( 'offset' ); // undo aspect ratio adjustment dir.x.assign( dir.x.div( aspect ) ); offset.x.assign( offset.x.div( aspect ) ); // sign flip offset.assign( positionGeometry.x.lessThan( 0.0 ).select( offset.negate(), offset ) ); // endcaps If( positionGeometry.y.lessThan( 0.0 ), () => { offset.assign( offset.sub( dir ) ); } ).ElseIf( positionGeometry.y.greaterThan( 1.0 ), () => { offset.assign( offset.add( dir ) ); } ); // adjust for linewidth offset.assign( offset.mul( materialLineWidth ) ); // adjust for clip-space to screen-space conversion // maybe resolution should be based on viewport ... offset.assign( offset.div( viewport.w ) ); // select end clip.assign( positionGeometry.y.lessThan( 0.5 ).select( clipStart, clipEnd ) ); // back to clip space offset.assign( offset.mul( clip.w ) ); clip.assign( clip.add( vec4( offset, 0, 0 ) ) ); } return clip; } )(); const closestLineToLine = Fn( ( { p1, p2, p3, p4 } ) => { const p13 = p1.sub( p3 ); const p43 = p4.sub( p3 ); const p21 = p2.sub( p1 ); const d1343 = p43 ); const d4321 = p21 ); const d1321 = p21 ); const d4343 = p43 ); const d2121 = p21 ); const denom = d2121.mul( d4343 ).sub( d4321.mul( d4321 ) ); const numer = d1343.mul( d4321 ).sub( d1321.mul( d4343 ) ); const mua = numer.div( denom ).clamp(); const mub = d1343.add( d4321.mul( mua ) ).div( d4343 ).clamp(); return vec2( mua, mub ); } ); this.colorNode = Fn( () => { const vUv = uv(); if ( useDash ) { const dashSizeNode = this.dashSizeNode ? float( this.dashSizeNode ) : materialLineDashSize; const gapSizeNode = this.gapSizeNode ? float( this.gapSizeNode ) : materialLineGapSize; dashSize.assign( dashSizeNode ); gapSize.assign( gapSizeNode ); const vLineDistance = varyingProperty( 'float', 'lineDistance' ); vUv.y.lessThan( - 1.0 ).or( vUv.y.greaterThan( 1.0 ) ).discard(); // discard endcaps vLineDistance.mod( dashSize.add( gapSize ) ).greaterThan( dashSize ).discard(); // todo - FIX } const alpha = float( 1 ).toVar( 'alpha' ); if ( useWorldUnits ) { const worldStart = varyingProperty( 'vec3', 'worldStart' ); const worldEnd = varyingProperty( 'vec3', 'worldEnd' ); // Find the closest points on the view ray and the line segment const rayEnd = varyingProperty( 'vec4', 'worldPos' ).xyz.normalize().mul( 1e5 ); const lineDir = worldEnd.sub( worldStart ); const params = closestLineToLine( { p1: worldStart, p2: worldEnd, p3: vec3( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), p4: rayEnd } ); const p1 = worldStart.add( lineDir.mul( params.x ) ); const p2 = rayEnd.mul( params.y ); const delta = p1.sub( p2 ); const len = delta.length(); const norm = len.div( materialLineWidth ); if ( ! useDash ) { if ( useAlphaToCoverage && renderer.samples > 1 ) { const dnorm = norm.fwidth(); alpha.assign( smoothstep( dnorm.negate().add( 0.5 ), dnorm.add( 0.5 ), norm ).oneMinus() ); } else { norm.greaterThan( 0.5 ).discard(); } } } else { // round endcaps if ( useAlphaToCoverage && renderer.samples > 1 ) { const a = vUv.x; const b = vUv.y.greaterThan( 0.0 ).select( vUv.y.sub( 1.0 ), vUv.y.add( 1.0 ) ); const len2 = a.mul( a ).add( b.mul( b ) ); const dlen = float( len2.fwidth() ).toVar( 'dlen' ); If( vUv.y.abs().greaterThan( 1.0 ), () => { alpha.assign( smoothstep( dlen.oneMinus(), dlen.add( 1 ), len2 ).oneMinus() ); } ); } else { If( vUv.y.abs().greaterThan( 1.0 ), () => { const a = vUv.x; const b = vUv.y.greaterThan( 0.0 ).select( vUv.y.sub( 1.0 ), vUv.y.add( 1.0 ) ); const len2 = a.mul( a ).add( b.mul( b ) ); len2.greaterThan( 1.0 ).discard(); } ); } } let lineColorNode; if ( this.lineColorNode ) { lineColorNode = this.lineColorNode; } else { if ( useColor ) { const instanceColorStart = attribute( 'instanceColorStart' ); const instanceColorEnd = attribute( 'instanceColorEnd' ); const instanceColor = positionGeometry.y.lessThan( 0.5 ).select( instanceColorStart, instanceColorEnd ); lineColorNode = instanceColor.mul( materialColor ); } else { lineColorNode = materialColor; } } return vec4( lineColorNode, alpha ); } )(); if ( this.transparent ) { const opacityNode = this.opacityNode ? float( this.opacityNode ) : materialOpacity; this.outputNode = vec4( this.colorNode.rgb.mul( opacityNode ).add( viewportSharedTexture().rgb.mul( opacityNode.oneMinus() ) ), this.colorNode.a ); } super.setup( builder ); } /** * Whether the lines should sized in world units or not. * When set to `false` the unit is pixel. * * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ get worldUnits() { return this._useWorldUnits; } set worldUnits( value ) { if ( this._useWorldUnits !== value ) { this._useWorldUnits = value; this.needsUpdate = true; } } /** * Whether the lines should be dashed or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ get dashed() { return this._useDash; } set dashed( value ) { if ( this._useDash !== value ) { this._useDash = value; this.needsUpdate = true; } } /** * Whether alpha to coverage should be used or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ get alphaToCoverage() { return this._useAlphaToCoverage; } set alphaToCoverage( value ) { if ( this._useAlphaToCoverage !== value ) { this._useAlphaToCoverage = value; this.needsUpdate = true; } } } export default Line2NodeMaterial;