import {
} from 'three';
class SessionLightProbe {
constructor( xrLight, renderer, lightProbe, environmentEstimation, estimationStartCallback ) {
this.xrLight = xrLight;
this.renderer = renderer;
this.lightProbe = lightProbe;
this.xrWebGLBinding = null;
this.estimationStartCallback = estimationStartCallback;
this.frameCallback = this.onXRFrame.bind( this );
const session = renderer.xr.getSession();
// If the XRWebGLBinding class is available then we can also query an
// estimated reflection cube map.
if ( environmentEstimation && 'XRWebGLBinding' in window ) {
// This is the simplest way I know of to initialize a WebGL cubemap in Three.
const cubeRenderTarget = new WebGLCubeRenderTarget( 16 );
xrLight.environment = cubeRenderTarget.texture;
const gl = renderer.getContext();
// Ensure that we have any extensions needed to use the preferred cube map format.
switch ( session.preferredReflectionFormat ) {
case 'srgba8':
gl.getExtension( 'EXT_sRGB' );
case 'rgba16f':
gl.getExtension( 'OES_texture_half_float' );
this.xrWebGLBinding = new XRWebGLBinding( session, gl );
this.lightProbe.addEventListener( 'reflectionchange', () => {
} );
// Start monitoring the XR animation frame loop to look for lighting
// estimation changes.
session.requestAnimationFrame( this.frameCallback );
updateReflection() {
const textureProperties = this.xrLight.environment );
if ( textureProperties ) {
const cubeMap = this.xrWebGLBinding.getReflectionCubeMap( this.lightProbe );
if ( cubeMap ) {
textureProperties.__webglTexture = cubeMap;
this.xrLight.environment.needsPMREMUpdate = true;
onXRFrame( time, xrFrame ) {
// If either this object or the XREstimatedLight has been destroyed, stop
// running the frame loop.
if ( ! this.xrLight ) {
const session = xrFrame.session;
session.requestAnimationFrame( this.frameCallback );
const lightEstimate = xrFrame.getLightEstimate( this.lightProbe );
if ( lightEstimate ) {
// We can copy the estimate's spherical harmonics array directly into the light probe. lightEstimate.sphericalHarmonicsCoefficients );
this.xrLight.lightProbe.intensity = 1.0;
// For the directional light we have to normalize the color and set the scalar as the
// intensity, since WebXR can return color values that exceed 1.0.
const intensityScalar = Math.max( 1.0,
Math.max( lightEstimate.primaryLightIntensity.x,
Math.max( lightEstimate.primaryLightIntensity.y,
lightEstimate.primaryLightIntensity.z ) ) );
lightEstimate.primaryLightIntensity.x / intensityScalar,
lightEstimate.primaryLightIntensity.y / intensityScalar,
lightEstimate.primaryLightIntensity.z / intensityScalar );
this.xrLight.directionalLight.intensity = intensityScalar;
this.xrLight.directionalLight.position.copy( lightEstimate.primaryLightDirection );
if ( this.estimationStartCallback ) {
this.estimationStartCallback = null;
dispose() {
this.xrLight = null;
this.renderer = null;
this.lightProbe = null;
this.xrWebGLBinding = null;
export class XREstimatedLight extends Group {
constructor( renderer, environmentEstimation = true ) {
this.lightProbe = new LightProbe();
this.lightProbe.intensity = 0;
this.add( this.lightProbe );
this.directionalLight = new DirectionalLight();
this.directionalLight.intensity = 0;
this.add( this.directionalLight );
// Will be set to a cube map in the SessionLightProbe if environment estimation is
// available and requested.
this.environment = null;
let sessionLightProbe = null;
let estimationStarted = false;
renderer.xr.addEventListener( 'sessionstart', () => {
const session = renderer.xr.getSession();
if ( 'requestLightProbe' in session ) {
session.requestLightProbe( {
reflectionFormat: session.preferredReflectionFormat
} ).then( ( probe ) => {
sessionLightProbe = new SessionLightProbe( this, renderer, probe, environmentEstimation, () => {
estimationStarted = true;
// Fired to indicate that the estimated lighting values are now being updated.
this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'estimationstart' } );
} );
} );
} );
renderer.xr.addEventListener( 'sessionend', () => {
if ( sessionLightProbe ) {
sessionLightProbe = null;
if ( estimationStarted ) {
// Fired to indicate that the estimated lighting values are no longer being updated.
this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'estimationend' } );
} );
// Done inline to provide access to sessionLightProbe.
this.dispose = () => {
if ( sessionLightProbe ) {
sessionLightProbe = null;
this.remove( this.lightProbe );
this.lightProbe = null;
this.remove( this.directionalLight );
this.directionalLight = null;
this.environment = null;