MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { BufferAttribute, BufferGeometry, Color, Group, Matrix4, Mesh, Vector3 } from 'three'; import { mergeGroups, deepCloneAttribute } from './BufferGeometryUtils.js'; const _color = /*@__PURE__*/new Color(); const _matrix = /*@__PURE__*/new Matrix4(); function createMeshesFromInstancedMesh( instancedMesh ) { const group = new Group(); const count = instancedMesh.count; const geometry = instancedMesh.geometry; const material = instancedMesh.material; for ( let i = 0; i < count; i ++ ) { const mesh = new Mesh( geometry, material ); instancedMesh.getMatrixAt( i, mesh.matrix ); mesh.matrix.decompose( mesh.position, mesh.quaternion, mesh.scale ); group.add( mesh ); } group.copy( instancedMesh ); group.updateMatrixWorld(); // ensure correct world matrices of meshes return group; } function createMeshesFromMultiMaterialMesh( mesh ) { if ( Array.isArray( mesh.material ) === false ) { console.warn( 'THREE.SceneUtils.createMeshesFromMultiMaterialMesh(): The given mesh has no multiple materials.' ); return mesh; } const object = new Group(); object.copy( mesh ); // merge groups (which automatically sorts them) const geometry = mergeGroups( mesh.geometry ); const index = geometry.index; const groups = geometry.groups; const attributeNames = Object.keys( geometry.attributes ); // create a mesh for each group by extracting the buffer data into a new geometry for ( let i = 0; i < groups.length; i ++ ) { const group = groups[ i ]; const start = group.start; const end = start + group.count; const newGeometry = new BufferGeometry(); const newMaterial = mesh.material[ group.materialIndex ]; // process all buffer attributes for ( let j = 0; j < attributeNames.length; j ++ ) { const name = attributeNames[ j ]; const attribute = geometry.attributes[ name ]; const itemSize = attribute.itemSize; const newLength = group.count * itemSize; const type = attribute.array.constructor; const newArray = new type( newLength ); const newAttribute = new BufferAttribute( newArray, itemSize ); for ( let k = start, n = 0; k < end; k ++, n ++ ) { const ind = index.getX( k ); if ( itemSize >= 1 ) newAttribute.setX( n, attribute.getX( ind ) ); if ( itemSize >= 2 ) newAttribute.setY( n, attribute.getY( ind ) ); if ( itemSize >= 3 ) newAttribute.setZ( n, attribute.getZ( ind ) ); if ( itemSize >= 4 ) newAttribute.setW( n, attribute.getW( ind ) ); } newGeometry.setAttribute( name, newAttribute ); } const newMesh = new Mesh( newGeometry, newMaterial ); object.add( newMesh ); } return object; } function createMultiMaterialObject( geometry, materials ) { const group = new Group(); for ( let i = 0, l = materials.length; i < l; i ++ ) { group.add( new Mesh( geometry, materials[ i ] ) ); } return group; } function reduceVertices( object, func, initialValue ) { let value = initialValue; const vertex = new Vector3(); object.updateWorldMatrix( true, true ); object.traverseVisible( ( child ) => { const { geometry } = child; if ( geometry !== undefined ) { const { position } = geometry.attributes; if ( position !== undefined ) { for ( let i = 0, l = position.count; i < l; i ++ ) { if ( child.isMesh ) { child.getVertexPosition( i, vertex ); } else { vertex.fromBufferAttribute( position, i ); } if ( ! child.isSkinnedMesh ) { vertex.applyMatrix4( child.matrixWorld ); } value = func( value, vertex ); } } } } ); return value; } /** * @param {InstancedMesh} mesh * @param {function(int, int):int} compareFn */ function sortInstancedMesh( mesh, compareFn ) { // store copy of instanced attributes for lookups const instanceMatrixRef = deepCloneAttribute( mesh.instanceMatrix ); const instanceColorRef = mesh.instanceColor ? deepCloneAttribute( mesh.instanceColor ) : null; const attributeRefs = new Map(); for ( const name in mesh.geometry.attributes ) { const attribute = mesh.geometry.attributes[ name ]; if ( attribute.isInstancedBufferAttribute ) { attributeRefs.set( attribute, deepCloneAttribute( attribute ) ); } } // compute sort order const tokens = []; for ( let i = 0; i < mesh.count; i ++ ) tokens.push( i ); tokens.sort( compareFn ); // apply sort order for ( let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i ++ ) { const refIndex = tokens[ i ]; _matrix.fromArray( instanceMatrixRef.array, refIndex * mesh.instanceMatrix.itemSize ); _matrix.toArray( mesh.instanceMatrix.array, i * mesh.instanceMatrix.itemSize ); if ( mesh.instanceColor ) { _color.fromArray( instanceColorRef.array, refIndex * mesh.instanceColor.itemSize ); _color.toArray( mesh.instanceColor.array, i * mesh.instanceColor.itemSize ); } for ( const name in mesh.geometry.attributes ) { const attribute = mesh.geometry.attributes[ name ]; if ( attribute.isInstancedBufferAttribute ) { const attributeRef = attributeRefs.get( attribute ); attribute.setX( i, attributeRef.getX( refIndex ) ); if ( attribute.itemSize > 1 ) attribute.setY( i, attributeRef.getY( refIndex ) ); if ( attribute.itemSize > 2 ) attribute.setZ( i, attributeRef.getZ( refIndex ) ); if ( attribute.itemSize > 3 ) attribute.setW( i, attributeRef.getW( refIndex ) ); } } } } /** * @param {Object3D} object Object to traverse. * @yields {Object3D} Objects that passed the filter condition. */ function* traverseGenerator( object ) { yield object; const children = object.children; for ( let i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i ++ ) { yield* traverseGenerator( children[ i ] ); } } /** * @param {Object3D} object Object to traverse. * @yields {Object3D} Objects that passed the filter condition. */ function* traverseVisibleGenerator( object ) { if ( object.visible === false ) return; yield object; const children = object.children; for ( let i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i ++ ) { yield* traverseVisibleGenerator( children[ i ] ); } } /** * @param {Object3D} object Object to traverse. * @yields {Object3D} Objects that passed the filter condition. */ function* traverseAncestorsGenerator( object ) { const parent = object.parent; if ( parent !== null ) { yield parent; yield* traverseAncestorsGenerator( parent ); } } export { createMeshesFromInstancedMesh, createMeshesFromMultiMaterialMesh, createMultiMaterialObject, reduceVertices, sortInstancedMesh, traverseGenerator, traverseVisibleGenerator, traverseAncestorsGenerator };