MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import * as THREE from 'three'; class SceneOptimizer { constructor( scene, options = {} ) { this.scene = scene; this.debug = options.debug || false; } bufferToHash( buffer ) { let hash = 0; if ( buffer.byteLength !== 0 ) { let uintArray; if ( buffer.buffer ) { uintArray = new Uint8Array( buffer.buffer, buffer.byteOffset, buffer.byteLength ); } else { uintArray = new Uint8Array( buffer ); } for ( let i = 0; i < buffer.byteLength; i ++ ) { const byte = uintArray[ i ]; hash = ( hash << 5 ) - hash + byte; hash |= 0; } } return hash; } getMaterialPropertiesHash( material ) { const mapProps = [ 'map', 'alphaMap', 'aoMap', 'bumpMap', 'displacementMap', 'emissiveMap', 'envMap', 'lightMap', 'metalnessMap', 'normalMap', 'roughnessMap', ]; const mapHash = mapProps .map( ( prop ) => { const map = material[ prop ]; if ( ! map ) return 0; return `${map.uuid}_${map.offset.x}_${map.offset.y}_${map.repeat.x}_${map.repeat.y}_${map.rotation}`; } ) .join( '|' ); const physicalProps = [ 'transparent', 'opacity', 'alphaTest', 'alphaToCoverage', 'side', 'vertexColors', 'visible', 'blending', 'wireframe', 'flatShading', 'premultipliedAlpha', 'dithering', 'toneMapped', 'depthTest', 'depthWrite', 'metalness', 'roughness', 'clearcoat', 'clearcoatRoughness', 'sheen', 'sheenRoughness', 'transmission', 'thickness', 'attenuationDistance', 'ior', 'iridescence', 'iridescenceIOR', 'iridescenceThicknessRange', 'reflectivity', ] .map( ( prop ) => { if ( typeof material[ prop ] === 'undefined' ) return 0; if ( material[ prop ] === null ) return 0; return material[ prop ].toString(); } ) .join( '|' ); const emissiveHash = material.emissive ? material.emissive.getHexString() : 0; const attenuationHash = material.attenuationColor ? material.attenuationColor.getHexString() : 0; const sheenColorHash = material.sheenColor ? material.sheenColor.getHexString() : 0; return [ material.type, physicalProps, mapHash, emissiveHash, attenuationHash, sheenColorHash, ].join( '_' ); } getAttributesSignature( geometry ) { return Object.keys( geometry.attributes ) .sort() .map( ( name ) => { const attribute = geometry.attributes[ name ]; return `${name}_${attribute.itemSize}_${attribute.normalized}`; } ) .join( '|' ); } getGeometryHash( geometry ) { const indexHash = geometry.index ? this.bufferToHash( geometry.index.array ) : 'noIndex'; const positionHash = this.bufferToHash( geometry.attributes.position.array ); const attributesSignature = this.getAttributesSignature( geometry ); return `${indexHash}_${positionHash}_${attributesSignature}`; } getBatchKey( materialProps, attributesSignature ) { return `${materialProps}_${attributesSignature}`; } analyzeModel() { const batchGroups = new Map(); const singleGroups = new Map(); const uniqueGeometries = new Set(); this.scene.updateMatrixWorld( true ); this.scene.traverse( ( node ) => { if ( ! node.isMesh ) return; const materialProps = this.getMaterialPropertiesHash( node.material ); const attributesSignature = this.getAttributesSignature( node.geometry ); const batchKey = this.getBatchKey( materialProps, attributesSignature ); const geometryHash = this.getGeometryHash( node.geometry ); uniqueGeometries.add( geometryHash ); if ( ! batchGroups.has( batchKey ) ) { batchGroups.set( batchKey, { meshes: [], geometryStats: new Map(), totalInstances: 0, materialProps: node.material.clone(), } ); } const group = batchGroups.get( batchKey ); group.meshes.push( node ); group.totalInstances ++; if ( ! group.geometryStats.has( geometryHash ) ) { group.geometryStats.set( geometryHash, { count: 0, vertices: node.geometry.attributes.position.count, indices: node.geometry.index ? node.geometry.index.count : 0, geometry: node.geometry, } ); } group.geometryStats.get( geometryHash ).count ++; } ); // Move single instance groups to singleGroups for ( const [ batchKey, group ] of batchGroups ) { if ( group.totalInstances === 1 ) { singleGroups.set( batchKey, group ); batchGroups.delete( batchKey ); } } return { batchGroups, singleGroups, uniqueGeometries: uniqueGeometries.size }; } createBatchedMeshes( batchGroups ) { const meshesToRemove = new Set(); for ( const [ , group ] of batchGroups ) { const maxGeometries = group.totalInstances; const maxVertices = Array.from( group.geometryStats.values() ).reduce( ( sum, stats ) => sum + stats.vertices, 0 ); const maxIndices = Array.from( group.geometryStats.values() ).reduce( ( sum, stats ) => sum + stats.indices, 0 ); const batchedMaterial = new group.materialProps.constructor( group.materialProps ); if ( batchedMaterial.color !== undefined ) { // Reset color to white, color will be set per instance batchedMaterial.color.set( 1, 1, 1 ); } const batchedMesh = new THREE.BatchedMesh( maxGeometries, maxVertices, maxIndices, batchedMaterial ); const referenceMesh = group.meshes[ 0 ]; = `${}_batch`; const geometryIds = new Map(); const inverseParentMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4(); if ( referenceMesh.parent ) { referenceMesh.parent.updateWorldMatrix( true, false ); inverseParentMatrix.copy( referenceMesh.parent.matrixWorld ).invert(); } for ( const mesh of group.meshes ) { const geometryHash = this.getGeometryHash( mesh.geometry ); if ( ! geometryIds.has( geometryHash ) ) { geometryIds.set( geometryHash, batchedMesh.addGeometry( mesh.geometry ) ); } const geometryId = geometryIds.get( geometryHash ); const instanceId = batchedMesh.addInstance( geometryId ); const localMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4(); mesh.updateWorldMatrix( true, false ); localMatrix.copy( mesh.matrixWorld ); if ( referenceMesh.parent ) { localMatrix.premultiply( inverseParentMatrix ); } batchedMesh.setMatrixAt( instanceId, localMatrix ); batchedMesh.setColorAt( instanceId, mesh.material.color ); meshesToRemove.add( mesh ); } if ( referenceMesh.parent ) { referenceMesh.parent.add( batchedMesh ); } } return meshesToRemove; } removeEmptyNodes( object ) { const children = [ ...object.children ]; for ( const child of children ) { this.removeEmptyNodes( child ); if ( ( child instanceof THREE.Group || child.constructor === THREE.Object3D ) && child.children.length === 0 ) { object.remove( child ); } } } disposeMeshes( meshesToRemove ) { meshesToRemove.forEach( ( mesh ) => { if ( mesh.parent ) { mesh.parent.remove( mesh ); } if ( mesh.geometry ) mesh.geometry.dispose(); if ( mesh.material ) { if ( Array.isArray( mesh.material ) ) { mesh.material.forEach( ( m ) => m.dispose() ); } else { mesh.material.dispose(); } } } ); } logDebugInfo( stats ) { 'Scene Optimization Results' ); console.log( `Original meshes: ${stats.originalMeshes}` ); console.log( `Batched into: ${stats.batchedMeshes} BatchedMesh` ); console.log( `Single meshes: ${stats.singleMeshes} Mesh` ); console.log( `Total draw calls: ${stats.drawCalls}` ); console.log( `Reduction Ratio: ${stats.reductionRatio}% fewer draw calls` ); console.groupEnd(); } toBatchedMesh() { const { batchGroups, singleGroups, uniqueGeometries } = this.analyzeModel(); const meshesToRemove = this.createBatchedMeshes( batchGroups ); this.disposeMeshes( meshesToRemove ); this.removeEmptyNodes( this.scene ); if ( this.debug ) { const totalOriginalMeshes = meshesToRemove.size + singleGroups.size; const totalFinalMeshes = batchGroups.size + singleGroups.size; const stats = { originalMeshes: totalOriginalMeshes, batchedMeshes: batchGroups.size, singleMeshes: singleGroups.size, drawCalls: totalFinalMeshes, uniqueGeometries: uniqueGeometries, reductionRatio: ( ( 1 - totalFinalMeshes / totalOriginalMeshes ) * 100 ).toFixed( 1 ), }; this.logDebugInfo( stats ); } return this.scene; } // Placeholder for future implementation toInstancingMesh() { throw new Error( 'InstancedMesh optimization not implemented yet' ); } } export { SceneOptimizer };