MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { DataTexture, FloatType, RGBAFormat, Vector2, Vector3, LightsNode, NodeUpdateType } from 'three/webgpu'; import { attributeArray, nodeProxy, int, float, vec2, ivec2, ivec4, uniform, Break, Loop, Fn, If, Return, textureLoad, instanceIndex, screenCoordinate, directPointLight } from 'three/tsl'; export const circleIntersectsAABB = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( [ circleCenter, radius, minBounds, maxBounds ] ) => { // Find the closest point on the AABB to the circle's center using method chaining const closestX = minBounds.x.max( circleCenter.x.min( maxBounds.x ) ); const closestY = minBounds.y.max( circleCenter.y.min( maxBounds.y ) ); // Compute the distance between the circle's center and the closest point const distX = circleCenter.x.sub( closestX ); const distY = circleCenter.y.sub( closestY ); // Calculate the squared distance const distSquared = distX.mul( distX ).add( distY.mul( distY ) ); return distSquared.lessThanEqual( radius.mul( radius ) ); } ).setLayout( { name: 'circleIntersectsAABB', type: 'bool', inputs: [ { name: 'circleCenter', type: 'vec2' }, { name: 'radius', type: 'float' }, { name: 'minBounds', type: 'vec2' }, { name: 'maxBounds', type: 'vec2' } ] } ); const _vector3 = /*@__PURE__*/ new Vector3(); const _size = /*@__PURE__*/ new Vector2(); class TiledLightsNode extends LightsNode { static get type() { return 'TiledLightsNode'; } constructor( maxLights = 1024, tileSize = 32 ) { super(); this.materialLights = []; this.tiledLights = []; this.maxLights = maxLights; this.tileSize = tileSize; this._bufferSize = null; this._lightIndexes = null; this._screenTileIndex = null; this._compute = null; this._lightsTexture = null; this._lightsCount = uniform( 0, 'int' ); this._tileLightCount = 8; this._screenSize = uniform( new Vector2() ); this._cameraProjectionMatrix = uniform( 'mat4' ); this._cameraViewMatrix = uniform( 'mat4' ); this.updateBeforeType = NodeUpdateType.RENDER; } customCacheKey() { return this._compute.getCacheKey() + super.customCacheKey(); } updateLightsTexture() { const { _lightsTexture: lightsTexture, tiledLights } = this; const data =; const lineSize = lightsTexture.image.width * 4; this._lightsCount.value = tiledLights.length; for ( let i = 0; i < tiledLights.length; i ++ ) { const light = tiledLights[ i ]; // world position _vector3.setFromMatrixPosition( light.matrixWorld ); // store data const offset = i * 4; data[ offset + 0 ] = _vector3.x; data[ offset + 1 ] = _vector3.y; data[ offset + 2 ] = _vector3.z; data[ offset + 3 ] = light.distance; data[ lineSize + offset + 0 ] = light.color.r * light.intensity; data[ lineSize + offset + 1 ] = light.color.g * light.intensity; data[ lineSize + offset + 2 ] = light.color.b * light.intensity; data[ lineSize + offset + 3 ] = light.decay; } lightsTexture.needsUpdate = true; } updateBefore( frame ) { const { renderer, camera } = frame; this.updateProgram( renderer ); this.updateLightsTexture( camera ); this._cameraProjectionMatrix.value = camera.projectionMatrix; this._cameraViewMatrix.value = camera.matrixWorldInverse; renderer.getDrawingBufferSize( _size ); this._screenSize.value.copy( _size ); renderer.compute( this._compute ); } setLights( lights ) { const { tiledLights, materialLights } = this; let materialindex = 0; let tiledIndex = 0; for ( const light of lights ) { if ( light.isPointLight === true ) { tiledLights[ tiledIndex ++ ] = light; } else { materialLights[ materialindex ++ ] = light; } } materialLights.length = materialindex; tiledLights.length = tiledIndex; return super.setLights( materialLights ); } getBlock( block = 0 ) { return this._lightIndexes.element( this._screenTileIndex.mul( int( 2 ).add( int( block ) ) ) ); } getTile( element ) { element = int( element ); const stride = int( 4 ); const tileOffset = element.div( stride ); const tileIndex = this._screenTileIndex.mul( int( 2 ) ).add( tileOffset ); return this._lightIndexes.element( tileIndex ).element( element.modInt( stride ) ); } getLightData( index ) { index = int( index ); const dataA = textureLoad( this._lightsTexture, ivec2( index, 0 ) ); const dataB = textureLoad( this._lightsTexture, ivec2( index, 1 ) ); const position =; const viewPosition = this._cameraViewMatrix.mul( position ); const distance = dataA.w; const color = dataB.rgb; const decay = dataB.w; return { position, viewPosition, distance, color, decay }; } setupLights( builder, lightNodes ) { this.updateProgram( builder.renderer ); // const lightingModel = builder.context.reflectedLight; // force declaration order, before of the loop lightingModel.directDiffuse.append(); lightingModel.directSpecular.append(); super.setupLights( builder, lightNodes ); Fn( () => { Loop( this._tileLightCount, ( { i } ) => { const lightIndex = this.getTile( i ); If( lightIndex.equal( int( 0 ) ), () => { Break(); } ); const { color, decay, viewPosition, distance } = this.getLightData( lightIndex.sub( 1 ) ); directPointLight( { color, lightViewPosition: viewPosition, cutoffDistance: distance, decayExponent: decay } ).append(); } ); } )().append(); } getBufferFitSize( value ) { const multiple = this.tileSize; return Math.ceil( value / multiple ) * multiple; } setSize( width, height ) { width = this.getBufferFitSize( width ); height = this.getBufferFitSize( height ); if ( ! this._bufferSize || this._bufferSize.width !== width || this._bufferSize.height !== height ) { this.create( width, height ); } return this; } updateProgram( renderer ) { renderer.getDrawingBufferSize( _size ); const width = this.getBufferFitSize( _size.width ); const height = this.getBufferFitSize( _size.height ); if ( this._bufferSize === null ) { this.create( width, height ); } else if ( this._bufferSize.width !== width || this._bufferSize.height !== height ) { this.create( width, height ); } } create( width, height ) { const { tileSize, maxLights } = this; const bufferSize = new Vector2( width, height ); const lineSize = Math.floor( bufferSize.width / tileSize ); const count = Math.floor( ( bufferSize.width * bufferSize.height ) / tileSize ); // buffers const lightsData = new Float32Array( maxLights * 4 * 2 ); // 2048 lights, 4 elements(rgba), 2 components, 1 component per line (position, distance, color, decay) const lightsTexture = new DataTexture( lightsData, lightsData.length / 8, 2, RGBAFormat, FloatType ); const lightIndexesArray = new Int32Array( count * 4 * 2 ); const lightIndexes = attributeArray( lightIndexesArray, 'ivec4' ).label( 'lightIndexes' ); // compute const getBlock = ( index ) => { const tileIndex = instanceIndex.mul( int( 2 ) ).add( int( index ) ); return lightIndexes.element( tileIndex ); }; const getTile = ( elementIndex ) => { elementIndex = int( elementIndex ); const stride = int( 4 ); const tileOffset = elementIndex.div( stride ); const tileIndex = instanceIndex.mul( int( 2 ) ).add( tileOffset ); return lightIndexes.element( tileIndex ).element( elementIndex.modInt( stride ) ); }; const compute = Fn( () => { const { _cameraProjectionMatrix: cameraProjectionMatrix, _bufferSize: bufferSize, _screenSize: screenSize } = this; const tiledBufferSize = bufferSize.clone().divideScalar( tileSize ).floor(); const tileScreen = vec2( instanceIndex.modInt( tiledBufferSize.width ), instanceIndex.div( tiledBufferSize.width ) ).mul( tileSize ).div( screenSize ); const blockSize = float( tileSize ).div( screenSize ); const minBounds = tileScreen; const maxBounds = minBounds.add( blockSize ); const index = int( 0 ).toVar(); getBlock( 0 ).assign( ivec4( 0 ) ); getBlock( 1 ).assign( ivec4( 0 ) ); Loop( this.maxLights, ( { i } ) => { If( index.greaterThanEqual( this._tileLightCount ).or( int( i ).greaterThanEqual( int( this._lightsCount ) ) ), () => { Return(); } ); const { viewPosition, distance } = this.getLightData( i ); const projectedPosition = cameraProjectionMatrix.mul( viewPosition ); const ndc = projectedPosition.div( projectedPosition.w ); const screenPosition = ndc.xy.mul( 0.5 ).add( 0.5 ).flipY(); const distanceFromCamera = viewPosition.z; const pointRadius = distance.div( distanceFromCamera ); If( circleIntersectsAABB( screenPosition, pointRadius, minBounds, maxBounds ), () => { getTile( index ).assign( i.add( int( 1 ) ) ); index.addAssign( int( 1 ) ); } ); } ); } )().compute( count ); // screen coordinate lighting indexes const screenTile = screenCoordinate.div( tileSize ).floor().toVar(); const screenTileIndex = screenTile.x.add( screenTile.y.mul( lineSize ) ); // assigns this._bufferSize = bufferSize; this._lightIndexes = lightIndexes; this._screenTileIndex = screenTileIndex; this._compute = compute; this._lightsTexture = lightsTexture; } get hasLights() { return super.hasLights || this.tiledLights.length > 0; } } export default TiledLightsNode; export const tiledLights = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( TiledLightsNode );