import { TempNode } from 'three/webgpu';
import { nodeObject, Fn, float, uv, convertToTexture, vec4, If, int, clamp, sub, mix } from 'three/tsl';
/** @module TransitionNode **/
* Post processing node for creating a transition effect between scenes.
* @augments TempNode
class TransitionNode extends TempNode {
static get type() {
return 'TransitionNode';
* Constructs a new transition node.
* @param {TextureNode} textureNodeA - A texture node that represents the beauty pass of the first scene.
* @param {TextureNode} textureNodeB - A texture node that represents the beauty pass of the second scene.
* @param {TextureNode} mixTextureNode - A texture node that defines how the transition effect should look like.
* @param {Node<float>} mixRatioNode - The interpolation factor that controls the mix.
* @param {Node<float>} thresholdNode - Can be used to tweak the linear interpolation.
* @param {Node<float>} useTextureNode - Whether `mixTextureNode` should influence the transition or not.
constructor( textureNodeA, textureNodeB, mixTextureNode, mixRatioNode, thresholdNode, useTextureNode ) {
super( 'vec4' );
* A texture node that represents the beauty pass of the first scene.
* @type {TextureNode}
this.textureNodeA = textureNodeA;
* A texture node that represents the beauty pass of the second scene.
* @type {TextureNode}
this.textureNodeB = textureNodeB;
* A texture that defines how the transition effect should look like.
* @type {TextureNode}
this.mixTextureNode = mixTextureNode;
* The interpolation factor that controls the mix.
* @type {Node<float>}
this.mixRatioNode = mixRatioNode;
* Can be used to tweak the linear interpolation.
* @type {Node<float>}
this.thresholdNode = thresholdNode;
* Whether `mixTextureNode` should influence the transition or not.
* @type {Node<float>}
this.useTextureNode = useTextureNode;
* This method is used to setup the effect's TSL code.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder.
* @return {ShaderCallNodeInternal}
setup() {
const { textureNodeA, textureNodeB, mixTextureNode, mixRatioNode, thresholdNode, useTextureNode } = this;
const sampleTexture = ( textureNode ) => {
const uvNodeTexture = textureNode.uvNode || uv();
return textureNode.sample( uvNodeTexture );
const transition = Fn( () => {
const texelOne = sampleTexture( textureNodeA );
const texelTwo = sampleTexture( textureNodeB );
const color = vec4().toVar();
If( useTextureNode.equal( int( 1 ) ), () => {
const transitionTexel = sampleTexture( mixTextureNode );
const r = mixRatioNode.mul( thresholdNode.mul( 2.0 ).add( 1.0 ) ).sub( thresholdNode );
const mixf = clamp( sub( transitionTexel.r, r ).mul( float( 1.0 ).div( thresholdNode ) ), 0.0, 1.0 );
color.assign( mix( texelOne, texelTwo, mixf ) );
} ).Else( () => {
color.assign( mix( texelTwo, texelOne, mixRatioNode ) );
} );
return color;
} );
const outputNode = transition();
return outputNode;
export default TransitionNode;
* TSL function for creating a transition node for post processing.
* @function
* @param {Node<vec4>} nodeA - A texture node that represents the beauty pass of the first scene.
* @param {Node<vec4>} nodeB - A texture node that represents the beauty pass of the second scene.
* @param {Node<vec4>} mixTextureNode - A texture that defines how the transition effect should look like.
* @param {Node<float> | Number} mixRatio - The interpolation factor that controls the mix.
* @param {Node<float> | Number} threshold - Can be used to tweak the linear interpolation.
* @param {Node<float> | Number} useTexture - Whether `mixTextureNode` should influence the transition or not.
* @returns {TransitionNode}
export const transition = ( nodeA, nodeB, mixTextureNode, mixRatio, threshold, useTexture ) => nodeObject( new TransitionNode( convertToTexture( nodeA ), convertToTexture( nodeB ), convertToTexture( mixTextureNode ), nodeObject( mixRatio ), nodeObject( threshold ), nodeObject( useTexture ) ) );