MCP 3D Printer Server
by DMontgomery40
import { Color, Vector2, NearestFilter, Matrix4, RendererUtils, PassNode, QuadMesh, NodeMaterial } from 'three/webgpu';
import { add, float, If, Loop, int, Fn, min, max, clamp, nodeObject, texture, uniform, uv, vec2, vec4, luminance } from 'three/tsl';
/** @module TRAAPassNode **/
const _quadMesh = /*@__PURE__*/ new QuadMesh();
const _size = /*@__PURE__*/ new Vector2();
let _rendererState;
* A special render pass node that renders the scene with TRAA (Temporal Reprojection Anti-Aliasing).
* Note: The current implementation does not yet support MRT setups.
* References:
* - {@link}
* - {@link}
* @augments PassNode
class TRAAPassNode extends PassNode {
static get type() {
return 'TRAAPassNode';
* Constructs a new TRAA pass node.
* @param {Scene} scene - The scene to render.
* @param {Camera} camera - The camera to render the scene with.
constructor( scene, camera ) {
super( PassNode.COLOR, scene, camera );
* This flag can be used for type testing.
* @type {Boolean}
* @readonly
* @default true
this.isTRAAPassNode = true;
* The clear color of the pass.
* @type {Color}
* @default 0x000000
this.clearColor = new Color( 0x000000 );
* The clear alpha of the pass.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
this.clearAlpha = 0;
* The jitter index selects the current camera offset value.
* @private
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
this._jitterIndex = 0;
* Used to save the original/unjittered projection matrix.
* @private
* @type {Matrix4}
this._originalProjectionMatrix = new Matrix4();
* A uniform node holding the inverse resolution value.
* @private
* @type {UniformNode<vec2>}
this._invSize = uniform( new Vector2() );
* The render target that holds the current sample.
* @private
* @type {RenderTarget?}
this._sampleRenderTarget = null;
* The render target that represents the history of frame data.
* @private
* @type {RenderTarget?}
this._historyRenderTarget = null;
* Material used for the resolve step.
* @private
* @type {NodeMaterial}
this._resolveMaterial = new NodeMaterial(); = 'TRAA.Resolve';
* Sets the size of the effect.
* @param {Number} width - The width of the effect.
* @param {Number} height - The height of the effect.
* @return {Boolean} Whether the TRAA needs a restart or not. That is required after a resize since buffer data with different sizes can't be resolved.
setSize( width, height ) {
super.setSize( width, height );
let needsRestart = false;
if ( this.renderTarget.width !== this._sampleRenderTarget.width || this.renderTarget.height !== this._sampleRenderTarget.height ) {
this._sampleRenderTarget.setSize( this.renderTarget.width, this.renderTarget.height );
this._historyRenderTarget.setSize( this.renderTarget.width, this.renderTarget.height );
this._invSize.value.set( 1 / this.renderTarget.width, 1 / this.renderTarget.height );
needsRestart = true;
return needsRestart;
* This method is used to render the effect once per frame.
* @param {NodeFrame} frame - The current node frame.
updateBefore( frame ) {
const { renderer } = frame;
const { scene, camera } = this;
_rendererState = RendererUtils.resetRendererAndSceneState( renderer, scene, _rendererState );
this._pixelRatio = renderer.getPixelRatio();
const size = renderer.getSize( _size );
const needsRestart = this.setSize( size.width, size.height );
// save original/unjittered projection matrix for velocity pass
this._originalProjectionMatrix.copy( camera.projectionMatrix );
// camera configuration
this._cameraNear.value = camera.near;
this._cameraFar.value = camera.far;
// configure jitter as view offset
const viewOffset = {
fullWidth: this.renderTarget.width,
fullHeight: this.renderTarget.height,
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0,
width: this.renderTarget.width,
height: this.renderTarget.height
const originalViewOffset = Object.assign( {}, camera.view );
if ( originalViewOffset.enabled ) Object.assign( viewOffset, originalViewOffset );
const jitterOffset = _JitterVectors[ this._jitterIndex ];
viewOffset.fullWidth, viewOffset.fullHeight,
viewOffset.offsetX + jitterOffset[ 0 ] * 0.0625, viewOffset.offsetY + jitterOffset[ 1 ] * 0.0625, // 0.0625 = 1 / 16
viewOffset.width, viewOffset.height
// configure velocity
const mrt = this.getMRT();
const velocityOutput = mrt.get( 'velocity' );
if ( velocityOutput !== undefined ) {
velocityOutput.setProjectionMatrix( this._originalProjectionMatrix );
} else {
throw new Error( 'THREE:TRAAPassNode: Missing velocity output in MRT configuration.' );
// render sample
renderer.setMRT( mrt );
renderer.setClearColor( this.clearColor, this.clearAlpha );
renderer.setRenderTarget( this._sampleRenderTarget );
renderer.render( scene, camera );
renderer.setRenderTarget( null );
renderer.setMRT( null );
// every time when the dimensions change we need fresh history data. Copy the sample
// into the history and final render target (no AA happens at that point).
if ( needsRestart === true ) {
// bind and clear render target to make sure they are initialized after the resize which triggers a dispose()
renderer.setRenderTarget( this._historyRenderTarget );
renderer.setRenderTarget( this.renderTarget );
renderer.setRenderTarget( null );
renderer.copyTextureToTexture( this._sampleRenderTarget.texture, this._historyRenderTarget.texture );
renderer.copyTextureToTexture( this._sampleRenderTarget.texture, this.renderTarget.texture );
} else {
// resolve
renderer.setRenderTarget( this.renderTarget );
_quadMesh.material = this._resolveMaterial;
_quadMesh.render( renderer );
renderer.setRenderTarget( null );
// update history
renderer.copyTextureToTexture( this.renderTarget.texture, this._historyRenderTarget.texture );
// copy depth
renderer.copyTextureToTexture( this._sampleRenderTarget.depthTexture, this.renderTarget.depthTexture );
// update jitter index
this._jitterIndex ++;
this._jitterIndex = this._jitterIndex % ( _JitterVectors.length - 1 );
// restore
if ( originalViewOffset.enabled ) {
originalViewOffset.fullWidth, originalViewOffset.fullHeight,
originalViewOffset.offsetX, originalViewOffset.offsetY,
originalViewOffset.width, originalViewOffset.height
} else {
velocityOutput.setProjectionMatrix( null );
RendererUtils.restoreRendererAndSceneState( renderer, scene, _rendererState );
* This method is used to setup the effect's render targets and TSL code.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder.
* @return {PassTextureNode}
setup( builder ) {
if ( this._sampleRenderTarget === null ) {
this._sampleRenderTarget = this.renderTarget.clone();
this._historyRenderTarget = this.renderTarget.clone();
this._sampleRenderTarget.texture.minFiler = NearestFilter;
this._sampleRenderTarget.texture.magFilter = NearestFilter;
const velocityTarget = this._sampleRenderTarget.texture.clone();
velocityTarget.isRenderTargetTexture = true; = 'velocity';
this._sampleRenderTarget.textures.push( velocityTarget ); // for MRT
// textures
const historyTexture = texture( this._historyRenderTarget.texture );
const sampleTexture = texture( this._sampleRenderTarget.textures[ 0 ] );
const velocityTexture = texture( this._sampleRenderTarget.textures[ 1 ] );
const depthTexture = texture( this._sampleRenderTarget.depthTexture );
const resolve = Fn( () => {
const uvNode = uv();
const minColor = vec4( 10000 ).toVar();
const maxColor = vec4( - 10000 ).toVar();
const closestDepth = float( 1 ).toVar();
const closestDepthPixelPosition = vec2( 0 ).toVar();
// sample a 3x3 neighborhood to create a box in color space
// clamping the history color with the resulting min/max colors mitigates ghosting
Loop( { start: int( - 1 ), end: int( 1 ), type: 'int', condition: '<=', name: 'x' }, ( { x } ) => {
Loop( { start: int( - 1 ), end: int( 1 ), type: 'int', condition: '<=', name: 'y' }, ( { y } ) => {
const uvNeighbor = uvNode.add( vec2( float( x ), float( y ) ).mul( this._invSize ) ).toVar();
const colorNeighbor = max( vec4( 0 ), sampleTexture.sample( uvNeighbor ) ).toVar(); // use max() to avoid propagate garbage values
minColor.assign( min( minColor, colorNeighbor ) );
maxColor.assign( max( maxColor, colorNeighbor ) );
const currentDepth = depthTexture.sample( uvNeighbor ).r.toVar();
// find the sample position of the closest depth in the neighborhood (used for velocity)
If( currentDepth.lessThan( closestDepth ), () => {
closestDepth.assign( currentDepth );
closestDepthPixelPosition.assign( uvNeighbor );
} );
} );
} );
// sampling/reprojection
const offset = velocityTexture.sample( closestDepthPixelPosition ).xy.mul( vec2( 0.5, - 0.5 ) ); // NDC to uv offset
const currentColor = sampleTexture.sample( uvNode );
const historyColor = historyTexture.sample( uvNode.sub( offset ) );
// clamping
const clampedHistoryColor = clamp( historyColor, minColor, maxColor );
// flicker reduction based on luminance weighing
const currentWeight = float( 0.05 ).toVar();
const historyWeight = currentWeight.oneMinus().toVar();
const compressedCurrent = currentColor.mul( float( 1 ).div( ( max( max( currentColor.r, currentColor.g ), currentColor.b ).add( 1.0 ) ) ) );
const compressedHistory = clampedHistoryColor.mul( float( 1 ).div( ( max( max( clampedHistoryColor.r, clampedHistoryColor.g ), clampedHistoryColor.b ).add( 1.0 ) ) ) );
const luminanceCurrent = luminance( compressedCurrent.rgb );
const luminanceHistory = luminance( compressedHistory.rgb );
currentWeight.mulAssign( float( 1.0 ).div( luminanceCurrent.add( 1 ) ) );
historyWeight.mulAssign( float( 1.0 ).div( luminanceHistory.add( 1 ) ) );
return add( currentColor.mul( currentWeight ), clampedHistoryColor.mul( historyWeight ) ).div( max( currentWeight.add( historyWeight ), 0.00001 ) );
} );
// materials
this._resolveMaterial.fragmentNode = resolve();
return super.setup( builder );
* Frees internal resources. This method should be called
* when the effect is no longer required.
dispose() {
if ( this._sampleRenderTarget !== null ) {
export default TRAAPassNode;
// These jitter vectors are specified in integers because it is easier.
// I am assuming a [-8,8) integer grid, but it needs to be mapped onto [-0.5,0.5)
// before being used, thus these integers need to be scaled by 1/16.
// Sample patterns reference:
const _JitterVectors = [
[ - 4, - 7 ], [ - 7, - 5 ], [ - 3, - 5 ], [ - 5, - 4 ],
[ - 1, - 4 ], [ - 2, - 2 ], [ - 6, - 1 ], [ - 4, 0 ],
[ - 7, 1 ], [ - 1, 2 ], [ - 6, 3 ], [ - 3, 3 ],
[ - 7, 6 ], [ - 3, 6 ], [ - 5, 7 ], [ - 1, 7 ],
[ 5, - 7 ], [ 1, - 6 ], [ 6, - 5 ], [ 4, - 4 ],
[ 2, - 3 ], [ 7, - 2 ], [ 1, - 1 ], [ 4, - 1 ],
[ 2, 1 ], [ 6, 2 ], [ 0, 4 ], [ 4, 4 ],
[ 2, 5 ], [ 7, 5 ], [ 5, 6 ], [ 3, 7 ]
* TSL function for creating a TRAA pass node for Temporal Reprojection Anti-Aliasing.
* @function
* @param {Scene} scene - The scene to render.
* @param {Camera} camera - The camera to render the scene with.
* @returns {TRAAPassNode}
export const traaPass = ( scene, camera ) => nodeObject( new TRAAPassNode( scene, camera ) );