MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { NearestFilter, RenderTarget, Vector2, RendererUtils, QuadMesh, TempNode, NodeMaterial, NodeUpdateType } from 'three/webgpu'; import { reference, viewZToPerspectiveDepth, logarithmicDepthToViewZ, getScreenPosition, getViewPosition, sqrt, mul, div, cross, float, Continue, Break, Loop, int, max, abs, sub, If, dot, reflect, normalize, screenCoordinate, nodeObject, Fn, passTexture, uv, uniform, perspectiveDepthToViewZ, orthographicDepthToViewZ, vec2, vec3, vec4 } from 'three/tsl'; /** @module SSRNode **/ const _quadMesh = /*@__PURE__*/ new QuadMesh(); const _size = /*@__PURE__*/ new Vector2(); let _rendererState; /** * Post processing node for computing screen space reflections (SSR). * * Reference: {@link} * * @augments TempNode */ class SSRNode extends TempNode { static get type() { return 'SSRNode'; } /** * Constructs a new SSR node. * * @param {Node<vec4>} colorNode - The node that represents the beauty pass. * @param {Node<float>} depthNode - A node that represents the beauty pass's depth. * @param {Node<vec3>} normalNode - A node that represents the beauty pass's normals. * @param {Node<float>} metalnessNode - A node that represents the beauty pass's metalness. * @param {Camera} camera - The camera the scene is rendered with. */ constructor( colorNode, depthNode, normalNode, metalnessNode, camera ) { super( 'vec4' ); /** * The node that represents the beauty pass. * * @type {Node<vec4>} */ this.colorNode = colorNode; /** * A node that represents the beauty pass's depth. * * @type {Node<float>} */ this.depthNode = depthNode; /** * A node that represents the beauty pass's normals. * * @type {Node<vec3>} */ this.normalNode = normalNode; /** * A node that represents the beauty pass's metalness. * * @type {Node<float>} */ this.metalnessNode = metalnessNode; /** * The camera the scene is rendered with. * * @type {Camera} */ = camera; /** * The resolution scale. By default SSR reflections * are computed in half resolutions. Setting the value * to `1` improves quality but also results in more * computational overhead. * * @type {Number} * @default 0.5 */ this.resolutionScale = 0.5; /** * The `updateBeforeType` is set to `NodeUpdateType.FRAME` since the node renders * its effect once per frame in `updateBefore()`. * * @type {String} * @default 'frame' */ this.updateBeforeType = NodeUpdateType.FRAME; /** * The render target the SSR is rendered into. * * @private * @type {RenderTarget} */ this._ssrRenderTarget = new RenderTarget( 1, 1, { depthBuffer: false, minFilter: NearestFilter, magFilter: NearestFilter } ); = 'SSRNode.SSR'; /** * Controls how far a fragment can reflect * * * @type {UniformNode<float>} */ this.maxDistance = uniform( 1 ); /** * Controls the cutoff between what counts as a possible reflection hit and what does not. * * @type {UniformNode<float>} */ this.thickness = uniform( 0.1 ); /** * Controls the transparency of the reflected colors. * * @type {UniformNode<float>} */ this.opacity = uniform( 1 ); /** * Represents the projection matrix of the scene's camera. * * @private * @type {UniformNode<mat4>} */ this._cameraProjectionMatrix = uniform( camera.projectionMatrix ); /** * Represents the inverse projection matrix of the scene's camera. * * @private * @type {UniformNode<mat4>} */ this._cameraProjectionMatrixInverse = uniform( camera.projectionMatrixInverse ); /** * Represents the near value of the scene's camera. * * @private * @type {ReferenceNode<float>} */ this._cameraNear = reference( 'near', 'float', camera ); /** * Represents the far value of the scene's camera. * * @private * @type {ReferenceNode<float>} */ this._cameraFar = reference( 'far', 'float', camera ); /** * Whether the scene's camera is perspective or orthographic. * * @private * @type {UniformNode<bool>} */ this._isPerspectiveCamera = uniform( camera.isPerspectiveCamera ? 1 : 0 ); /** * The resolution of the pass. * * @private * @type {UniformNode<vec2>} */ this._resolution = uniform( new Vector2() ); /** * This value is derived from the resolution and restricts * the maximum raymarching steps in the fragment shader. * * @private * @type {UniformNode<float>} */ this._maxStep = uniform( 0 ); /** * The material that is used to render the effect. * * @private * @type {NodeMaterial} */ this._material = new NodeMaterial(); = 'SSRNode.SSR'; /** * The result of the effect is represented as a separate texture node. * * @private * @type {PassTextureNode} */ this._textureNode = passTexture( this, this._ssrRenderTarget.texture ); } /** * Returns the result of the effect as a texture node. * * @return {PassTextureNode} A texture node that represents the result of the effect. */ getTextureNode() { return this._textureNode; } /** * Sets the size of the effect. * * @param {Number} width - The width of the effect. * @param {Number} height - The height of the effect. */ setSize( width, height ) { width = Math.round( this.resolutionScale * width ); height = Math.round( this.resolutionScale * height ); this._resolution.value.set( width, height ); this._maxStep.value = Math.round( Math.sqrt( width * width + height * height ) ); this._ssrRenderTarget.setSize( width, height ); } /** * This method is used to render the effect once per frame. * * @param {NodeFrame} frame - The current node frame. */ updateBefore( frame ) { const { renderer } = frame; _rendererState = RendererUtils.resetRendererState( renderer, _rendererState ); const size = renderer.getDrawingBufferSize( _size ); _quadMesh.material = this._material; this.setSize( size.width, size.height ); // clear renderer.setMRT( null ); renderer.setClearColor( 0x000000, 0 ); // ssr renderer.setRenderTarget( this._ssrRenderTarget ); _quadMesh.render( renderer ); // restore RendererUtils.restoreRendererState( renderer, _rendererState ); } /** * This method is used to setup the effect's TSL code. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {PassTextureNode} */ setup( builder ) { const uvNode = uv(); const pointToLineDistance = Fn( ( [ point, linePointA, linePointB ] )=> { // return cross( point.sub( linePointA ), point.sub( linePointB ) ).length().div( linePointB.sub( linePointA ).length() ); } ); const pointPlaneDistance = Fn( ( [ point, planePoint, planeNormal ] )=> { // // // const d = mul( planeNormal.x, planePoint.x ).add( mul( planeNormal.y, planePoint.y ) ).add( mul( planeNormal.z, planePoint.z ) ).negate().toVar(); const denominator = sqrt( mul( planeNormal.x, planeNormal.x, ).add( mul( planeNormal.y, planeNormal.y ) ).add( mul( planeNormal.z, planeNormal.z ) ) ).toVar(); const distance = div( mul( planeNormal.x, point.x ).add( mul( planeNormal.y, point.y ) ).add( mul( planeNormal.z, point.z ) ).add( d ), denominator ); return distance; } ); const getViewZ = Fn( ( [ depth ] ) => { let viewZNode; if ( ) { viewZNode = perspectiveDepthToViewZ( depth, this._cameraNear, this._cameraFar ); } else { viewZNode = orthographicDepthToViewZ( depth, this._cameraNear, this._cameraFar ); } return viewZNode; } ); const sampleDepth = ( uv ) => { const depth = this.depthNode.sample( uv ).r; if ( builder.renderer.logarithmicDepthBuffer === true ) { const viewZ = logarithmicDepthToViewZ( depth, this._cameraNear, this._cameraFar ); return viewZToPerspectiveDepth( viewZ, this._cameraNear, this._cameraFar ); } return depth; }; const ssr = Fn( () => { const metalness = this.metalnessNode.sample( uvNode ).r; // fragments with no metalness do not reflect their environment metalness.equal( 0.0 ).discard(); // compute some standard FX entities const depth = sampleDepth( uvNode ).toVar(); const viewPosition = getViewPosition( uvNode, depth, this._cameraProjectionMatrixInverse ).toVar(); const viewNormal = this.normalNode.rgb.normalize().toVar(); // compute the direction from the position in view space to the camera const viewIncidentDir = ( ( ) ? normalize( viewPosition ) : vec3( 0, 0, - 1 ) ).toVar(); // compute the direction in which the light is reflected on the surface const viewReflectDir = reflect( viewIncidentDir, viewNormal ).toVar(); // adapt maximum distance to the local geometry (see const maxReflectRayLen = this.maxDistance.div( dot( viewIncidentDir.negate(), viewNormal ) ).toVar(); // compute the maximum point of the reflection ray in view space const d1viewPosition = viewPosition.add( viewReflectDir.mul( maxReflectRayLen ) ).toVar(); // check if d1viewPosition lies behind the camera near plane If( this._isPerspectiveCamera.equal( float( 1 ) ).and( d1viewPosition.z.greaterThan( this._cameraNear.negate() ) ), () => { // if so, ensure d1viewPosition is clamped on the near plane. // this prevents artifacts during the ray marching process const t = sub( this._cameraNear.negate(), viewPosition.z ).div( viewReflectDir.z ); d1viewPosition.assign( viewPosition.add( viewReflectDir.mul( t ) ) ); } ); // d0 and d1 are the start and maximum points of the reflection ray in screen space const d0 = screenCoordinate.xy.toVar(); const d1 = getScreenPosition( d1viewPosition, this._cameraProjectionMatrix ).mul( this._resolution ).toVar(); // below variables are used to control the raymarching process // total length of the ray const totalLen = d1.sub( d0 ).length().toVar(); // offset in x and y direction const xLen = d1.x.sub( d0.x ).toVar(); const yLen = d1.y.sub( d0.y ).toVar(); // determine the larger delta // The larger difference will help to determine how much to travel in the X and Y direction each iteration and // how many iterations are needed to travel the entire ray const totalStep = max( abs( xLen ), abs( yLen ) ).toVar(); // step sizes in the x and y directions const xSpan = xLen.div( totalStep ).toVar(); const ySpan = yLen.div( totalStep ).toVar(); const output = vec4( 0 ).toVar(); // the actual ray marching loop // starting from d0, the code gradually travels along the ray and looks for an intersection with the geometry. // it does not exceed d1 (the maximum ray extend) Loop( { start: int( 0 ), end: int( this._maxStep ), type: 'int', condition: '<' }, ( { i } ) => { // TODO: Remove this when Chrome is fixed, see If( metalness.equal( 0 ), () => { Break(); } ); // stop if the maximum number of steps is reached for this specific ray If( float( i ).greaterThanEqual( totalStep ), () => { Break(); } ); // advance on the ray by computing a new position in screen space const xy = vec2( d0.x.add( xSpan.mul( float( i ) ) ), d0.y.add( ySpan.mul( float( i ) ) ) ).toVar(); // stop processing if the new position lies outside of the screen If( xy.x.lessThan( 0 ).or( xy.x.greaterThan( this._resolution.x ) ).or( xy.y.lessThan( 0 ) ).or( xy.y.greaterThan( this._resolution.y ) ), () => { Break(); } ); // compute new uv, depth, viewZ and viewPosition for the new location on the ray const uvNode = xy.div( this._resolution ); const d = sampleDepth( uvNode ).toVar(); const vZ = getViewZ( d ).toVar(); const vP = getViewPosition( uvNode, d, this._cameraProjectionMatrixInverse ).toVar(); const viewReflectRayZ = float( 0 ).toVar(); // normalized distance between the current position xy and the starting point d0 const s = xy.sub( d0 ).length().div( totalLen ); // depending on the camera type, we now compute the z-coordinate of the reflected ray at the current step in view space If( this._isPerspectiveCamera.equal( float( 1 ) ), () => { const recipVPZ = float( 1 ).div( viewPosition.z ).toVar(); viewReflectRayZ.assign( float( 1 ).div( recipVPZ.add( s.mul( float( 1 ).div( d1viewPosition.z ).sub( recipVPZ ) ) ) ) ); } ).Else( () => { viewReflectRayZ.assign( viewPosition.z.add( s.mul( d1viewPosition.z.sub( viewPosition.z ) ) ) ); } ); // if viewReflectRayZ is less or equal than the real z-coordinate at this place, it potentially intersects the geometry If( viewReflectRayZ.lessThanEqual( vZ ), () => { // compute the distance of the new location to the ray in view space // to clarify vP is the fragment's view position which is not an exact point on the ray const away = pointToLineDistance( vP, viewPosition, d1viewPosition ).toVar(); // compute the minimum thickness between the current fragment and its neighbor in the x-direction. const xyNeighbor = vec2( xy.x.add( 1 ), xy.y ).toVar(); // move one pixel const uvNeighbor = xyNeighbor.div( this._resolution ); const vPNeighbor = getViewPosition( uvNeighbor, d, this._cameraProjectionMatrixInverse ).toVar(); const minThickness = vPNeighbor.x.sub( vP.x ).toVar(); minThickness.mulAssign( 3 ); // expand a bit to avoid errors const tk = max( minThickness, this.thickness ).toVar(); If( away.lessThanEqual( tk ), () => { // hit const vN = this.normalNode.sample( uvNode ).rgb.normalize().toVar(); If( dot( viewReflectDir, vN ).greaterThanEqual( 0 ), () => { // the reflected ray is pointing towards the same side as the fragment's normal (current ray position), // which means it wouldn't reflect off the surface. The loop continues to the next step for the next ray sample. Continue(); } ); // this distance represents the depth of the intersection point between the reflected ray and the scene. const distance = pointPlaneDistance( vP, viewPosition, viewNormal ).toVar(); If( distance.greaterThan( this.maxDistance ), () => { // Distance exceeding limit: The reflection is potentially too far away and // might not contribute significantly to the final color Break(); } ); const op = this.opacity.mul( metalness ).toVar(); // distance attenuation (the reflection should fade out the farther it is away from the surface) const ratio = float( 1 ).sub( distance.div( this.maxDistance ) ).toVar(); const attenuation = ratio.mul( ratio ); op.mulAssign( attenuation ); // fresnel (reflect more light on surfaces that are viewed at grazing angles) const fresnelCoe = div( dot( viewIncidentDir, viewReflectDir ).add( 1 ), 2 ); op.mulAssign( fresnelCoe ); // output const reflectColor = this.colorNode.sample( uvNode ); output.assign( vec4( reflectColor.rgb, op ) ); Break(); } ); } ); } ); return output; } ); this._material.fragmentNode = ssr().context( builder.getSharedContext() ); this._material.needsUpdate = true; // return this._textureNode; } /** * Frees internal resources. This method should be called * when the effect is no longer required. */ dispose() { this._ssrRenderTarget.dispose(); this._material.dispose(); } } export default SSRNode; /** * TSL function for creating screen space reflections (SSR). * * @function * @param {Node<vec4>} colorNode - The node that represents the beauty pass. * @param {Node<float>} depthNode - A node that represents the beauty pass's depth. * @param {Node<vec3>} normalNode - A node that represents the beauty pass's normals. * @param {Node<float>} metalnessNode - A node that represents the beauty pass's metalness. * @param {Camera} camera - The camera the scene is rendered with. * @returns {SSRNode} */ export const ssr = ( colorNode, depthNode, normalNode, metalnessNode, camera ) => nodeObject( new SSRNode( nodeObject( colorNode ), nodeObject( depthNode ), nodeObject( normalNode ), nodeObject( metalnessNode ), camera ) );