MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { NearestFilter, Vector4, TempNode, NodeUpdateType, PassNode } from 'three/webgpu'; import { nodeObject, Fn, float, uv, uniform, convertToTexture, vec2, vec3, clamp, floor, dot, smoothstep, If, sign, step, mrt, output, normalView, property } from 'three/tsl'; /** @module PixelationPassNode **/ /** * A inner node definition that implements the actual pixelation TSL code. * * @inner * @augments TempNode */ class PixelationNode extends TempNode { static get type() { return 'PixelationNode'; } /** * Constructs a new pixelation node. * * @param {TextureNode} textureNode - The texture node that represents the beauty pass. * @param {TextureNode} depthNode - The texture that represents the beauty's depth. * @param {TextureNode} normalNode - The texture that represents the beauty's normals. * @param {Node<float>} pixelSize - The pixel size. * @param {Node<float>} normalEdgeStrength - The normal edge strength. * @param {Node<float>} depthEdgeStrength - The depth edge strength. */ constructor( textureNode, depthNode, normalNode, pixelSize, normalEdgeStrength, depthEdgeStrength ) { super( 'vec4' ); /** * The texture node that represents the beauty pass. * * @type {TextureNode} */ this.textureNode = textureNode; /** * The texture that represents the beauty's depth. * * @type {TextureNode} */ this.depthNode = depthNode; /** * The texture that represents the beauty's normals. * * @type {TextureNode} */ this.normalNode = normalNode; /** * The pixel size. * * @type {Node<float>} */ this.pixelSize = pixelSize; /** * The pixel size. * * @type {Node<float>} */ this.normalEdgeStrength = normalEdgeStrength; /** * The depth edge strength. * * @type {Node<float>} */ this.depthEdgeStrength = depthEdgeStrength; /** * Uniform node that represents the resolution. * * @type {Node<vec4>} */ this._resolution = uniform( new Vector4() ); /** * The `updateBeforeType` is set to `NodeUpdateType.FRAME` since the node updates * its internal uniforms once per frame in `updateBefore()`. * * @type {String} * @default 'frame' */ this.updateBeforeType = NodeUpdateType.FRAME; } /** * This method is used to update uniforms once per frame. * * @param {NodeFrame} frame - The current node frame. */ updateBefore() { const map = this.textureNode.value; const width = map.image.width; const height = map.image.height; this._resolution.value.set( width, height, 1 / width, 1 / height ); } /** * This method is used to setup the effect's TSL code. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {ShaderCallNodeInternal} */ setup() { const { textureNode, depthNode, normalNode } = this; const uvNodeTexture = textureNode.uvNode || uv(); const uvNodeDepth = depthNode.uvNode || uv(); const uvNodeNormal = normalNode.uvNode || uv(); const sampleTexture = () => textureNode.sample( uvNodeTexture ); const sampleDepth = ( x, y ) => depthNode.sample( uvNodeDepth.add( vec2( x, y ).mul( ) ) ).r; const sampleNormal = ( x, y ) => normalNode.sample( uvNodeNormal.add( vec2( x, y ).mul( ) ) ).rgb.normalize(); const depthEdgeIndicator = ( depth ) => { const diff = property( 'float', 'diff' ); diff.addAssign( clamp( sampleDepth( 1, 0 ).sub( depth ) ) ); diff.addAssign( clamp( sampleDepth( - 1, 0 ).sub( depth ) ) ); diff.addAssign( clamp( sampleDepth( 0, 1 ).sub( depth ) ) ); diff.addAssign( clamp( sampleDepth( 0, - 1 ).sub( depth ) ) ); return floor( smoothstep( 0.01, 0.02, diff ).mul( 2 ) ).div( 2 ); }; const neighborNormalEdgeIndicator = ( x, y, depth, normal ) => { const depthDiff = sampleDepth( x, y ).sub( depth ); const neighborNormal = sampleNormal( x, y ); // Edge pixels should yield to faces who's normals are closer to the bias normal. const normalEdgeBias = vec3( 1, 1, 1 ); // This should probably be a parameter. const normalDiff = dot( normal.sub( neighborNormal ), normalEdgeBias ); const normalIndicator = clamp( smoothstep( - 0.01, 0.01, normalDiff ), 0.0, 1.0 ); // Only the shallower pixel should detect the normal edge. const depthIndicator = clamp( sign( depthDiff.mul( .25 ).add( .0025 ) ), 0.0, 1.0 ); return float( 1.0 ).sub( dot( normal, neighborNormal ) ).mul( depthIndicator ).mul( normalIndicator ); }; const normalEdgeIndicator = ( depth, normal ) => { const indicator = property( 'float', 'indicator' ); indicator.addAssign( neighborNormalEdgeIndicator( 0, - 1, depth, normal ) ); indicator.addAssign( neighborNormalEdgeIndicator( 0, 1, depth, normal ) ); indicator.addAssign( neighborNormalEdgeIndicator( - 1, 0, depth, normal ) ); indicator.addAssign( neighborNormalEdgeIndicator( 1, 0, depth, normal ) ); return step( 0.1, indicator ); }; const pixelation = Fn( () => { const texel = sampleTexture(); const depth = property( 'float', 'depth' ); const normal = property( 'vec3', 'normal' ); If( this.depthEdgeStrength.greaterThan( 0.0 ).or( this.normalEdgeStrength.greaterThan( 0.0 ) ), () => { depth.assign( sampleDepth( 0, 0 ) ); normal.assign( sampleNormal( 0, 0 ) ); } ); const dei = property( 'float', 'dei' ); If( this.depthEdgeStrength.greaterThan( 0.0 ), () => { dei.assign( depthEdgeIndicator( depth ) ); } ); const nei = property( 'float', 'nei' ); If( this.normalEdgeStrength.greaterThan( 0.0 ), () => { nei.assign( normalEdgeIndicator( depth, normal ) ); } ); const strength = dei.greaterThan( 0 ).select( float( 1.0 ).sub( dei.mul( this.depthEdgeStrength ) ), nei.mul( this.normalEdgeStrength ).add( 1 ) ); return texel.mul( strength ); } ); const outputNode = pixelation(); return outputNode; } } const pixelation = ( node, depthNode, normalNode, pixelSize = 6, normalEdgeStrength = 0.3, depthEdgeStrength = 0.4 ) => nodeObject( new PixelationNode( convertToTexture( node ), convertToTexture( depthNode ), convertToTexture( normalNode ), nodeObject( pixelSize ), nodeObject( normalEdgeStrength ), nodeObject( depthEdgeStrength ) ) ); /** * A special render pass node that renders the scene with a pixelation effect. * * @augments PassNode */ class PixelationPassNode extends PassNode { static get type() { return 'PixelationPassNode'; } /** * Constructs a new pixelation pass node. * * @param {Scene} scene - The scene to render. * @param {Camera} camera - The camera to render the scene with. * @param {Node<float> | Number} [pixelSize=6] - The pixel size. * @param {Node<float> | Number} [normalEdgeStrength=03] - The normal edge strength. * @param {Node<float> | Number} [depthEdgeStrength=03] - The depth edge strength. */ constructor( scene, camera, pixelSize = 6, normalEdgeStrength = 0.3, depthEdgeStrength = 0.4 ) { super( PassNode.COLOR, scene, camera, { minFilter: NearestFilter, magFilter: NearestFilter } ); /** * The pixel size. * * @type {Number} * @default 6 */ this.pixelSize = pixelSize; /** * The normal edge strength. * * @type {Number} * @default 0.3 */ this.normalEdgeStrength = normalEdgeStrength; /** * The depth edge strength. * * @type {Number} * @default 0.4 */ this.depthEdgeStrength = depthEdgeStrength; /** * This flag can be used for type testing. * * @type {Boolean} * @readonly * @default true */ this.isPixelationPassNode = true; this._mrt = mrt( { output: output, normal: normalView } ); } /** * Sets the size of the pass. * * @param {Number} width - The width of the pass. * @param {Number} height - The height of the pass. */ setSize( width, height ) { const pixelSize = this.pixelSize.value ? this.pixelSize.value : this.pixelSize; const adjustedWidth = Math.floor( width / pixelSize ); const adjustedHeight = Math.floor( height / pixelSize ); super.setSize( adjustedWidth, adjustedHeight ); } /** * This method is used to setup the effect's TSL code. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {PixelationNode} */ setup() { const color = super.getTextureNode( 'output' ); const depth = super.getTextureNode( 'depth' ); const normal = super.getTextureNode( 'normal' ); return pixelation( color, depth, normal, this.pixelSize, this.normalEdgeStrength, this.depthEdgeStrength ); } } /** * TSL function for creating a pixelation render pass node for post processing. * * @function * @param {Scene} scene - The scene to render. * @param {Camera} camera - The camera to render the scene with. * @param {Node<float> | Number} [pixelSize=6] - The pixel size. * @param {Node<float> | Number} [normalEdgeStrength=03] - The normal edge strength. * @param {Node<float> | Number} [depthEdgeStrength=03] - The depth edge strength. * @returns {PixelationPassNode} */ export const pixelationPass = ( scene, camera, pixelSize, normalEdgeStrength, depthEdgeStrength ) => nodeObject( new PixelationPassNode( scene, camera, pixelSize, normalEdgeStrength, depthEdgeStrength ) ); export default PixelationPassNode;