MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { DepthTexture, FloatType, RenderTarget, Vector2, TempNode, QuadMesh, NodeMaterial, RendererUtils, NodeUpdateType } from 'three/webgpu'; import { Loop, int, exp, min, float, mul, uv, vec2, vec3, Fn, textureSize, orthographicDepthToViewZ, screenUV, nodeObject, uniform, vec4, passTexture, texture, perspectiveDepthToViewZ, positionView, reference } from 'three/tsl'; /** @module OutlineNode **/ const _quadMesh = /*@__PURE__*/ new QuadMesh(); const _size = /*@__PURE__*/ new Vector2(); const _BLUR_DIRECTION_X = /*@__PURE__*/ new Vector2( 1.0, 0.0 ); const _BLUR_DIRECTION_Y = /*@__PURE__*/ new Vector2( 0.0, 1.0 ); let _rendererState; /** * Post processing node for rendering outlines around selected objects. The node * gives you great flexibility in composing the final outline look depending on * your requirements. * ```js * const postProcessing = new THREE.PostProcessing( renderer ); * * const scenePass = pass( scene, camera ); * * // outline parameter * * const edgeStrength = uniform( 3.0 ); * const edgeGlow = uniform( 0.0 ); * const edgeThickness = uniform( 1.0 ); * const visibleEdgeColor = uniform( new THREE.Color( 0xffffff ) ); * const hiddenEdgeColor = uniform( new THREE.Color( 0x4e3636 ) ); * * outlinePass = outline( scene, camera, { * selectedObjects, * edgeGlow, * edgeThickness * } ); * * // compose custom outline * * const { visibleEdge, hiddenEdge } = outlinePass; * const outlineColor = visibleEdge.mul( visibleEdgeColor ).add( hiddenEdge.mul( hiddenEdgeColor ) ).mul( edgeStrength ); * * postProcessing.outputNode = outlineColor.add( scenePass ); * ``` * * @augments TempNode */ class OutlineNode extends TempNode { static get type() { return 'OutlineNode'; } /** * Constructs a new outline node. * * @param {Scene} scene - A reference to the scene. * @param {Camera} camera - The camera the scene is rendered with. * @param {Object} params - The configuration parameters. * @param {Array<Object3D>} params.selectedObjects - An array of selected objects. * @param {Node<float>} [params.edgeThickness=float(1)] - The thickness of the edges. * @param {Node<float>} [params.edgeGlow=float(0)] - Can be used for an animated glow/pulse effects. * @param {Number} [params.downSampleRatio=2] - The downsample ratio. */ constructor( scene, camera, params = {} ) { super( 'vec4' ); const { selectedObjects = [], edgeThickness = float( 1 ), edgeGlow = float( 0 ), downSampleRatio = 2 } = params; /** * A reference to the scene. * * @type {Scene} */ this.scene = scene; /** * The camera the scene is rendered with. * * @type {Camera} */ = camera; /** * An array of selected objects. * * @type {Array<Object3D>} */ this.selectedObjects = selectedObjects; /** * The thickness of the edges. * * @type {Node<float>} */ this.edgeThicknessNode = nodeObject( edgeThickness ); /** * Can be used for an animated glow/pulse effect. * * @type {Node<float>} */ this.edgeGlowNode = nodeObject( edgeGlow ); /** * The downsample ratio. * * @type {Number} * @default 2 */ this.downSampleRatio = downSampleRatio; /** * The `updateBeforeType` is set to `NodeUpdateType.FRAME` since the node renders * its effect once per frame in `updateBefore()`. * * @type {String} * @default 'frame' */ this.updateBeforeType = NodeUpdateType.FRAME; // render targets /** * The render target for the depth pre-pass. * * @private * @type {RenderTarget} */ this._renderTargetDepthBuffer = new RenderTarget(); this._renderTargetDepthBuffer.depthTexture = new DepthTexture(); this._renderTargetDepthBuffer.depthTexture.type = FloatType; /** * The render target for the mask pass. * * @private * @type {RenderTarget} */ this._renderTargetMaskBuffer = new RenderTarget(); /** * The render target for the mask downsample. * * @private * @type {RenderTarget} */ this._renderTargetMaskDownSampleBuffer = new RenderTarget( 1, 1, { depthBuffer: false } ); /** * The first render target for the edge detection. * * @private * @type {RenderTarget} */ this._renderTargetEdgeBuffer1 = new RenderTarget( 1, 1, { depthBuffer: false } ); /** * The second render target for the edge detection. * * @private * @type {RenderTarget} */ this._renderTargetEdgeBuffer2 = new RenderTarget( 1, 1, { depthBuffer: false } ); /** * The first render target for the blur pass. * * @private * @type {RenderTarget} */ this._renderTargetBlurBuffer1 = new RenderTarget( 1, 1, { depthBuffer: false } ); /** * The second render target for the blur pass. * * @private * @type {RenderTarget} */ this._renderTargetBlurBuffer2 = new RenderTarget( 1, 1, { depthBuffer: false } ); /** * The render target for the final composite. * * @private * @type {RenderTarget} */ this._renderTargetComposite = new RenderTarget( 1, 1, { depthBuffer: false } ); // uniforms /** * Represents the near value of the scene's camera. * * @private * @type {ReferenceNode<float>} */ this._cameraNear = reference( 'near', 'float', camera ); /** * Represents the far value of the scene's camera. * * @private * @type {ReferenceNode<float>} */ this._cameraFar = reference( 'far', 'float', camera ); /** * Uniform that represents the blur direction of the pass. * * @private * @type {UniformNode<vec2>} */ this._blurDirection = uniform( new Vector2() ); /** * Texture node that holds the data from the depth pre-pass. * * @private * @type {TextureNode} */ this._depthTextureUniform = texture( this._renderTargetDepthBuffer.depthTexture ); /** * Texture node that holds the data from the mask pass. * * @private * @type {TextureNode} */ this._maskTextureUniform = texture( this._renderTargetMaskBuffer.texture ); /** * Texture node that holds the data from the mask downsample pass. * * @private * @type {TextureNode} */ this._maskTextureDownsSampleUniform = texture( this._renderTargetMaskDownSampleBuffer.texture ); /** * Texture node that holds the data from the first edge detection pass. * * @private * @type {TextureNode} */ this._edge1TextureUniform = texture( this._renderTargetEdgeBuffer1.texture ); /** * Texture node that holds the data from the second edge detection pass. * * @private * @type {TextureNode} */ this._edge2TextureUniform = texture( this._renderTargetEdgeBuffer2.texture ); /** * Texture node that holds the current blurred color data. * * @private * @type {TextureNode} */ this._blurColorTextureUniform = texture( this._renderTargetEdgeBuffer1.texture ); // constants /** * Visible edge color. * * @private * @type {Node<vec3>} */ this._visibleEdgeColor = vec3( 1, 0, 0 ); /** * Hidden edge color. * * @private * @type {Node<vec3>} */ this._hiddenEdgeColor = vec3( 0, 1, 0 ); // materials /** * The material for the depth pre-pass. * * @private * @type {NodeMaterial} */ this._depthMaterial = new NodeMaterial(); this._depthMaterial.fragmentNode = vec4( 0, 0, 0, 1 ); = 'OutlineNode.depth'; /** * The material for preparing the mask. * * @private * @type {NodeMaterial} */ this._prepareMaskMaterial = new NodeMaterial(); = 'OutlineNode.prepareMask'; /** * The copy material * * @private * @type {NodeMaterial} */ this._materialCopy = new NodeMaterial(); = 'OutlineNode.copy'; /** * The edge detection material. * * @private * @type {NodeMaterial} */ this._edgeDetectionMaterial = new NodeMaterial(); = 'OutlineNode.edgeDetection'; /** * The material that is used to render in the blur pass. * * @private * @type {NodeMaterial} */ this._separableBlurMaterial = new NodeMaterial(); = 'OutlineNode.separableBlur'; /** * The material that is used to render in the blur pass. * * @private * @type {NodeMaterial} */ this._separableBlurMaterial2 = new NodeMaterial(); = 'OutlineNode.separableBlur2'; /** * The final composite material. * * @private * @type {NodeMaterial} */ this._compositeMaterial = new NodeMaterial(); = 'OutlineNode.composite'; /** * A set to cache selected objects in the scene. * * @private * @type {Set<Object3D>} */ this._selectionCache = new Set(); /** * The result of the effect is represented as a separate texture node. * * @private * @type {PassTextureNode} */ this._textureNode = passTexture( this, this._renderTargetComposite.texture ); } /** * A mask value that represents the visible edge. * * @return {Node<float>} The visible edge. */ get visibleEdge() { return this.r; } /** * A mask value that represents the hidden edge. * * @return {Node<float>} The hidden edge. */ get hiddenEdge() { return this.g; } /** * Returns the result of the effect as a texture node. * * @return {PassTextureNode} A texture node that represents the result of the effect. */ getTextureNode() { return this._textureNode; } /** * Sets the size of the effect. * * @param {Number} width - The width of the effect. * @param {Number} height - The height of the effect. */ setSize( width, height ) { this._renderTargetDepthBuffer.setSize( width, height ); this._renderTargetMaskBuffer.setSize( width, height ); this._renderTargetComposite.setSize( width, height ); // downsample 1 let resx = Math.round( width / this.downSampleRatio ); let resy = Math.round( height / this.downSampleRatio ); this._renderTargetMaskDownSampleBuffer.setSize( resx, resy ); this._renderTargetEdgeBuffer1.setSize( resx, resy ); this._renderTargetBlurBuffer1.setSize( resx, resy ); // downsample 2 resx = Math.round( resx / 2 ); resy = Math.round( resy / 2 ); this._renderTargetEdgeBuffer2.setSize( resx, resy ); this._renderTargetBlurBuffer2.setSize( resx, resy ); } /** * This method is used to render the effect once per frame. * * @param {NodeFrame} frame - The current node frame. */ updateBefore( frame ) { const { renderer } = frame; const { camera, scene } = this; _rendererState = RendererUtils.resetRendererAndSceneState( renderer, scene, _rendererState ); // const size = renderer.getDrawingBufferSize( _size ); this.setSize( size.width, size.height ); // renderer.setClearColor( 0xffffff, 1 ); this._updateSelectionCache(); // 1. Draw non-selected objects in the depth buffer scene.overrideMaterial = this._depthMaterial; renderer.setRenderTarget( this._renderTargetDepthBuffer ); renderer.setRenderObjectFunction( ( object, ...params ) => { if ( this._selectionCache.has( object ) === false ) { renderer.renderObject( object, ...params ); } } ); renderer.render( scene, camera ); // 2. Draw only the selected objects by comparing the depth buffer of non-selected objects scene.overrideMaterial = this._prepareMaskMaterial; renderer.setRenderTarget( this._renderTargetMaskBuffer ); renderer.setRenderObjectFunction( ( object, ...params ) => { if ( this._selectionCache.has( object ) === true ) { renderer.renderObject( object, ...params ); } } ); renderer.render( scene, camera ); // renderer.setRenderObjectFunction( _rendererState.renderObjectFunction ); this._selectionCache.clear(); // 3. Downsample to (at least) half resolution _quadMesh.material = this._materialCopy; renderer.setRenderTarget( this._renderTargetMaskDownSampleBuffer ); _quadMesh.render( renderer ); // 4. Perform edge detection (half resolution) _quadMesh.material = this._edgeDetectionMaterial; renderer.setRenderTarget( this._renderTargetEdgeBuffer1 ); _quadMesh.render( renderer ); // 5. Apply blur (half resolution) this._blurColorTextureUniform.value = this._renderTargetEdgeBuffer1.texture; this._blurDirection.value.copy( _BLUR_DIRECTION_X ); _quadMesh.material = this._separableBlurMaterial; renderer.setRenderTarget( this._renderTargetBlurBuffer1 ); _quadMesh.render( renderer ); this._blurColorTextureUniform.value = this._renderTargetBlurBuffer1.texture; this._blurDirection.value.copy( _BLUR_DIRECTION_Y ); renderer.setRenderTarget( this._renderTargetEdgeBuffer1 ); _quadMesh.render( renderer ); // 6. Apply blur (quarter resolution) this._blurColorTextureUniform.value = this._renderTargetEdgeBuffer1.texture; this._blurDirection.value.copy( _BLUR_DIRECTION_X ); _quadMesh.material = this._separableBlurMaterial2; renderer.setRenderTarget( this._renderTargetBlurBuffer2 ); _quadMesh.render( renderer ); this._blurColorTextureUniform.value = this._renderTargetBlurBuffer2.texture; this._blurDirection.value.copy( _BLUR_DIRECTION_Y ); renderer.setRenderTarget( this._renderTargetEdgeBuffer2 ); _quadMesh.render( renderer ); // 7. Composite _quadMesh.material = this._compositeMaterial; renderer.setRenderTarget( this._renderTargetComposite ); _quadMesh.render( renderer ); // restore RendererUtils.restoreRendererAndSceneState( renderer, scene, _rendererState ); } /** * This method is used to setup the effect's TSL code. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {PassTextureNode} */ setup() { // prepare mask material const prepareMask = () => { const depth = this._depthTextureUniform.sample( screenUV ); let viewZNode; if ( ) { viewZNode = perspectiveDepthToViewZ( depth, this._cameraNear, this._cameraFar ); } else { viewZNode = orthographicDepthToViewZ( depth, this._cameraNear, this._cameraFar ); } const depthTest = positionView.z.lessThanEqual( viewZNode ).select( 1, 0 ); return vec4( 0.0, depthTest, 1.0, 1.0 ); }; this._prepareMaskMaterial.fragmentNode = prepareMask(); this._prepareMaskMaterial.needsUpdate = true; // copy material this._materialCopy.fragmentNode = this._maskTextureUniform; this._materialCopy.needsUpdate = true; // edge detection material const edgeDetection = Fn( () => { const resolution = textureSize( this._maskTextureDownsSampleUniform ); const invSize = vec2( 1 ).div( resolution ).toVar(); const uvOffset = vec4( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ).mul( vec4( invSize, invSize ) ); const uvNode = uv(); const c1 = this._maskTextureDownsSampleUniform.sample( uvNode.add( uvOffset.xy ) ).toVar(); const c2 = this._maskTextureDownsSampleUniform.sample( uvNode.sub( uvOffset.xy ) ).toVar(); const c3 = this._maskTextureDownsSampleUniform.sample( uvNode.add( uvOffset.yw ) ).toVar(); const c4 = this._maskTextureDownsSampleUniform.sample( uvNode.sub( uvOffset.yw ) ).toVar(); const diff1 = mul( c1.r.sub( c2.r ), 0.5 ); const diff2 = mul( c3.r.sub( c4.r ), 0.5 ); const d = vec2( diff1, diff2 ).length(); const a1 = min( c1.g, c2.g ); const a2 = min( c3.g, c4.g ); const visibilityFactor = min( a1, a2 ); const edgeColor = visibilityFactor.oneMinus().greaterThan( 0.001 ).select( this._visibleEdgeColor, this._hiddenEdgeColor ); return vec4( edgeColor, 1 ).mul( d ); } ); this._edgeDetectionMaterial.fragmentNode = edgeDetection(); this._edgeDetectionMaterial.needsUpdate = true; // separable blur material const MAX_RADIUS = 4; const gaussianPdf = Fn( ( [ x, sigma ] ) => { return float( 0.39894 ).mul( exp( float( - 0.5 ).mul( x ).mul( x ).div( sigma.mul( sigma ) ) ).div( sigma ) ); } ); const separableBlur = Fn( ( [ kernelRadius ] ) => { const resolution = textureSize( this._maskTextureDownsSampleUniform ); const invSize = vec2( 1 ).div( resolution ).toVar(); const uvNode = uv(); const sigma = kernelRadius.div( 2 ).toVar(); const weightSum = gaussianPdf( 0, sigma ).toVar(); const diffuseSum = this._blurColorTextureUniform.sample( uvNode ).mul( weightSum ).toVar(); const delta = this._blurDirection.mul( invSize ).mul( kernelRadius ).div( MAX_RADIUS ).toVar(); const uvOffset = delta.toVar(); Loop( { start: int( 1 ), end: int( MAX_RADIUS ), type: 'int', condition: '<=' }, ( { i } ) => { const x = kernelRadius.mul( float( i ) ).div( MAX_RADIUS ); const w = gaussianPdf( x, sigma ); const sample1 = this._blurColorTextureUniform.sample( uvNode.add( uvOffset ) ); const sample2 = this._blurColorTextureUniform.sample( uvNode.sub( uvOffset ) ); diffuseSum.addAssign( sample1.add( sample2 ).mul( w ) ); weightSum.addAssign( w.mul( 2 ) ); uvOffset.addAssign( delta ); } ); return diffuseSum.div( weightSum ); } ); this._separableBlurMaterial.fragmentNode = separableBlur( this.edgeThicknessNode ); this._separableBlurMaterial.needsUpdate = true; this._separableBlurMaterial2.fragmentNode = separableBlur( MAX_RADIUS ); this._separableBlurMaterial2.needsUpdate = true; // composite material const composite = Fn( () => { const edgeValue1 = this._edge1TextureUniform; const edgeValue2 = this._edge2TextureUniform; const maskColor = this._maskTextureUniform; const edgeValue = edgeValue1.add( edgeValue2.mul( this.edgeGlowNode ) ); return maskColor.r.mul( edgeValue ); } ); this._compositeMaterial.fragmentNode = composite(); this._compositeMaterial.needsUpdate = true; return this._textureNode; } /** * Frees internal resources. This method should be called * when the effect is no longer required. */ dispose() { this.selectedObjects.length = 0; this._renderTargetDepthBuffer.dispose(); this._renderTargetMaskBuffer.dispose(); this._renderTargetMaskDownSampleBuffer.dispose(); this._renderTargetEdgeBuffer1.dispose(); this._renderTargetEdgeBuffer2.dispose(); this._renderTargetBlurBuffer1.dispose(); this._renderTargetBlurBuffer2.dispose(); this._renderTargetComposite.dispose(); this._depthMaterial.dispose(); this._prepareMaskMaterial.dispose(); this._materialCopy.dispose(); this._edgeDetectionMaterial.dispose(); this._separableBlurMaterial.dispose(); this._separableBlurMaterial2.dispose(); this._compositeMaterial.dispose(); } /** * Updates the selection cache based on the selected objects. * * @private */ _updateSelectionCache() { for ( let i = 0; i < this.selectedObjects.length; i ++ ) { const selectedObject = this.selectedObjects[ i ]; selectedObject.traverse( ( object ) => { if ( object.isMesh ) this._selectionCache.add( object ); } ); } } } export default OutlineNode; /** * TSL function for creating an outline effect around selected objects. * * @function * @param {Scene} scene - A reference to the scene. * @param {Camera} camera - The camera the scene is rendered with. * @param {Object} params - The configuration parameters. * @param {Array<Object3D>} params.selectedObjects - An array of selected objects. * @param {Node<float>} [params.edgeThickness=float(1)] - The thickness of the edges. * @param {Node<float>} [params.edgeGlow=float(0)] - Can be used for animated glow/pulse effects. * @param {Number} [params.downSampleRatio=2] - The downsample ratio. * @returns {OutlineNode} */ export const outline = ( scene, camera, params ) => nodeObject( new OutlineNode( scene, camera, params ) );