MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { Vector2, TempNode } from 'three/webgpu'; import { nodeObject, Fn, uniformArray, select, float, NodeUpdateType, uv, dot, clamp, uniform, convertToTexture, smoothstep, bool, vec2, vec3, If, Loop, max, min, Break, abs } from 'three/tsl'; /** @module FXAANode **/ /** * Post processing node for applying FXAA. This node requires sRGB input * so tone mapping and color space conversion must happen before the anti-aliasing. * * @augments TempNode */ class FXAANode extends TempNode { static get type() { return 'FXAANode'; } /** * Constructs a new FXAA node. * * @param {TextureNode} textureNode - The texture node that represents the input of the effect. */ constructor( textureNode ) { super( 'vec4' ); /** * The texture node that represents the input of the effect. * * @type {TextureNode} */ this.textureNode = textureNode; /** * The `updateBeforeType` is set to `NodeUpdateType.FRAME` since the node updates * its internal uniforms once per frame in `updateBefore()`. * * @type {String} * @default 'frame' */ this.updateBeforeType = NodeUpdateType.FRAME; /** * A uniform node holding the inverse resolution value. * * @private * @type {UniformNode<vec2>} */ this._invSize = uniform( new Vector2() ); } /** * This method is used to update the effect's uniforms once per frame. * * @param {NodeFrame} frame - The current node frame. */ updateBefore( /* frame */ ) { const map = this.textureNode.value; this._invSize.value.set( 1 / map.image.width, 1 / map.image.height ); } /** * This method is used to setup the effect's TSL code. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {ShaderCallNodeInternal} */ setup( /* builder */ ) { const textureNode = this.textureNode.bias( - 100 ); const uvNode = textureNode.uvNode || uv(); const EDGE_STEP_COUNT = float( 6 ); const EDGE_GUESS = float( 8.0 ); const EDGE_STEPS = uniformArray( [ 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 4.0 ] ); const _ContrastThreshold = float( 0.0312 ); const _RelativeThreshold = float( 0.063 ); const _SubpixelBlending = float( 1.0 ); const Sample = Fn( ( [ uv ] ) => { return textureNode.sample( uv ); } ); const SampleLuminance = Fn( ( [ uv ] ) => { return dot( Sample( uv ).rgb, vec3( 0.3, 0.59, 0.11 ) ); } ); const SampleLuminanceOffset = Fn( ( [ texSize, uv, uOffset, vOffset ] ) => { const shiftedUv = uv.add( texSize.mul( vec2( uOffset, vOffset ) ) ); return SampleLuminance( shiftedUv ); } ); const ShouldSkipPixel = ( l ) => { const threshold = max( _ContrastThreshold, _RelativeThreshold.mul( l.highest ) ); return l.contrast.lessThan( threshold ); }; const SampleLuminanceNeighborhood = ( texSize, uv ) => { const m = SampleLuminance( uv ); const n = SampleLuminanceOffset( texSize, uv, 0.0, - 1.0 ); const e = SampleLuminanceOffset( texSize, uv, 1.0, 0.0 ); const s = SampleLuminanceOffset( texSize, uv, 0.0, 1.0 ); const w = SampleLuminanceOffset( texSize, uv, - 1.0, 0.0 ); const ne = SampleLuminanceOffset( texSize, uv, 1.0, - 1.0 ); const nw = SampleLuminanceOffset( texSize, uv, - 1.0, - 1.0 ); const se = SampleLuminanceOffset( texSize, uv, 1.0, 1.0 ); const sw = SampleLuminanceOffset( texSize, uv, - 1.0, 1.0 ); const highest = max( max( max( max( s, e ), n ), w ), m ); const lowest = min( min( min( min( s, e ), n ), w ), m ); const contrast = highest.sub( lowest ); return { m, n, e, s, w, ne, nw, se, sw, highest, lowest, contrast }; }; const DeterminePixelBlendFactor = ( l ) => { let f = float( 2.0 ).mul( l.s.add( l.e ).add( l.n ).add( l.w ) ); f = f.add( l.sw ).add( ).add( l.nw ) ); f = f.mul( 1.0 / 12.0 ); f = abs( f.sub( l.m ) ); f = clamp( f.div( max( l.contrast, 0 ) ), 0.0, 1.0 ); const blendFactor = smoothstep( 0.0, 1.0, f ); return blendFactor.mul( blendFactor ).mul( _SubpixelBlending ); }; const DetermineEdge = ( texSize, l ) => { const horizontal = abs( l.s.add( l.n ).sub( l.m.mul( 2.0 ) ) ).mul( 2.0 ).add( abs( ).sub( l.e.mul( 2.0 ) ) ).add( abs( l.sw.add( l.nw ).sub( l.w.mul( 2.0 ) ) ) ) ); const vertical = abs( l.e.add( l.w ).sub( l.m.mul( 2.0 ) ) ).mul( 2.0 ).add( abs( l.sw ).sub( l.s.mul( 2.0 ) ) ).add( abs( l.nw ).sub( l.n.mul( 2.0 ) ) ) ) ); const isHorizontal = horizontal.greaterThanEqual( vertical ); const pLuminance = select( isHorizontal, l.s, l.e ); const nLuminance = select( isHorizontal, l.n, l.w ); const pGradient = abs( pLuminance.sub( l.m ) ); const nGradient = abs( nLuminance.sub( l.m ) ); const pixelStep = select( isHorizontal, texSize.y, texSize.x ).toVar(); const oppositeLuminance = float().toVar(); const gradient = float().toVar(); If( pGradient.lessThan( nGradient ), () => { pixelStep.assign( pixelStep.negate() ); oppositeLuminance.assign( nLuminance ); gradient.assign( nGradient ); } ).Else( () => { oppositeLuminance.assign( pLuminance ); gradient.assign( pGradient ); } ); return { isHorizontal, pixelStep, oppositeLuminance, gradient }; }; const DetermineEdgeBlendFactor = ( texSize, l, e, uv ) => { const uvEdge = uv.toVar(); const edgeStep = vec2().toVar(); If( e.isHorizontal, () => { uvEdge.y.addAssign( e.pixelStep.mul( 0.5 ) ); edgeStep.assign( vec2( texSize.x, 0.0 ) ); } ).Else( () => { uvEdge.x.addAssign( e.pixelStep.mul( 0.5 ) ); edgeStep.assign( vec2( 0.0, texSize.y ) ); } ); const edgeLuminance = l.m.add( e.oppositeLuminance ).mul( 0.5 ); const gradientThreshold = e.gradient.mul( 0.25 ); const puv = uvEdge.add( edgeStep.mul( EDGE_STEPS.element( 0 ) ) ).toVar(); const pLuminanceDelta = SampleLuminance( puv ).sub( edgeLuminance ).toVar(); const pAtEnd = abs( pLuminanceDelta ).greaterThanEqual( gradientThreshold ).toVar(); Loop( { start: 1, end: EDGE_STEP_COUNT }, ( { i } ) => { If( pAtEnd, () => { Break(); } ); puv.addAssign( edgeStep.mul( EDGE_STEPS.element( i ) ) ); pLuminanceDelta.assign( SampleLuminance( puv ).sub( edgeLuminance ) ); pAtEnd.assign( abs( pLuminanceDelta ).greaterThanEqual( gradientThreshold ) ); } ); If( pAtEnd.not(), () => { puv.addAssign( edgeStep.mul( EDGE_GUESS ) ); } ); const nuv = uvEdge.sub( edgeStep.mul( EDGE_STEPS.element( 0 ) ) ).toVar(); const nLuminanceDelta = SampleLuminance( nuv ).sub( edgeLuminance ).toVar(); const nAtEnd = abs( nLuminanceDelta ).greaterThanEqual( gradientThreshold ).toVar(); Loop( { start: 1, end: EDGE_STEP_COUNT }, ( { i } ) => { If( nAtEnd, () => { Break(); } ); nuv.subAssign( edgeStep.mul( EDGE_STEPS.element( i ) ) ); nLuminanceDelta.assign( SampleLuminance( nuv ).sub( edgeLuminance ) ); nAtEnd.assign( abs( nLuminanceDelta ).greaterThanEqual( gradientThreshold ) ); } ); If( nAtEnd.not(), () => { nuv.subAssign( edgeStep.mul( EDGE_GUESS ) ); } ); const pDistance = float().toVar(); const nDistance = float().toVar(); If( e.isHorizontal, () => { pDistance.assign( puv.x.sub( uv.x ) ); nDistance.assign( uv.x.sub( nuv.x ) ); } ).Else( () => { pDistance.assign( puv.y.sub( uv.y ) ); nDistance.assign( uv.y.sub( nuv.y ) ); } ); const shortestDistance = float().toVar(); const deltaSign = bool().toVar(); If( pDistance.lessThanEqual( nDistance ), () => { shortestDistance.assign( pDistance ); deltaSign.assign( pLuminanceDelta.greaterThanEqual( 0.0 ) ); } ).Else( () => { shortestDistance.assign( nDistance ); deltaSign.assign( nLuminanceDelta.greaterThanEqual( 0.0 ) ); } ); const blendFactor = float().toVar(); If( deltaSign.equal( l.m.sub( edgeLuminance ).greaterThanEqual( 0.0 ) ), () => { blendFactor.assign( 0.0 ); } ).Else( () => { blendFactor.assign( float( 0.5 ).sub( shortestDistance.div( pDistance.add( nDistance ) ) ) ); } ); return blendFactor; }; const ApplyFXAA = Fn( ( [ uv, texSize ] ) => { const luminance = SampleLuminanceNeighborhood( texSize, uv ); If( ShouldSkipPixel( luminance ), () => { return Sample( uv ); } ); const pixelBlend = DeterminePixelBlendFactor( luminance ); const edge = DetermineEdge( texSize, luminance ); const edgeBlend = DetermineEdgeBlendFactor( texSize, luminance, edge, uv ); const finalBlend = max( pixelBlend, edgeBlend ); const finalUv = uv.toVar(); If( edge.isHorizontal, () => { finalUv.y.addAssign( edge.pixelStep.mul( finalBlend ) ); } ).Else( () => { finalUv.x.addAssign( edge.pixelStep.mul( finalBlend ) ); } ); return Sample( finalUv ); } ).setLayout( { name: 'FxaaPixelShader', type: 'vec4', inputs: [ { name: 'uv', type: 'vec2' }, { name: 'texSize', type: 'vec2' }, ] } ); const fxaa = Fn( () => { return ApplyFXAA( uvNode, this._invSize ); } ); const outputNode = fxaa(); return outputNode; } } export default FXAANode; /** * TSL function for creating a FXAA node for anti-aliasing via post processing. * * @function * @param {Node<vec4>} node - The node that represents the input of the effect. * @returns {FXAANode} */ export const fxaa = ( node ) => nodeObject( new FXAANode( convertToTexture( node ) ) );