import { DataTexture, RepeatWrapping, Vector2, Vector3, TempNode } from 'three/webgpu';
import { texture, getNormalFromDepth, getViewPosition, convertToTexture, nodeObject, Fn, float, NodeUpdateType, uv, uniform, Loop, luminance, vec2, vec3, vec4, uniformArray, int, dot, max, pow, abs, If, textureSize, sin, cos, mat2, PI } from 'three/tsl';
import { SimplexNoise } from '../../math/SimplexNoise.js';
/** @module DenoiseNode **/
* Post processing node for denoising data like raw screen-space ambient occlusion output.
* Denoise can noticeably improve the quality of ambient occlusion but also add quite some
* overhead to the post processing setup. It's best to make its usage optional (e.g. via
* graphic settings).
* Reference: {@link}.
* @augments TempNode
class DenoiseNode extends TempNode {
static get type() {
return 'DenoiseNode';
* Constructs a new denoise node.
* @param {TextureNode} textureNode - The texture node that represents the input of the effect (e.g. AO).
* @param {Node<float>} depthNode - A node that represents the scene's depth.
* @param {Node<vec3>?} normalNode - A node that represents the scene's normals.
* @param {Camera} camera - The camera the scene is rendered with.
constructor( textureNode, depthNode, normalNode, camera ) {
super( 'vec4' );
* The texture node that represents the input of the effect (e.g. AO).
* @type {TextureNode}
this.textureNode = textureNode;
* A node that represents the scene's depth.
* @type {Node<float>}
this.depthNode = depthNode;
* A node that represents the scene's normals. If no normals are passed to the
* constructor (because MRT is not available), normals can be automatically
* reconstructed from depth values in the shader.
* @type {Node<vec3>?}
this.normalNode = normalNode;
* The node represents the internal noise texture.
* @type {TextureNode}
this.noiseNode = texture( generateDefaultNoise() );
* The luma Phi value.
* @type {UniformNode<float>}
this.lumaPhi = uniform( 5 );
* The depth Phi value.
* @type {UniformNode<float>}
this.depthPhi = uniform( 5 );
* The normal Phi value.
* @type {UniformNode<float>}
this.normalPhi = uniform( 5 );
* The radius.
* @type {UniformNode<float>}
this.radius = uniform( 5 );
* The index.
* @type {UniformNode<float>}
this.index = uniform( 0 );
* The `updateBeforeType` is set to `NodeUpdateType.FRAME` since the node updates
* its internal uniforms once per frame in `updateBefore()`.
* @type {String}
* @default 'frame'
this.updateBeforeType = NodeUpdateType.FRAME;
* The resolution of the effect.
* @private
* @type {UniformNode<vec2>}
this._resolution = uniform( new Vector2() );
* An array of sample vectors.
* @private
* @type {UniformArrayNode<vec3>}
this._sampleVectors = uniformArray( generateDenoiseSamples( 16, 2, 1 ) );
* Represents the inverse projection matrix of the scene's camera.
* @private
* @type {UniformNode<mat4>}
this._cameraProjectionMatrixInverse = uniform( camera.projectionMatrixInverse );
* This method is used to update internal uniforms once per frame.
* @param {NodeFrame} frame - The current node frame.
updateBefore() {
const map = this.textureNode.value;
this._resolution.value.set( map.image.width, map.image.height );
* This method is used to setup the effect's TSL code.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder.
* @return {ShaderCallNodeInternal}
setup( /* builder */ ) {
const uvNode = uv();
const sampleTexture = ( uv ) => this.textureNode.sample( uv );
const sampleDepth = ( uv ) => this.depthNode.sample( uv ).x;
const sampleNormal = ( uv ) => ( this.normalNode !== null ) ? this.normalNode.sample( uv ).rgb.normalize() : getNormalFromDepth( uv, this.depthNode.value, this._cameraProjectionMatrixInverse );
const sampleNoise = ( uv ) => this.noiseNode.sample( uv );
const denoiseSample = Fn( ( [ center, viewNormal, viewPosition, sampleUv ] ) => {
const texel = sampleTexture( sampleUv ).toVar();
const depth = sampleDepth( sampleUv ).toVar();
const normal = sampleNormal( sampleUv ).toVar();
const neighborColor = texel.rgb;
const viewPos = getViewPosition( sampleUv, depth, this._cameraProjectionMatrixInverse ).toVar();
const normalDiff = dot( viewNormal, normal ).toVar();
const normalSimilarity = pow( max( normalDiff, 0 ), this.normalPhi ).toVar();
const lumaDiff = abs( luminance( neighborColor ).sub( luminance( center ) ) ).toVar();
const lumaSimilarity = max( float( 1.0 ).sub( lumaDiff.div( this.lumaPhi ) ), 0 ).toVar();
const depthDiff = abs( dot( viewPosition.sub( viewPos ), viewNormal ) ).toVar();
const depthSimilarity = max( float( 1.0 ).sub( depthDiff.div( this.depthPhi ) ), 0 );
const w = lumaSimilarity.mul( depthSimilarity ).mul( normalSimilarity );
return vec4( neighborColor.mul( w ), w );
} );
const denoise = Fn( ( [ uvNode ] ) => {
const depth = sampleDepth( uvNode ).toVar();
const viewNormal = sampleNormal( uvNode ).toVar();
const texel = sampleTexture( uvNode ).toVar();
If( depth.greaterThanEqual( 1.0 ).or( dot( viewNormal, viewNormal ).equal( 0.0 ) ), () => {
return texel;
} );
const center = vec3( texel.rgb ).toVar();
const viewPosition = getViewPosition( uvNode, depth, this._cameraProjectionMatrixInverse ).toVar();
const noiseResolution = textureSize( this.noiseNode, 0 );
let noiseUv = vec2( uvNode.x, uvNode.y.oneMinus() );
noiseUv = noiseUv.mul( this._resolution.div( noiseResolution ) );
const noiseTexel = sampleNoise( noiseUv ).toVar();
const x = sin( noiseTexel.element( this.index.mod( 4 ).mul( 2 ).mul( PI ) ) ).toVar();
const y = cos( noiseTexel.element( this.index.mod( 4 ).mul( 2 ).mul( PI ) ) ).toVar();
const noiseVec = vec2( x, y ).toVar();
const rotationMatrix = mat2( noiseVec.x, noiseVec.y.negate(), noiseVec.x, noiseVec.y ).toVar();
const totalWeight = float( 1.0 ).toVar();
const denoised = vec3( texel.rgb ).toVar();
Loop( { start: int( 0 ), end: int( 16 ), type: 'int', condition: '<' }, ( { i } ) => {
const sampleDir = this._sampleVectors.element( i ).toVar();
const offset = rotationMatrix.mul( sampleDir.xy.mul( float( 1.0 ).add( sampleDir.z.mul( this.radius.sub( 1 ) ) ) ) ).div( this._resolution ).toVar();
const sampleUv = uvNode.add( offset ).toVar();
const result = denoiseSample( center, viewNormal, viewPosition, sampleUv );
denoised.addAssign( );
totalWeight.addAssign( result.w );
} );
If( totalWeight.greaterThan( float( 0 ) ), () => {
denoised.divAssign( totalWeight );
} );
return vec4( denoised, texel.a );
} ).setLayout( {
name: 'denoise',
type: 'vec4',
inputs: [
{ name: 'uv', type: 'vec2' }
} );
const output = Fn( () => {
return denoise( uvNode );
} );
const outputNode = output();
return outputNode;
export default DenoiseNode;
* Generates denoise samples based on the given parameters.
* @param {Number} numSamples - The number of samples.
* @param {Number} numRings - The number of rings.
* @param {Number} radiusExponent - The radius exponent.
* @return {Array<Vector3>} The denoise samples.
function generateDenoiseSamples( numSamples, numRings, radiusExponent ) {
const samples = [];
for ( let i = 0; i < numSamples; i ++ ) {
const angle = 2 * Math.PI * numRings * i / numSamples;
const radius = Math.pow( i / ( numSamples - 1 ), radiusExponent );
samples.push( new Vector3( Math.cos( angle ), Math.sin( angle ), radius ) );
return samples;
* Generates a default noise texture for the given size.
* @param {Number} [size=64] - The texture size.
* @return {DataTexture} The generated noise texture.
function generateDefaultNoise( size = 64 ) {
const simplex = new SimplexNoise();
const arraySize = size * size * 4;
const data = new Uint8Array( arraySize );
for ( let i = 0; i < size; i ++ ) {
for ( let j = 0; j < size; j ++ ) {
const x = i;
const y = j;
data[ ( i * size + j ) * 4 ] = ( simplex.noise( x, y ) * 0.5 + 0.5 ) * 255;
data[ ( i * size + j ) * 4 + 1 ] = ( simplex.noise( x + size, y ) * 0.5 + 0.5 ) * 255;
data[ ( i * size + j ) * 4 + 2 ] = ( simplex.noise( x, y + size ) * 0.5 + 0.5 ) * 255;
data[ ( i * size + j ) * 4 + 3 ] = ( simplex.noise( x + size, y + size ) * 0.5 + 0.5 ) * 255;
const noiseTexture = new DataTexture( data, size, size );
noiseTexture.wrapS = RepeatWrapping;
noiseTexture.wrapT = RepeatWrapping;
noiseTexture.needsUpdate = true;
return noiseTexture;
* TSL function for creating a denoise effect.
* @function
* @param {Node} node - The node that represents the input of the effect (e.g. AO).
* @param {Node<float>} depthNode - A node that represents the scene's depth.
* @param {Node<vec3>?} normalNode - A node that represents the scene's normals.
* @param {Camera} camera - The camera the scene is rendered with.
* @returns {DenoiseNode}
export const denoise = ( node, depthNode, normalNode, camera ) => nodeObject( new DenoiseNode( convertToTexture( node ), nodeObject( depthNode ), nodeObject( normalNode ), camera ) );