MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { HalfFloatType, RenderTarget, Vector2, Vector3, TempNode, QuadMesh, NodeMaterial, RendererUtils, NodeUpdateType } from 'three/webgpu'; import { nodeObject, Fn, float, uv, passTexture, uniform, Loop, texture, luminance, smoothstep, mix, vec4, uniformArray, add, int } from 'three/tsl'; /** @module BloomNode **/ const _quadMesh = /*@__PURE__*/ new QuadMesh(); const _size = /*@__PURE__*/ new Vector2(); const _BlurDirectionX = /*@__PURE__*/ new Vector2( 1.0, 0.0 ); const _BlurDirectionY = /*@__PURE__*/ new Vector2( 0.0, 1.0 ); let _rendererState; /** * Post processing node for creating a bloom effect. * ```js * const postProcessing = new THREE.PostProcessing( renderer ); * * const scenePass = pass( scene, camera ); * const scenePassColor = scenePass.getTextureNode( 'output' ); * * const bloomPass = bloom( scenePassColor ); * * postProcessing.outputNode = scenePassColor.add( bloomPass ); * ``` * By default, the node affects the entire image. For a selective bloom, * use the `emissive` material property to control which objects should * contribute to bloom or not. This can be achieved via MRT. * ```js * const postProcessing = new THREE.PostProcessing( renderer ); * * const scenePass = pass( scene, camera ); * scenePass.setMRT( mrt( { * output, * emissive * } ) ); * * const scenePassColor = scenePass.getTextureNode( 'output' ); * const emissivePass = scenePass.getTextureNode( 'emissive' ); * * const bloomPass = bloom( emissivePass ); * postProcessing.outputNode = scenePassColor.add( bloomPass ); * ``` * @augments TempNode */ class BloomNode extends TempNode { static get type() { return 'BloomNode'; } /** * Constructs a new bloom node. * * @param {Node<vec4>} inputNode - The node that represents the input of the effect. * @param {Number} [strength=1] - The strength of the bloom. * @param {Number} [radius=0] - The radius of the bloom. * @param {Number} [threshold=0] - The luminance threshold limits which bright areas contribute to the bloom effect. */ constructor( inputNode, strength = 1, radius = 0, threshold = 0 ) { super( 'vec4' ); /** * The node that represents the input of the effect. * * @type {Node<vec4>} */ this.inputNode = inputNode; /** * The strength of the bloom. * * @type {UniformNode<float>} */ this.strength = uniform( strength ); /** * The radius of the bloom. * * @type {UniformNode<float>} */ this.radius = uniform( radius ); /** * The luminance threshold limits which bright areas contribute to the bloom effect. * * @type {UniformNode<float>} */ this.threshold = uniform( threshold ); /** * Can be used to tweak the extracted luminance from the scene. * * @type {UniformNode<float>} */ this.smoothWidth = uniform( 0.01 ); /** * An array that holds the render targets for the horizontal blur passes. * * @private * @type {Array<RenderTarget>} */ this._renderTargetsHorizontal = []; /** * An array that holds the render targets for the vertical blur passes. * * @private * @type {Array<RenderTarget>} */ this._renderTargetsVertical = []; /** * The number if blur mips. * * @private * @type {Number} */ this._nMips = 5; /** * The render target for the luminance pass. * * @private * @type {RenderTarget} */ this._renderTargetBright = new RenderTarget( 1, 1, { depthBuffer: false, type: HalfFloatType } ); = 'UnrealBloomPass.bright'; this._renderTargetBright.texture.generateMipmaps = false; // for ( let i = 0; i < this._nMips; i ++ ) { const renderTargetHorizontal = new RenderTarget( 1, 1, { depthBuffer: false, type: HalfFloatType } ); = 'UnrealBloomPass.h' + i; renderTargetHorizontal.texture.generateMipmaps = false; this._renderTargetsHorizontal.push( renderTargetHorizontal ); const renderTargetVertical = new RenderTarget( 1, 1, { depthBuffer: false, type: HalfFloatType } ); = 'UnrealBloomPass.v' + i; renderTargetVertical.texture.generateMipmaps = false; this._renderTargetsVertical.push( renderTargetVertical ); } /** * The material for the composite pass. * * @private * @type {NodeMaterial?} */ this._compositeMaterial = null; /** * The material for the luminance pass. * * @private * @type {NodeMaterial?} */ this._highPassFilterMaterial = null; /** * The materials for the blur pass. * * @private * @type {Array<NodeMaterial>} */ this._separableBlurMaterials = []; /** * The result of the luminance pass as a texture node for further processing. * * @private * @type {TextureNode} */ this._textureNodeBright = texture( this._renderTargetBright.texture ); /** * The result of the first blur pass as a texture node for further processing. * * @private * @type {TextureNode} */ this._textureNodeBlur0 = texture( this._renderTargetsVertical[ 0 ].texture ); /** * The result of the second blur pass as a texture node for further processing. * * @private * @type {TextureNode} */ this._textureNodeBlur1 = texture( this._renderTargetsVertical[ 1 ].texture ); /** * The result of the third blur pass as a texture node for further processing. * * @private * @type {TextureNode} */ this._textureNodeBlur2 = texture( this._renderTargetsVertical[ 2 ].texture ); /** * The result of the fourth blur pass as a texture node for further processing. * * @private * @type {TextureNode} */ this._textureNodeBlur3 = texture( this._renderTargetsVertical[ 3 ].texture ); /** * The result of the fifth blur pass as a texture node for further processing. * * @private * @type {TextureNode} */ this._textureNodeBlur4 = texture( this._renderTargetsVertical[ 4 ].texture ); /** * The result of the effect is represented as a separate texture node. * * @private * @type {PassTextureNode} */ this._textureOutput = passTexture( this, this._renderTargetsHorizontal[ 0 ].texture ); /** * The `updateBeforeType` is set to `NodeUpdateType.FRAME` since the node renders * its effect once per frame in `updateBefore()`. * * @type {String} * @default 'frame' */ this.updateBeforeType = NodeUpdateType.FRAME; } /** * Returns the result of the effect as a texture node. * * @return {PassTextureNode} A texture node that represents the result of the effect. */ getTextureNode() { return this._textureOutput; } /** * Sets the size of the effect. * * @param {Number} width - The width of the effect. * @param {Number} height - The height of the effect. */ setSize( width, height ) { let resx = Math.round( width / 2 ); let resy = Math.round( height / 2 ); this._renderTargetBright.setSize( resx, resy ); for ( let i = 0; i < this._nMips; i ++ ) { this._renderTargetsHorizontal[ i ].setSize( resx, resy ); this._renderTargetsVertical[ i ].setSize( resx, resy ); this._separableBlurMaterials[ i ].invSize.value.set( 1 / resx, 1 / resy ); resx = Math.round( resx / 2 ); resy = Math.round( resy / 2 ); } } /** * This method is used to render the effect once per frame. * * @param {NodeFrame} frame - The current node frame. */ updateBefore( frame ) { const { renderer } = frame; _rendererState = RendererUtils.resetRendererState( renderer, _rendererState ); // const size = renderer.getDrawingBufferSize( _size ); this.setSize( size.width, size.height ); // 1. Extract bright areas renderer.setRenderTarget( this._renderTargetBright ); _quadMesh.material = this._highPassFilterMaterial; _quadMesh.render( renderer ); // 2. Blur all the mips progressively let inputRenderTarget = this._renderTargetBright; for ( let i = 0; i < this._nMips; i ++ ) { _quadMesh.material = this._separableBlurMaterials[ i ]; this._separableBlurMaterials[ i ].colorTexture.value = inputRenderTarget.texture; this._separableBlurMaterials[ i ].direction.value = _BlurDirectionX; renderer.setRenderTarget( this._renderTargetsHorizontal[ i ] ); _quadMesh.render( renderer ); this._separableBlurMaterials[ i ].colorTexture.value = this._renderTargetsHorizontal[ i ].texture; this._separableBlurMaterials[ i ].direction.value = _BlurDirectionY; renderer.setRenderTarget( this._renderTargetsVertical[ i ] ); _quadMesh.render( renderer ); inputRenderTarget = this._renderTargetsVertical[ i ]; } // 3. Composite all the mips renderer.setRenderTarget( this._renderTargetsHorizontal[ 0 ] ); _quadMesh.material = this._compositeMaterial; _quadMesh.render( renderer ); // restore RendererUtils.restoreRendererState( renderer, _rendererState ); } /** * This method is used to setup the effect's TSL code. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {PassTextureNode} */ setup( builder ) { // luminosity high pass material const luminosityHighPass = Fn( () => { const texel = this.inputNode; const v = luminance( texel.rgb ); const alpha = smoothstep( this.threshold, this.threshold.add( this.smoothWidth ), v ); return mix( vec4( 0 ), texel, alpha ); } ); this._highPassFilterMaterial = this._highPassFilterMaterial || new NodeMaterial(); this._highPassFilterMaterial.fragmentNode = luminosityHighPass().context( builder.getSharedContext() ); = 'Bloom_highPass'; this._highPassFilterMaterial.needsUpdate = true; // gaussian blur materials const kernelSizeArray = [ 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 ]; for ( let i = 0; i < this._nMips; i ++ ) { this._separableBlurMaterials.push( this._getSeparableBlurMaterial( builder, kernelSizeArray[ i ] ) ); } // composite material const bloomFactors = uniformArray( [ 1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 ] ); const bloomTintColors = uniformArray( [ new Vector3( 1, 1, 1 ), new Vector3( 1, 1, 1 ), new Vector3( 1, 1, 1 ), new Vector3( 1, 1, 1 ), new Vector3( 1, 1, 1 ) ] ); const lerpBloomFactor = Fn( ( [ factor, radius ] ) => { const mirrorFactor = float( 1.2 ).sub( factor ); return mix( factor, mirrorFactor, radius ); } ).setLayout( { name: 'lerpBloomFactor', type: 'float', inputs: [ { name: 'factor', type: 'float' }, { name: 'radius', type: 'float' }, ] } ); const compositePass = Fn( () => { const color0 = lerpBloomFactor( bloomFactors.element( 0 ), this.radius ).mul( vec4( bloomTintColors.element( 0 ), 1.0 ) ).mul( this._textureNodeBlur0 ); const color1 = lerpBloomFactor( bloomFactors.element( 1 ), this.radius ).mul( vec4( bloomTintColors.element( 1 ), 1.0 ) ).mul( this._textureNodeBlur1 ); const color2 = lerpBloomFactor( bloomFactors.element( 2 ), this.radius ).mul( vec4( bloomTintColors.element( 2 ), 1.0 ) ).mul( this._textureNodeBlur2 ); const color3 = lerpBloomFactor( bloomFactors.element( 3 ), this.radius ).mul( vec4( bloomTintColors.element( 3 ), 1.0 ) ).mul( this._textureNodeBlur3 ); const color4 = lerpBloomFactor( bloomFactors.element( 4 ), this.radius ).mul( vec4( bloomTintColors.element( 4 ), 1.0 ) ).mul( this._textureNodeBlur4 ); const sum = color0.add( color1 ).add( color2 ).add( color3 ).add( color4 ); return sum.mul( this.strength ); } ); this._compositeMaterial = this._compositeMaterial || new NodeMaterial(); this._compositeMaterial.fragmentNode = compositePass().context( builder.getSharedContext() ); = 'Bloom_comp'; this._compositeMaterial.needsUpdate = true; // return this._textureOutput; } /** * Frees internal resources. This method should be called * when the effect is no longer required. */ dispose() { for ( let i = 0; i < this._renderTargetsHorizontal.length; i ++ ) { this._renderTargetsHorizontal[ i ].dispose(); } for ( let i = 0; i < this._renderTargetsVertical.length; i ++ ) { this._renderTargetsVertical[ i ].dispose(); } this._renderTargetBright.dispose(); } /** * Create a separable blur material for the given kernel radius. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @param {Number} kernelRadius - The kernel radius. * @return {NodeMaterial} */ _getSeparableBlurMaterial( builder, kernelRadius ) { const coefficients = []; for ( let i = 0; i < kernelRadius; i ++ ) { coefficients.push( 0.39894 * Math.exp( - 0.5 * i * i / ( kernelRadius * kernelRadius ) ) / kernelRadius ); } // const colorTexture = texture(); const gaussianCoefficients = uniformArray( coefficients ); const invSize = uniform( new Vector2() ); const direction = uniform( new Vector2( 0.5, 0.5 ) ); const uvNode = uv(); const sampleTexel = ( uv ) => colorTexture.sample( uv ); const separableBlurPass = Fn( () => { const weightSum = gaussianCoefficients.element( 0 ).toVar(); const diffuseSum = sampleTexel( uvNode ).rgb.mul( weightSum ).toVar(); Loop( { start: int( 1 ), end: int( kernelRadius ), type: 'int', condition: '<' }, ( { i } ) => { const x = float( i ); const w = gaussianCoefficients.element( i ); const uvOffset = direction.mul( invSize ).mul( x ); const sample1 = sampleTexel( uvNode.add( uvOffset ) ).rgb; const sample2 = sampleTexel( uvNode.sub( uvOffset ) ).rgb; diffuseSum.addAssign( add( sample1, sample2 ).mul( w ) ); weightSum.addAssign( float( 2.0 ).mul( w ) ); } ); return vec4( diffuseSum.div( weightSum ), 1.0 ); } ); const separableBlurMaterial = new NodeMaterial(); separableBlurMaterial.fragmentNode = separableBlurPass().context( builder.getSharedContext() ); = 'Bloom_separable'; separableBlurMaterial.needsUpdate = true; // uniforms separableBlurMaterial.colorTexture = colorTexture; separableBlurMaterial.direction = direction; separableBlurMaterial.invSize = invSize; return separableBlurMaterial; } } /** * TSL function for creating a bloom effect. * * @function * @param {Node<vec4>} node - The node that represents the input of the effect. * @param {Number} [strength=1] - The strength of the bloom. * @param {Number} [radius=0] - The radius of the bloom. * @param {Number} [threshold=0] - The luminance threshold limits which bright areas contribute to the bloom effect. * @returns {BloomNode} */ export const bloom = ( node, strength, radius, threshold ) => nodeObject( new BloomNode( nodeObject( node ), strength, radius, threshold ) ); export default BloomNode;