MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
/** * Mirror Shader * Copies half the input to the other half * * side: side of input to mirror (0 = left, 1 = right, 2 = top, 3 = bottom) */ const MirrorShader = { name: 'MirrorShader', uniforms: { 'tDiffuse': { value: null }, 'side': { value: 1 } }, vertexShader: /* glsl */` varying vec2 vUv; void main() { vUv = uv; gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 ); }`, fragmentShader: /* glsl */` uniform sampler2D tDiffuse; uniform int side; varying vec2 vUv; void main() { vec2 p = vUv; if (side == 0){ if (p.x > 0.5) p.x = 1.0 - p.x; }else if (side == 1){ if (p.x < 0.5) p.x = 1.0 - p.x; }else if (side == 2){ if (p.y < 0.5) p.y = 1.0 - p.y; }else if (side == 3){ if (p.y > 0.5) p.y = 1.0 - p.y; } vec4 color = texture2D(tDiffuse, p); gl_FragColor = color; }` }; export { MirrorShader };