MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { AddEquation, Color, CustomBlending, DataTexture, DepthTexture, DstAlphaFactor, DstColorFactor, FloatType, HalfFloatType, MathUtils, MeshNormalMaterial, NearestFilter, NoBlending, RedFormat, DepthStencilFormat, UnsignedInt248Type, RepeatWrapping, ShaderMaterial, UniformsUtils, Vector3, WebGLRenderTarget, ZeroFactor } from 'three'; import { Pass, FullScreenQuad } from './Pass.js'; import { SimplexNoise } from '../math/SimplexNoise.js'; import { SSAOBlurShader, SSAODepthShader, SSAOShader } from '../shaders/SSAOShader.js'; import { CopyShader } from '../shaders/CopyShader.js'; class SSAOPass extends Pass { constructor( scene, camera, width, height, kernelSize = 32 ) { super(); this.width = ( width !== undefined ) ? width : 512; this.height = ( height !== undefined ) ? height : 512; this.clear = true; this.needsSwap = false; = camera; this.scene = scene; this.kernelRadius = 8; this.kernel = []; this.noiseTexture = null; this.output = 0; this.minDistance = 0.005; this.maxDistance = 0.1; this._visibilityCache = new Map(); // this.generateSampleKernel( kernelSize ); this.generateRandomKernelRotations(); // depth texture const depthTexture = new DepthTexture(); depthTexture.format = DepthStencilFormat; depthTexture.type = UnsignedInt248Type; // normal render target with depth buffer this.normalRenderTarget = new WebGLRenderTarget( this.width, this.height, { minFilter: NearestFilter, magFilter: NearestFilter, type: HalfFloatType, depthTexture: depthTexture } ); // ssao render target this.ssaoRenderTarget = new WebGLRenderTarget( this.width, this.height, { type: HalfFloatType } ); this.blurRenderTarget = this.ssaoRenderTarget.clone(); // ssao material this.ssaoMaterial = new ShaderMaterial( { defines: Object.assign( {}, SSAOShader.defines ), uniforms: UniformsUtils.clone( SSAOShader.uniforms ), vertexShader: SSAOShader.vertexShader, fragmentShader: SSAOShader.fragmentShader, blending: NoBlending } ); this.ssaoMaterial.defines[ 'KERNEL_SIZE' ] = kernelSize; this.ssaoMaterial.uniforms[ 'tNormal' ].value = this.normalRenderTarget.texture; this.ssaoMaterial.uniforms[ 'tDepth' ].value = this.normalRenderTarget.depthTexture; this.ssaoMaterial.uniforms[ 'tNoise' ].value = this.noiseTexture; this.ssaoMaterial.uniforms[ 'kernel' ].value = this.kernel; this.ssaoMaterial.uniforms[ 'cameraNear' ].value =; this.ssaoMaterial.uniforms[ 'cameraFar' ].value =; this.ssaoMaterial.uniforms[ 'resolution' ].value.set( this.width, this.height ); this.ssaoMaterial.uniforms[ 'cameraProjectionMatrix' ].value.copy( ); this.ssaoMaterial.uniforms[ 'cameraInverseProjectionMatrix' ].value.copy( ); // normal material this.normalMaterial = new MeshNormalMaterial(); this.normalMaterial.blending = NoBlending; // blur material this.blurMaterial = new ShaderMaterial( { defines: Object.assign( {}, SSAOBlurShader.defines ), uniforms: UniformsUtils.clone( SSAOBlurShader.uniforms ), vertexShader: SSAOBlurShader.vertexShader, fragmentShader: SSAOBlurShader.fragmentShader } ); this.blurMaterial.uniforms[ 'tDiffuse' ].value = this.ssaoRenderTarget.texture; this.blurMaterial.uniforms[ 'resolution' ].value.set( this.width, this.height ); // material for rendering the depth this.depthRenderMaterial = new ShaderMaterial( { defines: Object.assign( {}, SSAODepthShader.defines ), uniforms: UniformsUtils.clone( SSAODepthShader.uniforms ), vertexShader: SSAODepthShader.vertexShader, fragmentShader: SSAODepthShader.fragmentShader, blending: NoBlending } ); this.depthRenderMaterial.uniforms[ 'tDepth' ].value = this.normalRenderTarget.depthTexture; this.depthRenderMaterial.uniforms[ 'cameraNear' ].value =; this.depthRenderMaterial.uniforms[ 'cameraFar' ].value =; // material for rendering the content of a render target this.copyMaterial = new ShaderMaterial( { uniforms: UniformsUtils.clone( CopyShader.uniforms ), vertexShader: CopyShader.vertexShader, fragmentShader: CopyShader.fragmentShader, transparent: true, depthTest: false, depthWrite: false, blendSrc: DstColorFactor, blendDst: ZeroFactor, blendEquation: AddEquation, blendSrcAlpha: DstAlphaFactor, blendDstAlpha: ZeroFactor, blendEquationAlpha: AddEquation } ); this.fsQuad = new FullScreenQuad( null ); this.originalClearColor = new Color(); } dispose() { // dispose render targets this.normalRenderTarget.dispose(); this.ssaoRenderTarget.dispose(); this.blurRenderTarget.dispose(); // dispose materials this.normalMaterial.dispose(); this.blurMaterial.dispose(); this.copyMaterial.dispose(); this.depthRenderMaterial.dispose(); // dispose full screen quad this.fsQuad.dispose(); } render( renderer, writeBuffer, readBuffer /*, deltaTime, maskActive */ ) { // render normals and depth (honor only meshes, points and lines do not contribute to SSAO) this.overrideVisibility(); this.renderOverride( renderer, this.normalMaterial, this.normalRenderTarget, 0x7777ff, 1.0 ); this.restoreVisibility(); // render SSAO this.ssaoMaterial.uniforms[ 'kernelRadius' ].value = this.kernelRadius; this.ssaoMaterial.uniforms[ 'minDistance' ].value = this.minDistance; this.ssaoMaterial.uniforms[ 'maxDistance' ].value = this.maxDistance; this.renderPass( renderer, this.ssaoMaterial, this.ssaoRenderTarget ); // render blur this.renderPass( renderer, this.blurMaterial, this.blurRenderTarget ); // output result to screen switch ( this.output ) { case SSAOPass.OUTPUT.SSAO: this.copyMaterial.uniforms[ 'tDiffuse' ].value = this.ssaoRenderTarget.texture; this.copyMaterial.blending = NoBlending; this.renderPass( renderer, this.copyMaterial, this.renderToScreen ? null : readBuffer ); break; case SSAOPass.OUTPUT.Blur: this.copyMaterial.uniforms[ 'tDiffuse' ].value = this.blurRenderTarget.texture; this.copyMaterial.blending = NoBlending; this.renderPass( renderer, this.copyMaterial, this.renderToScreen ? null : readBuffer ); break; case SSAOPass.OUTPUT.Depth: this.renderPass( renderer, this.depthRenderMaterial, this.renderToScreen ? null : readBuffer ); break; case SSAOPass.OUTPUT.Normal: this.copyMaterial.uniforms[ 'tDiffuse' ].value = this.normalRenderTarget.texture; this.copyMaterial.blending = NoBlending; this.renderPass( renderer, this.copyMaterial, this.renderToScreen ? null : readBuffer ); break; case SSAOPass.OUTPUT.Default: this.copyMaterial.uniforms[ 'tDiffuse' ].value = this.blurRenderTarget.texture; this.copyMaterial.blending = CustomBlending; this.renderPass( renderer, this.copyMaterial, this.renderToScreen ? null : readBuffer ); break; default: console.warn( 'THREE.SSAOPass: Unknown output type.' ); } } renderPass( renderer, passMaterial, renderTarget, clearColor, clearAlpha ) { // save original state renderer.getClearColor( this.originalClearColor ); const originalClearAlpha = renderer.getClearAlpha(); const originalAutoClear = renderer.autoClear; renderer.setRenderTarget( renderTarget ); // setup pass state renderer.autoClear = false; if ( ( clearColor !== undefined ) && ( clearColor !== null ) ) { renderer.setClearColor( clearColor ); renderer.setClearAlpha( clearAlpha || 0.0 ); renderer.clear(); } this.fsQuad.material = passMaterial; this.fsQuad.render( renderer ); // restore original state renderer.autoClear = originalAutoClear; renderer.setClearColor( this.originalClearColor ); renderer.setClearAlpha( originalClearAlpha ); } renderOverride( renderer, overrideMaterial, renderTarget, clearColor, clearAlpha ) { renderer.getClearColor( this.originalClearColor ); const originalClearAlpha = renderer.getClearAlpha(); const originalAutoClear = renderer.autoClear; renderer.setRenderTarget( renderTarget ); renderer.autoClear = false; clearColor = overrideMaterial.clearColor || clearColor; clearAlpha = overrideMaterial.clearAlpha || clearAlpha; if ( ( clearColor !== undefined ) && ( clearColor !== null ) ) { renderer.setClearColor( clearColor ); renderer.setClearAlpha( clearAlpha || 0.0 ); renderer.clear(); } this.scene.overrideMaterial = overrideMaterial; renderer.render( this.scene, ); this.scene.overrideMaterial = null; // restore original state renderer.autoClear = originalAutoClear; renderer.setClearColor( this.originalClearColor ); renderer.setClearAlpha( originalClearAlpha ); } setSize( width, height ) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.ssaoRenderTarget.setSize( width, height ); this.normalRenderTarget.setSize( width, height ); this.blurRenderTarget.setSize( width, height ); this.ssaoMaterial.uniforms[ 'resolution' ].value.set( width, height ); this.ssaoMaterial.uniforms[ 'cameraProjectionMatrix' ].value.copy( ); this.ssaoMaterial.uniforms[ 'cameraInverseProjectionMatrix' ].value.copy( ); this.blurMaterial.uniforms[ 'resolution' ].value.set( width, height ); } generateSampleKernel( kernelSize ) { const kernel = this.kernel; for ( let i = 0; i < kernelSize; i ++ ) { const sample = new Vector3(); sample.x = ( Math.random() * 2 ) - 1; sample.y = ( Math.random() * 2 ) - 1; sample.z = Math.random(); sample.normalize(); let scale = i / kernelSize; scale = MathUtils.lerp( 0.1, 1, scale * scale ); sample.multiplyScalar( scale ); kernel.push( sample ); } } generateRandomKernelRotations() { const width = 4, height = 4; const simplex = new SimplexNoise(); const size = width * height; const data = new Float32Array( size ); for ( let i = 0; i < size; i ++ ) { const x = ( Math.random() * 2 ) - 1; const y = ( Math.random() * 2 ) - 1; const z = 0; data[ i ] = simplex.noise3d( x, y, z ); } this.noiseTexture = new DataTexture( data, width, height, RedFormat, FloatType ); this.noiseTexture.wrapS = RepeatWrapping; this.noiseTexture.wrapT = RepeatWrapping; this.noiseTexture.needsUpdate = true; } overrideVisibility() { const scene = this.scene; const cache = this._visibilityCache; scene.traverse( function ( object ) { cache.set( object, object.visible ); if ( object.isPoints || object.isLine ) object.visible = false; } ); } restoreVisibility() { const scene = this.scene; const cache = this._visibilityCache; scene.traverse( function ( object ) { const visible = cache.get( object ); object.visible = visible; } ); cache.clear(); } } SSAOPass.OUTPUT = { 'Default': 0, 'SSAO': 1, 'Blur': 2, 'Depth': 3, 'Normal': 4 }; export { SSAOPass };