MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { Clock, Vector3, Quaternion, Matrix4 } from 'three'; const RAPIER_PATH = ''; const frameRate = 60; const _scale = new Vector3( 1, 1, 1 ); const ZERO = new Vector3(); let RAPIER = null; function getShape( geometry ) { const parameters = geometry.parameters; // TODO change type to is* if ( geometry.type === 'BoxGeometry' ) { const sx = parameters.width !== undefined ? parameters.width / 2 : 0.5; const sy = parameters.height !== undefined ? parameters.height / 2 : 0.5; const sz = parameters.depth !== undefined ? parameters.depth / 2 : 0.5; return RAPIER.ColliderDesc.cuboid( sx, sy, sz ); } else if ( geometry.type === 'SphereGeometry' || geometry.type === 'IcosahedronGeometry' ) { const radius = parameters.radius !== undefined ? parameters.radius : 1; return RAPIER.ColliderDesc.ball( radius ); } else if ( geometry.type === 'BufferGeometry' ) { const vertices = []; const vertex = new Vector3(); const position = geometry.getAttribute( 'position' ); for ( let i = 0; i < position.count; i ++ ) { vertex.fromBufferAttribute( position, i ); vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z ); } // if the buffer is non-indexed, generate an index buffer const indices = geometry.getIndex() === null ? Uint32Array.from( Array( parseInt( vertices.length / 3 ) ).keys() ) : geometry.getIndex().array; return RAPIER.ColliderDesc.trimesh( vertices, indices ); } return null; } async function RapierPhysics() { if ( RAPIER === null ) { RAPIER = await import( `${RAPIER_PATH}` ); await RAPIER.init(); } // Docs: const gravity = new Vector3( 0.0, - 9.81, 0.0 ); const world = new RAPIER.World( gravity ); const meshes = []; const meshMap = new WeakMap(); const _vector = new Vector3(); const _quaternion = new Quaternion(); const _matrix = new Matrix4(); function addScene( scene ) { scene.traverse( function ( child ) { if ( child.isMesh ) { const physics = child.userData.physics; if ( physics ) { addMesh( child, physics.mass, physics.restitution ); } } } ); } function addMesh( mesh, mass = 0, restitution = 0 ) { const shape = getShape( mesh.geometry ); if ( shape === null ) return; shape.setMass( mass ); shape.setRestitution( restitution ); const body = mesh.isInstancedMesh ? createInstancedBody( mesh, mass, shape ) : createBody( mesh.position, mesh.quaternion, mass, shape ); if ( mass > 0 ) { meshes.push( mesh ); meshMap.set( mesh, body ); } } function createInstancedBody( mesh, mass, shape ) { const array = mesh.instanceMatrix.array; const bodies = []; for ( let i = 0; i < mesh.count; i ++ ) { const position = _vector.fromArray( array, i * 16 + 12 ); bodies.push( createBody( position, null, mass, shape ) ); } return bodies; } function createBody( position, quaternion, mass, shape ) { const desc = mass > 0 ? RAPIER.RigidBodyDesc.dynamic() : RAPIER.RigidBodyDesc.fixed(); desc.setTranslation( ...position ); if ( quaternion !== null ) desc.setRotation( quaternion ); const body = world.createRigidBody( desc ); world.createCollider( shape, body ); return body; } function setMeshPosition( mesh, position, index = 0 ) { let body = meshMap.get( mesh ); if ( mesh.isInstancedMesh ) { body = body[ index ]; } body.setAngvel( ZERO ); body.setLinvel( ZERO ); body.setTranslation( position ); } function setMeshVelocity( mesh, velocity, index = 0 ) { let body = meshMap.get( mesh ); if ( mesh.isInstancedMesh ) { body = body[ index ]; } body.setLinvel( velocity ); } // const clock = new Clock(); function step() { world.timestep = clock.getDelta(); world.step(); // for ( let i = 0, l = meshes.length; i < l; i ++ ) { const mesh = meshes[ i ]; if ( mesh.isInstancedMesh ) { const array = mesh.instanceMatrix.array; const bodies = meshMap.get( mesh ); for ( let j = 0; j < bodies.length; j ++ ) { const body = bodies[ j ]; const position = body.translation(); _quaternion.copy( body.rotation() ); _matrix.compose( position, _quaternion, _scale ).toArray( array, j * 16 ); } mesh.instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true; mesh.computeBoundingSphere(); } else { const body = meshMap.get( mesh ); mesh.position.copy( body.translation() ); mesh.quaternion.copy( body.rotation() ); } } } // animate setInterval( step, 1000 / frameRate ); return { addScene: addScene, addMesh: addMesh, setMeshPosition: setMeshPosition, setMeshVelocity: setMeshVelocity }; } export { RapierPhysics };