MCP 3D Printer Server
by DMontgomery40
- node_modules
- three
- examples
- jsm
- physics
import { Clock, Vector3, Quaternion, Matrix4 } from 'three';
const JOLT_PATH = '';
const frameRate = 60;
let Jolt = null;
function getShape( geometry ) {
const parameters = geometry.parameters;
// TODO change type to is*
if ( geometry.type === 'BoxGeometry' ) {
const sx = parameters.width !== undefined ? parameters.width / 2 : 0.5;
const sy = parameters.height !== undefined ? parameters.height / 2 : 0.5;
const sz = parameters.depth !== undefined ? parameters.depth / 2 : 0.5;
return new Jolt.BoxShape( new Jolt.Vec3( sx, sy, sz ), 0.05 * Math.min( sx, sy, sz ), null );
} else if ( geometry.type === 'SphereGeometry' || geometry.type === 'IcosahedronGeometry' ) {
const radius = parameters.radius !== undefined ? parameters.radius : 1;
return new Jolt.SphereShape( radius, null );
return null;
// Object layers
const LAYER_MOVING = 1;
function setupCollisionFiltering( settings ) {
const objectFilter = new Jolt.ObjectLayerPairFilterTable( NUM_OBJECT_LAYERS );
objectFilter.EnableCollision( LAYER_NON_MOVING, LAYER_MOVING );
objectFilter.EnableCollision( LAYER_MOVING, LAYER_MOVING );
const BP_LAYER_NON_MOVING = new Jolt.BroadPhaseLayer( 0 );
const BP_LAYER_MOVING = new Jolt.BroadPhaseLayer( 1 );
const bpInterface = new Jolt.BroadPhaseLayerInterfaceTable( NUM_OBJECT_LAYERS, NUM_BROAD_PHASE_LAYERS );
bpInterface.MapObjectToBroadPhaseLayer( LAYER_NON_MOVING, BP_LAYER_NON_MOVING );
bpInterface.MapObjectToBroadPhaseLayer( LAYER_MOVING, BP_LAYER_MOVING );
settings.mObjectLayerPairFilter = objectFilter;
settings.mBroadPhaseLayerInterface = bpInterface;
settings.mObjectVsBroadPhaseLayerFilter = new Jolt.ObjectVsBroadPhaseLayerFilterTable( settings.mBroadPhaseLayerInterface, NUM_BROAD_PHASE_LAYERS, settings.mObjectLayerPairFilter, NUM_OBJECT_LAYERS );
async function JoltPhysics() {
if ( Jolt === null ) {
const { default: initJolt } = await import( `${JOLT_PATH}` );
Jolt = await initJolt();
const settings = new Jolt.JoltSettings();
setupCollisionFiltering( settings );
const jolt = new Jolt.JoltInterface( settings );
Jolt.destroy( settings );
const physicsSystem = jolt.GetPhysicsSystem();
const bodyInterface = physicsSystem.GetBodyInterface();
const meshes = [];
const meshMap = new WeakMap();
const _position = new Vector3();
const _quaternion = new Quaternion();
const _scale = new Vector3( 1, 1, 1 );
const _matrix = new Matrix4();
function addScene( scene ) {
scene.traverse( function ( child ) {
if ( child.isMesh ) {
const physics = child.userData.physics;
if ( physics ) {
addMesh( child, physics.mass, physics.restitution );
} );
function addMesh( mesh, mass = 0, restitution = 0 ) {
const shape = getShape( mesh.geometry );
if ( shape === null ) return;
const body = mesh.isInstancedMesh
? createInstancedBody( mesh, mass, restitution, shape )
: createBody( mesh.position, mesh.quaternion, mass, restitution, shape );
if ( mass > 0 ) {
meshes.push( mesh );
meshMap.set( mesh, body );
function createInstancedBody( mesh, mass, restitution, shape ) {
const array = mesh.instanceMatrix.array;
const bodies = [];
for ( let i = 0; i < mesh.count; i ++ ) {
const position = _position.fromArray( array, i * 16 + 12 );
const quaternion = _quaternion.setFromRotationMatrix( _matrix.fromArray( array, i * 16 ) ); // TODO Copilot did this
bodies.push( createBody( position, quaternion, mass, restitution, shape ) );
return bodies;
function createBody( position, rotation, mass, restitution, shape ) {
const pos = new Jolt.Vec3( position.x, position.y, position.z );
const rot = new Jolt.Quat( rotation.x, rotation.y, rotation.z, rotation.w );
const motion = mass > 0 ? Jolt.EMotionType_Dynamic : Jolt.EMotionType_Static;
const layer = mass > 0 ? LAYER_MOVING : LAYER_NON_MOVING;
const creationSettings = new Jolt.BodyCreationSettings( shape, pos, rot, motion, layer );
creationSettings.mRestitution = restitution;
const body = bodyInterface.CreateBody( creationSettings );
bodyInterface.AddBody( body.GetID(), Jolt.EActivation_Activate );
Jolt.destroy( creationSettings );
return body;
function setMeshPosition( mesh, position, index = 0 ) {
if ( mesh.isInstancedMesh ) {
const bodies = meshMap.get( mesh );
const body = bodies[ index ];
bodyInterface.RemoveBody( body.GetID() );
bodyInterface.DestroyBody( body.GetID() );
const physics = mesh.userData.physics;
const shape = body.GetShape();
const body2 = createBody( position, { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1 }, physics.mass, physics.restitution, shape );
bodies[ index ] = body2;
} else {
// TODO: Implement this
function setMeshVelocity( mesh, velocity, index = 0 ) {
let body = meshMap.get( mesh );
if ( mesh.isInstancedMesh ) {
body = body[ index ];
body.setLinvel( velocity );
const clock = new Clock();
function step() {
let deltaTime = clock.getDelta();
// Don't go below 30 Hz to prevent spiral of death
deltaTime = Math.min( deltaTime, 1.0 / 30.0 );
// When running below 55 Hz, do 2 steps instead of 1
const numSteps = deltaTime > 1.0 / 55.0 ? 2 : 1;
// Step the physics world
jolt.Step( deltaTime, numSteps );
for ( let i = 0, l = meshes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
const mesh = meshes[ i ];
if ( mesh.isInstancedMesh ) {
const array = mesh.instanceMatrix.array;
const bodies = meshMap.get( mesh );
for ( let j = 0; j < bodies.length; j ++ ) {
const body = bodies[ j ];
const position = body.GetPosition();
const quaternion = body.GetRotation();
_position.set( position.GetX(), position.GetY(), position.GetZ() );
_quaternion.set( quaternion.GetX(), quaternion.GetY(), quaternion.GetZ(), quaternion.GetW() );
_matrix.compose( _position, _quaternion, _scale ).toArray( array, j * 16 );
mesh.instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true;
} else {
const body = meshMap.get( mesh );
const position = body.GetPosition();
const rotation = body.GetRotation();
mesh.position.set( position.GetX(), position.GetY(), position.GetZ() );
mesh.quaternion.set( rotation.GetX(), rotation.GetY(), rotation.GetZ(), rotation.GetW() );
// animate
setInterval( step, 1000 / frameRate );
return {
addScene: addScene,
addMesh: addMesh,
setMeshPosition: setMeshPosition,
setMeshVelocity: setMeshVelocity
export { JoltPhysics };