MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { Color, FrontSide, Matrix4, Mesh, PerspectiveCamera, Plane, ShaderMaterial, UniformsLib, UniformsUtils, Vector3, Vector4, WebGLRenderTarget } from 'three'; /** * Work based on : * Flat mirror for three.js * : An implementation of water shader based on the flat mirror * && : Water shader explanations in WebGL */ class Water extends Mesh { constructor( geometry, options = {} ) { super( geometry ); this.isWater = true; const scope = this; const textureWidth = options.textureWidth !== undefined ? options.textureWidth : 512; const textureHeight = options.textureHeight !== undefined ? options.textureHeight : 512; const clipBias = options.clipBias !== undefined ? options.clipBias : 0.0; const alpha = options.alpha !== undefined ? options.alpha : 1.0; const time = options.time !== undefined ? options.time : 0.0; const normalSampler = options.waterNormals !== undefined ? options.waterNormals : null; const sunDirection = options.sunDirection !== undefined ? options.sunDirection : new Vector3( 0.70707, 0.70707, 0.0 ); const sunColor = new Color( options.sunColor !== undefined ? options.sunColor : 0xffffff ); const waterColor = new Color( options.waterColor !== undefined ? options.waterColor : 0x7F7F7F ); const eye = options.eye !== undefined ? options.eye : new Vector3( 0, 0, 0 ); const distortionScale = options.distortionScale !== undefined ? options.distortionScale : 20.0; const side = options.side !== undefined ? options.side : FrontSide; const fog = options.fog !== undefined ? options.fog : false; // const mirrorPlane = new Plane(); const normal = new Vector3(); const mirrorWorldPosition = new Vector3(); const cameraWorldPosition = new Vector3(); const rotationMatrix = new Matrix4(); const lookAtPosition = new Vector3( 0, 0, - 1 ); const clipPlane = new Vector4(); const view = new Vector3(); const target = new Vector3(); const q = new Vector4(); const textureMatrix = new Matrix4(); const mirrorCamera = new PerspectiveCamera(); const renderTarget = new WebGLRenderTarget( textureWidth, textureHeight ); const mirrorShader = { name: 'MirrorShader', uniforms: UniformsUtils.merge( [ UniformsLib[ 'fog' ], UniformsLib[ 'lights' ], { 'normalSampler': { value: null }, 'mirrorSampler': { value: null }, 'alpha': { value: 1.0 }, 'time': { value: 0.0 }, 'size': { value: 1.0 }, 'distortionScale': { value: 20.0 }, 'textureMatrix': { value: new Matrix4() }, 'sunColor': { value: new Color( 0x7F7F7F ) }, 'sunDirection': { value: new Vector3( 0.70707, 0.70707, 0 ) }, 'eye': { value: new Vector3() }, 'waterColor': { value: new Color( 0x555555 ) } } ] ), vertexShader: /* glsl */` uniform mat4 textureMatrix; uniform float time; varying vec4 mirrorCoord; varying vec4 worldPosition; #include <common> #include <fog_pars_vertex> #include <shadowmap_pars_vertex> #include <logdepthbuf_pars_vertex> void main() { mirrorCoord = modelMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 ); worldPosition = mirrorCoord.xyzw; mirrorCoord = textureMatrix * mirrorCoord; vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 ); gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition; #include <beginnormal_vertex> #include <defaultnormal_vertex> #include <logdepthbuf_vertex> #include <fog_vertex> #include <shadowmap_vertex> }`, fragmentShader: /* glsl */` uniform sampler2D mirrorSampler; uniform float alpha; uniform float time; uniform float size; uniform float distortionScale; uniform sampler2D normalSampler; uniform vec3 sunColor; uniform vec3 sunDirection; uniform vec3 eye; uniform vec3 waterColor; varying vec4 mirrorCoord; varying vec4 worldPosition; vec4 getNoise( vec2 uv ) { vec2 uv0 = ( uv / 103.0 ) + vec2(time / 17.0, time / 29.0); vec2 uv1 = uv / 107.0-vec2( time / -19.0, time / 31.0 ); vec2 uv2 = uv / vec2( 8907.0, 9803.0 ) + vec2( time / 101.0, time / 97.0 ); vec2 uv3 = uv / vec2( 1091.0, 1027.0 ) - vec2( time / 109.0, time / -113.0 ); vec4 noise = texture2D( normalSampler, uv0 ) + texture2D( normalSampler, uv1 ) + texture2D( normalSampler, uv2 ) + texture2D( normalSampler, uv3 ); return noise * 0.5 - 1.0; } void sunLight( const vec3 surfaceNormal, const vec3 eyeDirection, float shiny, float spec, float diffuse, inout vec3 diffuseColor, inout vec3 specularColor ) { vec3 reflection = normalize( reflect( -sunDirection, surfaceNormal ) ); float direction = max( 0.0, dot( eyeDirection, reflection ) ); specularColor += pow( direction, shiny ) * sunColor * spec; diffuseColor += max( dot( sunDirection, surfaceNormal ), 0.0 ) * sunColor * diffuse; } #include <common> #include <packing> #include <bsdfs> #include <fog_pars_fragment> #include <logdepthbuf_pars_fragment> #include <lights_pars_begin> #include <shadowmap_pars_fragment> #include <shadowmask_pars_fragment> void main() { #include <logdepthbuf_fragment> vec4 noise = getNoise( worldPosition.xz * size ); vec3 surfaceNormal = normalize( noise.xzy * vec3( 1.5, 1.0, 1.5 ) ); vec3 diffuseLight = vec3(0.0); vec3 specularLight = vec3(0.0); vec3 worldToEye =; vec3 eyeDirection = normalize( worldToEye ); sunLight( surfaceNormal, eyeDirection, 100.0, 2.0, 0.5, diffuseLight, specularLight ); float distance = length(worldToEye); vec2 distortion = surfaceNormal.xz * ( 0.001 + 1.0 / distance ) * distortionScale; vec3 reflectionSample = vec3( texture2D( mirrorSampler, mirrorCoord.xy / mirrorCoord.w + distortion ) ); float theta = max( dot( eyeDirection, surfaceNormal ), 0.0 ); float rf0 = 0.3; float reflectance = rf0 + ( 1.0 - rf0 ) * pow( ( 1.0 - theta ), 5.0 ); vec3 scatter = max( 0.0, dot( surfaceNormal, eyeDirection ) ) * waterColor; vec3 albedo = mix( ( sunColor * diffuseLight * 0.3 + scatter ) * getShadowMask(), ( vec3( 0.1 ) + reflectionSample * 0.9 + reflectionSample * specularLight ), reflectance); vec3 outgoingLight = albedo; gl_FragColor = vec4( outgoingLight, alpha ); #include <tonemapping_fragment> #include <colorspace_fragment> #include <fog_fragment> }` }; const material = new ShaderMaterial( { name:, uniforms: UniformsUtils.clone( mirrorShader.uniforms ), vertexShader: mirrorShader.vertexShader, fragmentShader: mirrorShader.fragmentShader, lights: true, side: side, fog: fog } ); material.uniforms[ 'mirrorSampler' ].value = renderTarget.texture; material.uniforms[ 'textureMatrix' ].value = textureMatrix; material.uniforms[ 'alpha' ].value = alpha; material.uniforms[ 'time' ].value = time; material.uniforms[ 'normalSampler' ].value = normalSampler; material.uniforms[ 'sunColor' ].value = sunColor; material.uniforms[ 'waterColor' ].value = waterColor; material.uniforms[ 'sunDirection' ].value = sunDirection; material.uniforms[ 'distortionScale' ].value = distortionScale; material.uniforms[ 'eye' ].value = eye; scope.material = material; scope.onBeforeRender = function ( renderer, scene, camera ) { mirrorWorldPosition.setFromMatrixPosition( scope.matrixWorld ); cameraWorldPosition.setFromMatrixPosition( camera.matrixWorld ); rotationMatrix.extractRotation( scope.matrixWorld ); normal.set( 0, 0, 1 ); normal.applyMatrix4( rotationMatrix ); view.subVectors( mirrorWorldPosition, cameraWorldPosition ); // Avoid rendering when mirror is facing away if ( normal ) > 0 ) return; view.reflect( normal ).negate(); view.add( mirrorWorldPosition ); rotationMatrix.extractRotation( camera.matrixWorld ); lookAtPosition.set( 0, 0, - 1 ); lookAtPosition.applyMatrix4( rotationMatrix ); lookAtPosition.add( cameraWorldPosition ); target.subVectors( mirrorWorldPosition, lookAtPosition ); target.reflect( normal ).negate(); target.add( mirrorWorldPosition ); mirrorCamera.position.copy( view ); mirrorCamera.up.set( 0, 1, 0 ); mirrorCamera.up.applyMatrix4( rotationMatrix ); mirrorCamera.up.reflect( normal ); mirrorCamera.lookAt( target ); mirrorCamera.far = camera.far; // Used in WebGLBackground mirrorCamera.updateMatrixWorld(); mirrorCamera.projectionMatrix.copy( camera.projectionMatrix ); // Update the texture matrix textureMatrix.set( 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); textureMatrix.multiply( mirrorCamera.projectionMatrix ); textureMatrix.multiply( mirrorCamera.matrixWorldInverse ); // Now update projection matrix with new clip plane, implementing code from: // Paper explaining this technique: mirrorPlane.setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint( normal, mirrorWorldPosition ); mirrorPlane.applyMatrix4( mirrorCamera.matrixWorldInverse ); clipPlane.set( mirrorPlane.normal.x, mirrorPlane.normal.y, mirrorPlane.normal.z, mirrorPlane.constant ); const projectionMatrix = mirrorCamera.projectionMatrix; q.x = ( Math.sign( clipPlane.x ) + projectionMatrix.elements[ 8 ] ) / projectionMatrix.elements[ 0 ]; q.y = ( Math.sign( clipPlane.y ) + projectionMatrix.elements[ 9 ] ) / projectionMatrix.elements[ 5 ]; q.z = - 1.0; q.w = ( 1.0 + projectionMatrix.elements[ 10 ] ) / projectionMatrix.elements[ 14 ]; // Calculate the scaled plane vector clipPlane.multiplyScalar( 2.0 / q ) ); // Replacing the third row of the projection matrix projectionMatrix.elements[ 2 ] = clipPlane.x; projectionMatrix.elements[ 6 ] = clipPlane.y; projectionMatrix.elements[ 10 ] = clipPlane.z + 1.0 - clipBias; projectionMatrix.elements[ 14 ] = clipPlane.w; eye.setFromMatrixPosition( camera.matrixWorld ); // Render const currentRenderTarget = renderer.getRenderTarget(); const currentXrEnabled = renderer.xr.enabled; const currentShadowAutoUpdate = renderer.shadowMap.autoUpdate; scope.visible = false; renderer.xr.enabled = false; // Avoid camera modification and recursion renderer.shadowMap.autoUpdate = false; // Avoid re-computing shadows renderer.setRenderTarget( renderTarget ); renderer.state.buffers.depth.setMask( true ); // make sure the depth buffer is writable so it can be properly cleared, see #18897 if ( renderer.autoClear === false ) renderer.clear(); renderer.render( scene, mirrorCamera ); scope.visible = true; renderer.xr.enabled = currentXrEnabled; renderer.shadowMap.autoUpdate = currentShadowAutoUpdate; renderer.setRenderTarget( currentRenderTarget ); // Restore viewport const viewport = camera.viewport; if ( viewport !== undefined ) { renderer.state.viewport( viewport ); } }; } } export { Water };