MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { Mesh, MeshBasicMaterial, SphereGeometry, Vector3 } from 'three'; /** * A ground-projected skybox. The height is how far the camera that took the photo was above the ground - * a larger value will magnify the downward part of the image. By default the object is centered at the camera, * so it is often helpful to set skybox.position.y = height to put the ground at the origin. Set the radius * large enough to ensure your user's camera stays inside. */ class GroundedSkybox extends Mesh { constructor( map, height, radius, resolution = 128 ) { if ( height <= 0 || radius <= 0 || resolution <= 0 ) { throw new Error( 'GroundedSkybox height, radius, and resolution must be positive.' ); } const geometry = new SphereGeometry( radius, 2 * resolution, resolution ); geometry.scale( 1, 1, - 1 ); const pos = geometry.getAttribute( 'position' ); const tmp = new Vector3(); for ( let i = 0; i < pos.count; ++ i ) { tmp.fromBufferAttribute( pos, i ); if ( tmp.y < 0 ) { // Smooth out the transition from flat floor to sphere: const y1 = - height * 3 / 2; const f = tmp.y < y1 ? - height / tmp.y : ( 1 - tmp.y * tmp.y / ( 3 * y1 * y1 ) ); tmp.multiplyScalar( f ); tmp.toArray( pos.array, 3 * i ); } } pos.needsUpdate = true; super( geometry, new MeshBasicMaterial( { map, depthWrite: false } ) ); } } export { GroundedSkybox };