MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
// Original src: const CHANNELS = 4; const TEXTURE_WIDTH = 1024; const TEXTURE_HEIGHT = 4; import { DataTexture, DataUtils, RGBAFormat, HalfFloatType, RepeatWrapping, Mesh, InstancedMesh, LinearFilter, DynamicDrawUsage, Matrix4 } from 'three'; /** * Make a new DataTexture to store the descriptions of the curves. * * @param { number } numberOfCurves the number of curves needed to be described by this texture. * @returns { DataTexture } */ export function initSplineTexture( numberOfCurves = 1 ) { const dataArray = new Uint16Array( TEXTURE_WIDTH * TEXTURE_HEIGHT * numberOfCurves * CHANNELS ); const dataTexture = new DataTexture( dataArray, TEXTURE_WIDTH, TEXTURE_HEIGHT * numberOfCurves, RGBAFormat, HalfFloatType ); dataTexture.wrapS = RepeatWrapping; dataTexture.wrapY = RepeatWrapping; dataTexture.magFilter = LinearFilter; dataTexture.minFilter = LinearFilter; dataTexture.needsUpdate = true; return dataTexture; } /** * Write the curve description to the data texture * * @param { DataTexture } texture The DataTexture to write to * @param { Curve } splineCurve The curve to describe * @param { number } offset Which curve slot to write to */ export function updateSplineTexture( texture, splineCurve, offset = 0 ) { const numberOfPoints = Math.floor( TEXTURE_WIDTH * ( TEXTURE_HEIGHT / 4 ) ); splineCurve.arcLengthDivisions = numberOfPoints / 2; splineCurve.updateArcLengths(); const points = splineCurve.getSpacedPoints( numberOfPoints ); const frenetFrames = splineCurve.computeFrenetFrames( numberOfPoints, true ); for ( let i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i ++ ) { const rowOffset = Math.floor( i / TEXTURE_WIDTH ); const rowIndex = i % TEXTURE_WIDTH; let pt = points[ i ]; setTextureValue( texture, rowIndex, pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, 0 + rowOffset + ( TEXTURE_HEIGHT * offset ) ); pt = frenetFrames.tangents[ i ]; setTextureValue( texture, rowIndex, pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, 1 + rowOffset + ( TEXTURE_HEIGHT * offset ) ); pt = frenetFrames.normals[ i ]; setTextureValue( texture, rowIndex, pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, 2 + rowOffset + ( TEXTURE_HEIGHT * offset ) ); pt = frenetFrames.binormals[ i ]; setTextureValue( texture, rowIndex, pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, 3 + rowOffset + ( TEXTURE_HEIGHT * offset ) ); } texture.needsUpdate = true; } function setTextureValue( texture, index, x, y, z, o ) { const image = texture.image; const { data } = image; const i = CHANNELS * TEXTURE_WIDTH * o; // Row Offset data[ index * CHANNELS + i + 0 ] = DataUtils.toHalfFloat( x ); data[ index * CHANNELS + i + 1 ] = DataUtils.toHalfFloat( y ); data[ index * CHANNELS + i + 2 ] = DataUtils.toHalfFloat( z ); data[ index * CHANNELS + i + 3 ] = DataUtils.toHalfFloat( 1 ); } /** * Create a new set of uniforms for describing the curve modifier * * @param { DataTexture } splineTexture which holds the curve description * @returns { Object } The uniforms object to be used in the shader */ export function getUniforms( splineTexture ) { const uniforms = { spineTexture: { value: splineTexture }, pathOffset: { type: 'f', value: 0 }, // time of path curve pathSegment: { type: 'f', value: 1 }, // fractional length of path spineOffset: { type: 'f', value: 161 }, spineLength: { type: 'f', value: 400 }, flow: { type: 'i', value: 1 }, }; return uniforms; } export function modifyShader( material, uniforms, numberOfCurves = 1 ) { if ( material.__ok ) return; material.__ok = true; material.onBeforeCompile = ( shader ) => { if ( shader.__modified ) return; shader.__modified = true; Object.assign( shader.uniforms, uniforms ); const vertexShader = ` uniform sampler2D spineTexture; uniform float pathOffset; uniform float pathSegment; uniform float spineOffset; uniform float spineLength; uniform int flow; float textureLayers = ${TEXTURE_HEIGHT * numberOfCurves}.; float textureStacks = ${TEXTURE_HEIGHT / 4}.; ${shader.vertexShader} ` // chunk import moved in front of modified shader below .replace( '#include <beginnormal_vertex>', '' ) // vec3 transformedNormal declaration overridden below .replace( '#include <defaultnormal_vertex>', '' ) // vec3 transformed declaration overridden below .replace( '#include <begin_vertex>', '' ) // shader override .replace( /void\s*main\s*\(\)\s*\{/, ` void main() { #include <beginnormal_vertex> vec4 worldPos = modelMatrix * vec4(position, 1.); bool bend = flow > 0; float xWeight = bend ? 0. : 1.; #ifdef USE_INSTANCING float pathOffsetFromInstanceMatrix = instanceMatrix[3][2]; float spineLengthFromInstanceMatrix = instanceMatrix[3][0]; float spinePortion = bend ? (worldPos.x + spineOffset) / spineLengthFromInstanceMatrix : 0.; float mt = (spinePortion * pathSegment + pathOffset + pathOffsetFromInstanceMatrix)*textureStacks; #else float spinePortion = bend ? (worldPos.x + spineOffset) / spineLength : 0.; float mt = (spinePortion * pathSegment + pathOffset)*textureStacks; #endif mt = mod(mt, textureStacks); float rowOffset = floor(mt); #ifdef USE_INSTANCING rowOffset += instanceMatrix[3][1] * ${TEXTURE_HEIGHT}.; #endif vec3 spinePos = texture2D(spineTexture, vec2(mt, (0. + rowOffset + 0.5) / textureLayers)).xyz; vec3 a = texture2D(spineTexture, vec2(mt, (1. + rowOffset + 0.5) / textureLayers)).xyz; vec3 b = texture2D(spineTexture, vec2(mt, (2. + rowOffset + 0.5) / textureLayers)).xyz; vec3 c = texture2D(spineTexture, vec2(mt, (3. + rowOffset + 0.5) / textureLayers)).xyz; mat3 basis = mat3(a, b, c); vec3 transformed = basis * vec3(worldPos.x * xWeight, worldPos.y * 1., worldPos.z * 1.) + spinePos; vec3 transformedNormal = normalMatrix * (basis * objectNormal); ` ).replace( '#include <project_vertex>', `vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( transformed, 1.0 ); gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition;` ); shader.vertexShader = vertexShader; }; } /** * A helper class for making meshes bend around curves */ export class Flow { /** * @param {Mesh} mesh The mesh to clone and modify to bend around the curve * @param {number} numberOfCurves The amount of space that should preallocated for additional curves */ constructor( mesh, numberOfCurves = 1 ) { const obj3D = mesh.clone(); const splineTexture = initSplineTexture( numberOfCurves ); const uniforms = getUniforms( splineTexture ); obj3D.traverse( function ( child ) { if ( child instanceof Mesh || child instanceof InstancedMesh ) { if ( Array.isArray( child.material ) ) { const materials = []; for ( const material of child.material ) { const newMaterial = material.clone(); modifyShader( newMaterial, uniforms, numberOfCurves ); materials.push( newMaterial ); } child.material = materials; } else { child.material = child.material.clone(); modifyShader( child.material, uniforms, numberOfCurves ); } } } ); this.curveArray = new Array( numberOfCurves ); this.curveLengthArray = new Array( numberOfCurves ); this.object3D = obj3D; this.splineTexture = splineTexture; this.uniforms = uniforms; } updateCurve( index, curve ) { if ( index >= this.curveArray.length ) throw Error( 'Index out of range for Flow' ); const curveLength = curve.getLength(); this.uniforms.spineLength.value = curveLength; this.curveLengthArray[ index ] = curveLength; this.curveArray[ index ] = curve; updateSplineTexture( this.splineTexture, curve, index ); } moveAlongCurve( amount ) { this.uniforms.pathOffset.value += amount; } } const matrix = new Matrix4(); /** * A helper class for creating instanced versions of flow, where the instances are placed on the curve. */ export class InstancedFlow extends Flow { /** * * @param {number} count The number of instanced elements * @param {number} curveCount The number of curves to preallocate for * @param {Geometry} geometry The geometry to use for the instanced mesh * @param {Material} material The material to use for the instanced mesh */ constructor( count, curveCount, geometry, material ) { const mesh = new InstancedMesh( geometry, material, count ); mesh.instanceMatrix.setUsage( DynamicDrawUsage ); mesh.frustumCulled = false; super( mesh, curveCount ); this.offsets = new Array( count ).fill( 0 ); this.whichCurve = new Array( count ).fill( 0 ); } /** * The extra information about which curve and curve position is stored in the translation components of the matrix for the instanced objects * This writes that information to the matrix and marks it as needing update. * * @param {number} index of the instanced element to update */ writeChanges( index ) { matrix.makeTranslation( this.curveLengthArray[ this.whichCurve[ index ] ], this.whichCurve[ index ], this.offsets[ index ] ); this.object3D.setMatrixAt( index, matrix ); this.object3D.instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true; } /** * Move an individual element along the curve by a specific amount * * @param {number} index Which element to update * @param {number} offset Move by how much */ moveIndividualAlongCurve( index, offset ) { this.offsets[ index ] += offset; this.writeChanges( index ); } /** * Select which curve to use for an element * * @param {number} index the index of the instanced element to update * @param {number} curveNo the index of the curve it should use */ setCurve( index, curveNo ) { if ( isNaN( curveNo ) ) throw Error( 'curve index being set is Not a Number (NaN)' ); this.whichCurve[ index ] = curveNo; this.writeChanges( index ); } }