MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { FileLoader, Loader } from 'three'; import opentype from '../libs/opentype.module.js'; /** * Requires opentype.js to be included in the project. * Loads TTF files and converts them into typeface JSON that can be used directly * to create THREE.Font objects. */ class TTFLoader extends Loader { constructor( manager ) { super( manager ); this.reversed = false; } load( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) { const scope = this; const loader = new FileLoader( this.manager ); loader.setPath( this.path ); loader.setResponseType( 'arraybuffer' ); loader.setRequestHeader( this.requestHeader ); loader.setWithCredentials( this.withCredentials ); loader.load( url, function ( buffer ) { try { onLoad( scope.parse( buffer ) ); } catch ( e ) { if ( onError ) { onError( e ); } else { console.error( e ); } scope.manager.itemError( url ); } }, onProgress, onError ); } parse( arraybuffer ) { function convert( font, reversed ) { const round = Math.round; const glyphs = {}; const scale = ( 100000 ) / ( ( font.unitsPerEm || 2048 ) * 72 ); const glyphIndexMap = font.encoding.cmap.glyphIndexMap; const unicodes = Object.keys( glyphIndexMap ); for ( let i = 0; i < unicodes.length; i ++ ) { const unicode = unicodes[ i ]; const glyph = font.glyphs.glyphs[ glyphIndexMap[ unicode ] ]; if ( unicode !== undefined ) { const token = { ha: round( glyph.advanceWidth * scale ), x_min: round( glyph.xMin * scale ), x_max: round( glyph.xMax * scale ), o: '' }; if ( reversed ) { glyph.path.commands = reverseCommands( glyph.path.commands ); } glyph.path.commands.forEach( function ( command ) { if ( command.type.toLowerCase() === 'c' ) { command.type = 'b'; } token.o += command.type.toLowerCase() + ' '; if ( command.x !== undefined && command.y !== undefined ) { token.o += round( command.x * scale ) + ' ' + round( command.y * scale ) + ' '; } if ( command.x1 !== undefined && command.y1 !== undefined ) { token.o += round( command.x1 * scale ) + ' ' + round( command.y1 * scale ) + ' '; } if ( command.x2 !== undefined && command.y2 !== undefined ) { token.o += round( command.x2 * scale ) + ' ' + round( command.y2 * scale ) + ' '; } } ); glyphs[ String.fromCodePoint( glyph.unicode ) ] = token; } } return { glyphs: glyphs, familyName: font.getEnglishName( 'fullName' ), ascender: round( font.ascender * scale ), descender: round( font.descender * scale ), underlinePosition:, underlineThickness:, boundingBox: { xMin: font.tables.head.xMin, xMax: font.tables.head.xMax, yMin: font.tables.head.yMin, yMax: font.tables.head.yMax }, resolution: 1000, original_font_information: }; } function reverseCommands( commands ) { const paths = []; let path; commands.forEach( function ( c ) { if ( c.type.toLowerCase() === 'm' ) { path = [ c ]; paths.push( path ); } else if ( c.type.toLowerCase() !== 'z' ) { path.push( c ); } } ); const reversed = []; paths.forEach( function ( p ) { const result = { type: 'm', x: p[ p.length - 1 ].x, y: p[ p.length - 1 ].y }; reversed.push( result ); for ( let i = p.length - 1; i > 0; i -- ) { const command = p[ i ]; const result = { type: command.type }; if ( command.x2 !== undefined && command.y2 !== undefined ) { result.x1 = command.x2; result.y1 = command.y2; result.x2 = command.x1; result.y2 = command.y1; } else if ( command.x1 !== undefined && command.y1 !== undefined ) { result.x1 = command.x1; result.y1 = command.y1; } result.x = p[ i - 1 ].x; result.y = p[ i - 1 ].y; reversed.push( result ); } } ); return reversed; } return convert( opentype.parse( arraybuffer ), this.reversed ); } } export { TTFLoader };