import {
} from 'three';
* PVR v2 (legacy) parser
* TODO : Add Support for PVR v3 format
* TODO : implement loadMipmaps option
class PVRLoader extends CompressedTextureLoader {
constructor( manager ) {
super( manager );
parse( buffer, loadMipmaps ) {
const headerLengthInt = 13;
const header = new Uint32Array( buffer, 0, headerLengthInt );
const pvrDatas = {
buffer: buffer,
header: header,
loadMipmaps: loadMipmaps
if ( header[ 0 ] === 0x03525650 ) {
// PVR v3
return _parseV3( pvrDatas );
} else if ( header[ 11 ] === 0x21525650 ) {
// PVR v2
return _parseV2( pvrDatas );
} else {
console.error( 'THREE.PVRLoader: Unknown PVR format.' );
function _parseV3( pvrDatas ) {
const header = pvrDatas.header;
let bpp, format;
const metaLen = header[ 12 ],
pixelFormat = header[ 2 ],
height = header[ 6 ],
width = header[ 7 ],
// numSurfs = header[ 9 ],
numFaces = header[ 10 ],
numMipmaps = header[ 11 ];
switch ( pixelFormat ) {
case 0 : // PVRTC 2bpp RGB
bpp = 2;
format = RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format;
case 1 : // PVRTC 2bpp RGBA
bpp = 2;
format = RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format;
case 2 : // PVRTC 4bpp RGB
bpp = 4;
format = RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format;
case 3 : // PVRTC 4bpp RGBA
bpp = 4;
format = RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format;
default :
console.error( 'THREE.PVRLoader: Unsupported PVR format:', pixelFormat );
pvrDatas.dataPtr = 52 + metaLen;
pvrDatas.bpp = bpp;
pvrDatas.format = format;
pvrDatas.width = width;
pvrDatas.height = height;
pvrDatas.numSurfaces = numFaces;
pvrDatas.numMipmaps = numMipmaps;
pvrDatas.isCubemap = ( numFaces === 6 );
return _extract( pvrDatas );
function _parseV2( pvrDatas ) {
const header = pvrDatas.header;
const headerLength = header[ 0 ],
height = header[ 1 ],
width = header[ 2 ],
numMipmaps = header[ 3 ],
flags = header[ 4 ],
// dataLength = header[ 5 ],
// bpp = header[ 6 ],
// bitmaskRed = header[ 7 ],
// bitmaskGreen = header[ 8 ],
// bitmaskBlue = header[ 9 ],
bitmaskAlpha = header[ 10 ],
// pvrTag = header[ 11 ],
numSurfs = header[ 12 ];
const TYPE_MASK = 0xff;
const PVRTC_2 = 24,
PVRTC_4 = 25;
const formatFlags = flags & TYPE_MASK;
let bpp, format;
const _hasAlpha = bitmaskAlpha > 0;
if ( formatFlags === PVRTC_4 ) {
format = _hasAlpha ? RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format : RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format;
bpp = 4;
} else if ( formatFlags === PVRTC_2 ) {
format = _hasAlpha ? RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format : RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format;
bpp = 2;
} else {
console.error( 'THREE.PVRLoader: Unknown PVR format:', formatFlags );
pvrDatas.dataPtr = headerLength;
pvrDatas.bpp = bpp;
pvrDatas.format = format;
pvrDatas.width = width;
pvrDatas.height = height;
pvrDatas.numSurfaces = numSurfs;
pvrDatas.numMipmaps = numMipmaps + 1;
// guess cubemap type seems tricky in v2
// it's just a pvr containing 6 surface (no explicit cubemap type)
pvrDatas.isCubemap = ( numSurfs === 6 );
return _extract( pvrDatas );
function _extract( pvrDatas ) {
const pvr = {
mipmaps: [],
width: pvrDatas.width,
height: pvrDatas.height,
format: pvrDatas.format,
mipmapCount: pvrDatas.numMipmaps,
isCubemap: pvrDatas.isCubemap
const buffer = pvrDatas.buffer;
let dataOffset = pvrDatas.dataPtr,
dataSize = 0,
blockSize = 0,
blockWidth = 0,
blockHeight = 0,
widthBlocks = 0,
heightBlocks = 0;
const bpp = pvrDatas.bpp,
numSurfs = pvrDatas.numSurfaces;
if ( bpp === 2 ) {
blockWidth = 8;
blockHeight = 4;
} else {
blockWidth = 4;
blockHeight = 4;
blockSize = ( blockWidth * blockHeight ) * bpp / 8;
pvr.mipmaps.length = pvrDatas.numMipmaps * numSurfs;
let mipLevel = 0;
while ( mipLevel < pvrDatas.numMipmaps ) {
const sWidth = pvrDatas.width >> mipLevel,
sHeight = pvrDatas.height >> mipLevel;
widthBlocks = sWidth / blockWidth;
heightBlocks = sHeight / blockHeight;
// Clamp to minimum number of blocks
if ( widthBlocks < 2 ) widthBlocks = 2;
if ( heightBlocks < 2 ) heightBlocks = 2;
dataSize = widthBlocks * heightBlocks * blockSize;
for ( let surfIndex = 0; surfIndex < numSurfs; surfIndex ++ ) {
const byteArray = new Uint8Array( buffer, dataOffset, dataSize );
const mipmap = {
data: byteArray,
width: sWidth,
height: sHeight
pvr.mipmaps[ surfIndex * pvrDatas.numMipmaps + mipLevel ] = mipmap;
dataOffset += dataSize;
mipLevel ++;
return pvr;
export { PVRLoader };