import {
} from 'three';
class PCDLoader extends Loader {
constructor( manager ) {
super( manager );
this.littleEndian = true;
load( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {
const scope = this;
const loader = new FileLoader( scope.manager );
loader.setPath( scope.path );
loader.setResponseType( 'arraybuffer' );
loader.setRequestHeader( scope.requestHeader );
loader.setWithCredentials( scope.withCredentials );
loader.load( url, function ( data ) {
try {
onLoad( scope.parse( data ) );
} catch ( e ) {
if ( onError ) {
onError( e );
} else {
console.error( e );
scope.manager.itemError( url );
}, onProgress, onError );
parse( data ) {
// from
function decompressLZF( inData, outLength ) {
const inLength = inData.length;
const outData = new Uint8Array( outLength );
let inPtr = 0;
let outPtr = 0;
let ctrl;
let len;
let ref;
do {
ctrl = inData[ inPtr ++ ];
if ( ctrl < ( 1 << 5 ) ) {
ctrl ++;
if ( outPtr + ctrl > outLength ) throw new Error( 'Output buffer is not large enough' );
if ( inPtr + ctrl > inLength ) throw new Error( 'Invalid compressed data' );
do {
outData[ outPtr ++ ] = inData[ inPtr ++ ];
} while ( -- ctrl );
} else {
len = ctrl >> 5;
ref = outPtr - ( ( ctrl & 0x1f ) << 8 ) - 1;
if ( inPtr >= inLength ) throw new Error( 'Invalid compressed data' );
if ( len === 7 ) {
len += inData[ inPtr ++ ];
if ( inPtr >= inLength ) throw new Error( 'Invalid compressed data' );
ref -= inData[ inPtr ++ ];
if ( outPtr + len + 2 > outLength ) throw new Error( 'Output buffer is not large enough' );
if ( ref < 0 ) throw new Error( 'Invalid compressed data' );
if ( ref >= outPtr ) throw new Error( 'Invalid compressed data' );
do {
outData[ outPtr ++ ] = outData[ ref ++ ];
} while ( -- len + 2 );
} while ( inPtr < inLength );
return outData;
function parseHeader( data ) {
const PCDheader = {};
const result1 = /[\r\n]DATA\s(\S*)\s/i );
const result2 = /[\r\n]DATA\s(\S*)\s/i.exec( data.slice( result1 - 1 ) ); = result2[ 1 ];
PCDheader.headerLen = result2[ 0 ].length + result1;
PCDheader.str = data.slice( 0, PCDheader.headerLen );
// remove comments
PCDheader.str = PCDheader.str.replace( /#.*/gi, '' );
// parse
PCDheader.version = /^VERSION (.*)/im.exec( PCDheader.str );
PCDheader.fields = /^FIELDS (.*)/im.exec( PCDheader.str );
PCDheader.size = /^SIZE (.*)/im.exec( PCDheader.str );
PCDheader.type = /^TYPE (.*)/im.exec( PCDheader.str );
PCDheader.count = /^COUNT (.*)/im.exec( PCDheader.str );
PCDheader.width = /^WIDTH (.*)/im.exec( PCDheader.str );
PCDheader.height = /^HEIGHT (.*)/im.exec( PCDheader.str );
PCDheader.viewpoint = /^VIEWPOINT (.*)/im.exec( PCDheader.str );
PCDheader.points = /^POINTS (.*)/im.exec( PCDheader.str );
// evaluate
if ( PCDheader.version !== null )
PCDheader.version = parseFloat( PCDheader.version[ 1 ] );
PCDheader.fields = ( PCDheader.fields !== null ) ? PCDheader.fields[ 1 ].split( ' ' ) : [];
if ( PCDheader.type !== null )
PCDheader.type = PCDheader.type[ 1 ].split( ' ' );
if ( PCDheader.width !== null )
PCDheader.width = parseInt( PCDheader.width[ 1 ] );
if ( PCDheader.height !== null )
PCDheader.height = parseInt( PCDheader.height[ 1 ] );
if ( PCDheader.viewpoint !== null )
PCDheader.viewpoint = PCDheader.viewpoint[ 1 ];
if ( PCDheader.points !== null )
PCDheader.points = parseInt( PCDheader.points[ 1 ], 10 );
if ( PCDheader.points === null )
PCDheader.points = PCDheader.width * PCDheader.height;
if ( PCDheader.size !== null ) {
PCDheader.size = PCDheader.size[ 1 ].split( ' ' ).map( function ( x ) {
return parseInt( x, 10 );
} );
if ( PCDheader.count !== null ) {
PCDheader.count = PCDheader.count[ 1 ].split( ' ' ).map( function ( x ) {
return parseInt( x, 10 );
} );
} else {
PCDheader.count = [];
for ( let i = 0, l = PCDheader.fields.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
PCDheader.count.push( 1 );
PCDheader.offset = {};
let sizeSum = 0;
for ( let i = 0, l = PCDheader.fields.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
if ( === 'ascii' ) {
PCDheader.offset[ PCDheader.fields[ i ] ] = i;
} else {
PCDheader.offset[ PCDheader.fields[ i ] ] = sizeSum;
sizeSum += PCDheader.size[ i ] * PCDheader.count[ i ];
// for binary only
PCDheader.rowSize = sizeSum;
return PCDheader;
const textData = new TextDecoder().decode( data );
// parse header (always ascii format)
const PCDheader = parseHeader( textData );
// parse data
const position = [];
const normal = [];
const color = [];
const intensity = [];
const label = [];
const c = new Color();
// ascii
if ( === 'ascii' ) {
const offset = PCDheader.offset;
const pcdData = textData.slice( PCDheader.headerLen );
const lines = pcdData.split( '\n' );
for ( let i = 0, l = lines.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
if ( lines[ i ] === '' ) continue;
const line = lines[ i ].split( ' ' );
if ( offset.x !== undefined ) {
position.push( parseFloat( line[ offset.x ] ) );
position.push( parseFloat( line[ offset.y ] ) );
position.push( parseFloat( line[ offset.z ] ) );
if ( offset.rgb !== undefined ) {
const rgb_field_index = PCDheader.fields.findIndex( ( field ) => field === 'rgb' );
const rgb_type = PCDheader.type[ rgb_field_index ];
const float = parseFloat( line[ offset.rgb ] );
let rgb = float;
if ( rgb_type === 'F' ) {
// treat float values as int
const farr = new Float32Array( 1 );
farr[ 0 ] = float;
rgb = new Int32Array( farr.buffer )[ 0 ];
const r = ( ( rgb >> 16 ) & 0x0000ff ) / 255;
const g = ( ( rgb >> 8 ) & 0x0000ff ) / 255;
const b = ( ( rgb >> 0 ) & 0x0000ff ) / 255;
c.setRGB( r, g, b, SRGBColorSpace );
color.push( c.r, c.g, c.b );
if ( offset.normal_x !== undefined ) {
normal.push( parseFloat( line[ offset.normal_x ] ) );
normal.push( parseFloat( line[ offset.normal_y ] ) );
normal.push( parseFloat( line[ offset.normal_z ] ) );
if ( offset.intensity !== undefined ) {
intensity.push( parseFloat( line[ offset.intensity ] ) );
if ( offset.label !== undefined ) {
label.push( parseInt( line[ offset.label ] ) );
// binary-compressed
// normally data in PCD files are organized as array of structures: XYZRGBXYZRGB
// binary compressed PCD files organize their data as structure of arrays: XXYYZZRGBRGB
// that requires a totally different parsing approach compared to non-compressed data
if ( === 'binary_compressed' ) {
const sizes = new Uint32Array( data.slice( PCDheader.headerLen, PCDheader.headerLen + 8 ) );
const compressedSize = sizes[ 0 ];
const decompressedSize = sizes[ 1 ];
const decompressed = decompressLZF( new Uint8Array( data, PCDheader.headerLen + 8, compressedSize ), decompressedSize );
const dataview = new DataView( decompressed.buffer );
const offset = PCDheader.offset;
for ( let i = 0; i < PCDheader.points; i ++ ) {
if ( offset.x !== undefined ) {
const xIndex = PCDheader.fields.indexOf( 'x' );
const yIndex = PCDheader.fields.indexOf( 'y' );
const zIndex = PCDheader.fields.indexOf( 'z' );
position.push( dataview.getFloat32( ( PCDheader.points * offset.x ) + PCDheader.size[ xIndex ] * i, this.littleEndian ) );
position.push( dataview.getFloat32( ( PCDheader.points * offset.y ) + PCDheader.size[ yIndex ] * i, this.littleEndian ) );
position.push( dataview.getFloat32( ( PCDheader.points * offset.z ) + PCDheader.size[ zIndex ] * i, this.littleEndian ) );
if ( offset.rgb !== undefined ) {
const rgbIndex = PCDheader.fields.indexOf( 'rgb' );
const r = dataview.getUint8( ( PCDheader.points * offset.rgb ) + PCDheader.size[ rgbIndex ] * i + 2 ) / 255.0;
const g = dataview.getUint8( ( PCDheader.points * offset.rgb ) + PCDheader.size[ rgbIndex ] * i + 1 ) / 255.0;
const b = dataview.getUint8( ( PCDheader.points * offset.rgb ) + PCDheader.size[ rgbIndex ] * i + 0 ) / 255.0;
c.setRGB( r, g, b, SRGBColorSpace );
color.push( c.r, c.g, c.b );
if ( offset.normal_x !== undefined ) {
const xIndex = PCDheader.fields.indexOf( 'normal_x' );
const yIndex = PCDheader.fields.indexOf( 'normal_y' );
const zIndex = PCDheader.fields.indexOf( 'normal_z' );
normal.push( dataview.getFloat32( ( PCDheader.points * offset.normal_x ) + PCDheader.size[ xIndex ] * i, this.littleEndian ) );
normal.push( dataview.getFloat32( ( PCDheader.points * offset.normal_y ) + PCDheader.size[ yIndex ] * i, this.littleEndian ) );
normal.push( dataview.getFloat32( ( PCDheader.points * offset.normal_z ) + PCDheader.size[ zIndex ] * i, this.littleEndian ) );
if ( offset.intensity !== undefined ) {
const intensityIndex = PCDheader.fields.indexOf( 'intensity' );
intensity.push( dataview.getFloat32( ( PCDheader.points * offset.intensity ) + PCDheader.size[ intensityIndex ] * i, this.littleEndian ) );
if ( offset.label !== undefined ) {
const labelIndex = PCDheader.fields.indexOf( 'label' );
label.push( dataview.getInt32( ( PCDheader.points * offset.label ) + PCDheader.size[ labelIndex ] * i, this.littleEndian ) );
// binary
if ( === 'binary' ) {
const dataview = new DataView( data, PCDheader.headerLen );
const offset = PCDheader.offset;
for ( let i = 0, row = 0; i < PCDheader.points; i ++, row += PCDheader.rowSize ) {
if ( offset.x !== undefined ) {
position.push( dataview.getFloat32( row + offset.x, this.littleEndian ) );
position.push( dataview.getFloat32( row + offset.y, this.littleEndian ) );
position.push( dataview.getFloat32( row + offset.z, this.littleEndian ) );
if ( offset.rgb !== undefined ) {
const r = dataview.getUint8( row + offset.rgb + 2 ) / 255.0;
const g = dataview.getUint8( row + offset.rgb + 1 ) / 255.0;
const b = dataview.getUint8( row + offset.rgb + 0 ) / 255.0;
c.setRGB( r, g, b, SRGBColorSpace );
color.push( c.r, c.g, c.b );
if ( offset.normal_x !== undefined ) {
normal.push( dataview.getFloat32( row + offset.normal_x, this.littleEndian ) );
normal.push( dataview.getFloat32( row + offset.normal_y, this.littleEndian ) );
normal.push( dataview.getFloat32( row + offset.normal_z, this.littleEndian ) );
if ( offset.intensity !== undefined ) {
intensity.push( dataview.getFloat32( row + offset.intensity, this.littleEndian ) );
if ( offset.label !== undefined ) {
label.push( dataview.getInt32( row + offset.label, this.littleEndian ) );
// build geometry
const geometry = new BufferGeometry();
if ( position.length > 0 ) geometry.setAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( position, 3 ) );
if ( normal.length > 0 ) geometry.setAttribute( 'normal', new Float32BufferAttribute( normal, 3 ) );
if ( color.length > 0 ) geometry.setAttribute( 'color', new Float32BufferAttribute( color, 3 ) );
if ( intensity.length > 0 ) geometry.setAttribute( 'intensity', new Float32BufferAttribute( intensity, 1 ) );
if ( label.length > 0 ) geometry.setAttribute( 'label', new Int32BufferAttribute( label, 1 ) );
// build material
const material = new PointsMaterial( { size: 0.005 } );
if ( color.length > 0 ) {
material.vertexColors = true;
// build point cloud
return new Points( geometry, material );
export { PCDLoader };