MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { DataTexture, FileLoader, FloatType, RedFormat, MathUtils, Loader, UnsignedByteType, LinearFilter, HalfFloatType, DataUtils } from 'three'; class IESLoader extends Loader { constructor( manager ) { super( manager ); this.type = HalfFloatType; } _getIESValues( iesLamp, type ) { const width = 360; const height = 180; const size = width * height; const data = new Array( size ); function interpolateCandelaValues( phi, theta ) { let phiIndex = 0, thetaIndex = 0; let startTheta = 0, endTheta = 0, startPhi = 0, endPhi = 0; for ( let i = 0; i < iesLamp.numHorAngles - 1; ++ i ) { // numHorAngles = horAngles.length-1 because of extra padding, so this wont cause an out of bounds error if ( theta < iesLamp.horAngles[ i + 1 ] || i == iesLamp.numHorAngles - 2 ) { thetaIndex = i; startTheta = iesLamp.horAngles[ i ]; endTheta = iesLamp.horAngles[ i + 1 ]; break; } } for ( let i = 0; i < iesLamp.numVerAngles - 1; ++ i ) { if ( phi < iesLamp.verAngles[ i + 1 ] || i == iesLamp.numVerAngles - 2 ) { phiIndex = i; startPhi = iesLamp.verAngles[ i ]; endPhi = iesLamp.verAngles[ i + 1 ]; break; } } const deltaTheta = endTheta - startTheta; const deltaPhi = endPhi - startPhi; if ( deltaPhi === 0 ) // Outside range return 0; const t1 = deltaTheta === 0 ? 0 : ( theta - startTheta ) / deltaTheta; const t2 = ( phi - startPhi ) / deltaPhi; const nextThetaIndex = deltaTheta === 0 ? thetaIndex : thetaIndex + 1; const v1 = MathUtils.lerp( iesLamp.candelaValues[ thetaIndex ][ phiIndex ], iesLamp.candelaValues[ nextThetaIndex ][ phiIndex ], t1 ); const v2 = MathUtils.lerp( iesLamp.candelaValues[ thetaIndex ][ phiIndex + 1 ], iesLamp.candelaValues[ nextThetaIndex ][ phiIndex + 1 ], t1 ); const v = MathUtils.lerp( v1, v2, t2 ); return v; } const startTheta = iesLamp.horAngles[ 0 ], endTheta = iesLamp.horAngles[ iesLamp.numHorAngles - 1 ]; for ( let i = 0; i < size; ++ i ) { let theta = i % width; const phi = Math.floor( i / width ); if ( endTheta - startTheta !== 0 && ( theta < startTheta || theta >= endTheta ) ) { // Handle symmetry for hor angles theta %= endTheta * 2; if ( theta > endTheta ) theta = endTheta * 2 - theta; } data[ phi + theta * height ] = interpolateCandelaValues( phi, theta ); } let result = null; if ( type === UnsignedByteType ) result = Uint8Array.from( v => Math.min( v * 0xFF, 0xFF ) ) ); else if ( type === HalfFloatType ) result = Uint16Array.from( v => DataUtils.toHalfFloat( v ) ) ); else if ( type === FloatType ) result = Float32Array.from( data ); else console.error( 'IESLoader: Unsupported type:', type ); return result; } load( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) { const loader = new FileLoader( this.manager ); loader.setResponseType( 'text' ); loader.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin ); loader.setWithCredentials( this.withCredentials ); loader.setPath( this.path ); loader.setRequestHeader( this.requestHeader ); loader.load( url, text => { onLoad( this.parse( text ) ); }, onProgress, onError ); } parse( text ) { const type = this.type; const iesLamp = new IESLamp( text ); const data = this._getIESValues( iesLamp, type ); const texture = new DataTexture( data, 180, 1, RedFormat, type ); texture.minFilter = LinearFilter; texture.magFilter = LinearFilter; texture.needsUpdate = true; return texture; } } function IESLamp( text ) { const _self = this; const textArray = text.split( '\n' ); let lineNumber = 0; let line; _self.verAngles = [ ]; _self.horAngles = [ ]; _self.candelaValues = [ ]; _self.tiltData = { }; _self.tiltData.angles = [ ]; _self.tiltData.mulFactors = [ ]; function textToArray( text ) { text = text.replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, '' ); // remove leading or trailing spaces text = text.replace( /,/g, ' ' ); // replace commas with spaces text = text.replace( /\s\s+/g, ' ' ); // replace white space/tabs etc by single whitespace const array = text.split( ' ' ); return array; } function readArray( count, array ) { while ( true ) { const line = textArray[ lineNumber ++ ]; const lineData = textToArray( line ); for ( let i = 0; i < lineData.length; ++ i ) { array.push( Number( lineData[ i ] ) ); } if ( array.length === count ) break; } } function readTilt() { let line = textArray[ lineNumber ++ ]; let lineData = textToArray( line ); _self.tiltData.lampToLumGeometry = Number( lineData[ 0 ] ); line = textArray[ lineNumber ++ ]; lineData = textToArray( line ); _self.tiltData.numAngles = Number( lineData[ 0 ] ); readArray( _self.tiltData.numAngles, _self.tiltData.angles ); readArray( _self.tiltData.numAngles, _self.tiltData.mulFactors ); } function readLampValues() { const values = [ ]; readArray( 10, values ); _self.count = Number( values[ 0 ] ); _self.lumens = Number( values[ 1 ] ); _self.multiplier = Number( values[ 2 ] ); _self.numVerAngles = Number( values[ 3 ] ); _self.numHorAngles = Number( values[ 4 ] ); _self.gonioType = Number( values[ 5 ] ); _self.units = Number( values[ 6 ] ); _self.width = Number( values[ 7 ] ); _self.length = Number( values[ 8 ] ); _self.height = Number( values[ 9 ] ); } function readLampFactors() { const values = [ ]; readArray( 3, values ); _self.ballFactor = Number( values[ 0 ] ); _self.blpFactor = Number( values[ 1 ] ); _self.inputWatts = Number( values[ 2 ] ); } while ( true ) { line = textArray[ lineNumber ++ ]; if ( line.includes( 'TILT' ) ) { break; } } if ( ! line.includes( 'NONE' ) ) { if ( line.includes( 'INCLUDE' ) ) { readTilt(); } else { // TODO:: Read tilt data from a file } } readLampValues(); readLampFactors(); // Initialize candela value array for ( let i = 0; i < _self.numHorAngles; ++ i ) { _self.candelaValues.push( [ ] ); } // Parse Angles readArray( _self.numVerAngles, _self.verAngles ); readArray( _self.numHorAngles, _self.horAngles ); // Parse Candela values for ( let i = 0; i < _self.numHorAngles; ++ i ) { readArray( _self.numVerAngles, _self.candelaValues[ i ] ); } // Calculate actual candela values, and normalize. for ( let i = 0; i < _self.numHorAngles; ++ i ) { for ( let j = 0; j < _self.numVerAngles; ++ j ) { _self.candelaValues[ i ][ j ] *= _self.candelaValues[ i ][ j ] * _self.multiplier * _self.ballFactor * _self.blpFactor; } } let maxVal = - 1; for ( let i = 0; i < _self.numHorAngles; ++ i ) { for ( let j = 0; j < _self.numVerAngles; ++ j ) { const value = _self.candelaValues[ i ][ j ]; maxVal = maxVal < value ? value : maxVal; } } const bNormalize = true; if ( bNormalize && maxVal > 0 ) { for ( let i = 0; i < _self.numHorAngles; ++ i ) { for ( let j = 0; j < _self.numVerAngles; ++ j ) { _self.candelaValues[ i ][ j ] /= maxVal; } } } } export { IESLoader };