import {
} from 'three';
import * as fflate from '../libs/fflate.module.js';
* Description: Early release of an AMF Loader following the pattern of the
* example loaders in the three.js project.
* Usage:
* const loader = new AMFLoader();
* loader.load('/path/to/project.amf', function(objecttree) {
* scene.add(objecttree);
* });
* Materials now supported, material colors supported
* Zip support, requires fflate
* No constellation support (yet)!
class AMFLoader extends Loader {
constructor( manager ) {
super( manager );
load( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {
const scope = this;
const loader = new FileLoader( scope.manager );
loader.setPath( scope.path );
loader.setResponseType( 'arraybuffer' );
loader.setRequestHeader( scope.requestHeader );
loader.setWithCredentials( scope.withCredentials );
loader.load( url, function ( text ) {
try {
onLoad( scope.parse( text ) );
} catch ( e ) {
if ( onError ) {
onError( e );
} else {
console.error( e );
scope.manager.itemError( url );
}, onProgress, onError );
parse( data ) {
function loadDocument( data ) {
let view = new DataView( data );
const magic = String.fromCharCode( view.getUint8( 0 ), view.getUint8( 1 ) );
if ( magic === 'PK' ) {
let zip = null;
let file = null;
console.log( 'THREE.AMFLoader: Loading Zip' );
try {
zip = fflate.unzipSync( new Uint8Array( data ) );
} catch ( e ) {
if ( e instanceof ReferenceError ) {
console.log( 'THREE.AMFLoader: fflate missing and file is compressed.' );
return null;
for ( file in zip ) {
if ( file.toLowerCase().slice( - 4 ) === '.amf' ) {
console.log( 'THREE.AMFLoader: Trying to load file asset: ' + file );
view = new DataView( zip[ file ].buffer );
const fileText = new TextDecoder().decode( view );
const xmlData = new DOMParser().parseFromString( fileText, 'application/xml' );
if ( xmlData.documentElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'amf' ) {
console.log( 'THREE.AMFLoader: Error loading AMF - no AMF document found.' );
return null;
return xmlData;
function loadDocumentScale( node ) {
let scale = 1.0;
let unit = 'millimeter';
if ( node.documentElement.attributes.unit !== undefined ) {
unit = node.documentElement.attributes.unit.value.toLowerCase();
const scaleUnits = {
millimeter: 1.0,
inch: 25.4,
feet: 304.8,
meter: 1000.0,
micron: 0.001
if ( scaleUnits[ unit ] !== undefined ) {
scale = scaleUnits[ unit ];
console.log( 'THREE.AMFLoader: Unit scale: ' + scale );
return scale;
function loadMaterials( node ) {
let matName = 'AMF Material';
const matId =;
let color = { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 };
let loadedMaterial = null;
for ( let i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i ++ ) {
const matChildEl = node.childNodes[ i ];
if ( matChildEl.nodeName === 'metadata' && matChildEl.attributes.type !== undefined ) {
if ( matChildEl.attributes.type.value === 'name' ) {
matName = matChildEl.textContent;
} else if ( matChildEl.nodeName === 'color' ) {
color = loadColor( matChildEl );
loadedMaterial = new MeshPhongMaterial( {
flatShading: true,
color: new Color( color.r, color.g, color.b ),
name: matName
} );
if ( color.a !== 1.0 ) {
loadedMaterial.transparent = true;
loadedMaterial.opacity = color.a;
return { id: matId, material: loadedMaterial };
function loadColor( node ) {
const color = { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 };
for ( let i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i ++ ) {
const matColor = node.childNodes[ i ];
if ( matColor.nodeName === 'r' ) {
color.r = matColor.textContent;
} else if ( matColor.nodeName === 'g' ) {
color.g = matColor.textContent;
} else if ( matColor.nodeName === 'b' ) {
color.b = matColor.textContent;
} else if ( matColor.nodeName === 'a' ) {
color.a = matColor.textContent;
return color;
function loadMeshVolume( node ) {
const volume = { name: '', triangles: [], materialid: null };
let currVolumeNode = node.firstElementChild;
if ( node.attributes.materialid !== undefined ) {
volume.materialId = node.attributes.materialid.nodeValue;
while ( currVolumeNode ) {
if ( currVolumeNode.nodeName === 'metadata' ) {
if ( currVolumeNode.attributes.type !== undefined ) {
if ( currVolumeNode.attributes.type.value === 'name' ) { = currVolumeNode.textContent;
} else if ( currVolumeNode.nodeName === 'triangle' ) {
const v1 = currVolumeNode.getElementsByTagName( 'v1' )[ 0 ].textContent;
const v2 = currVolumeNode.getElementsByTagName( 'v2' )[ 0 ].textContent;
const v3 = currVolumeNode.getElementsByTagName( 'v3' )[ 0 ].textContent;
volume.triangles.push( v1, v2, v3 );
currVolumeNode = currVolumeNode.nextElementSibling;
return volume;
function loadMeshVertices( node ) {
const vertArray = [];
const normalArray = [];
let currVerticesNode = node.firstElementChild;
while ( currVerticesNode ) {
if ( currVerticesNode.nodeName === 'vertex' ) {
let vNode = currVerticesNode.firstElementChild;
while ( vNode ) {
if ( vNode.nodeName === 'coordinates' ) {
const x = vNode.getElementsByTagName( 'x' )[ 0 ].textContent;
const y = vNode.getElementsByTagName( 'y' )[ 0 ].textContent;
const z = vNode.getElementsByTagName( 'z' )[ 0 ].textContent;
vertArray.push( x, y, z );
} else if ( vNode.nodeName === 'normal' ) {
const nx = vNode.getElementsByTagName( 'nx' )[ 0 ].textContent;
const ny = vNode.getElementsByTagName( 'ny' )[ 0 ].textContent;
const nz = vNode.getElementsByTagName( 'nz' )[ 0 ].textContent;
normalArray.push( nx, ny, nz );
vNode = vNode.nextElementSibling;
currVerticesNode = currVerticesNode.nextElementSibling;
return { 'vertices': vertArray, 'normals': normalArray };
function loadObject( node ) {
const objId =;
const loadedObject = { name: 'amfobject', meshes: [] };
let currColor = null;
let currObjNode = node.firstElementChild;
while ( currObjNode ) {
if ( currObjNode.nodeName === 'metadata' ) {
if ( currObjNode.attributes.type !== undefined ) {
if ( currObjNode.attributes.type.value === 'name' ) { = currObjNode.textContent;
} else if ( currObjNode.nodeName === 'color' ) {
currColor = loadColor( currObjNode );
} else if ( currObjNode.nodeName === 'mesh' ) {
let currMeshNode = currObjNode.firstElementChild;
const mesh = { vertices: [], normals: [], volumes: [], color: currColor };
while ( currMeshNode ) {
if ( currMeshNode.nodeName === 'vertices' ) {
const loadedVertices = loadMeshVertices( currMeshNode );
mesh.normals = mesh.normals.concat( loadedVertices.normals );
mesh.vertices = mesh.vertices.concat( loadedVertices.vertices );
} else if ( currMeshNode.nodeName === 'volume' ) {
mesh.volumes.push( loadMeshVolume( currMeshNode ) );
currMeshNode = currMeshNode.nextElementSibling;
loadedObject.meshes.push( mesh );
currObjNode = currObjNode.nextElementSibling;
return { 'id': objId, 'obj': loadedObject };
const xmlData = loadDocument( data );
let amfName = '';
let amfAuthor = '';
const amfScale = loadDocumentScale( xmlData );
const amfMaterials = {};
const amfObjects = {};
const childNodes = xmlData.documentElement.childNodes;
let i, j;
for ( i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i ++ ) {
const child = childNodes[ i ];
if ( child.nodeName === 'metadata' ) {
if ( child.attributes.type !== undefined ) {
if ( child.attributes.type.value === 'name' ) {
amfName = child.textContent;
} else if ( child.attributes.type.value === 'author' ) {
amfAuthor = child.textContent;
} else if ( child.nodeName === 'material' ) {
const loadedMaterial = loadMaterials( child );
amfMaterials[ ] = loadedMaterial.material;
} else if ( child.nodeName === 'object' ) {
const loadedObject = loadObject( child );
amfObjects[ ] = loadedObject.obj;
const sceneObject = new Group();
const defaultMaterial = new MeshPhongMaterial( {
color: 0xaaaaff,
flatShading: true
} ); = amfName; = amfAuthor;
sceneObject.userData.loader = 'AMF';
for ( const id in amfObjects ) {
const part = amfObjects[ id ];
const meshes = part.meshes;
const newObject = new Group(); = || '';
for ( i = 0; i < meshes.length; i ++ ) {
let objDefaultMaterial = defaultMaterial;
const mesh = meshes[ i ];
const vertices = new Float32BufferAttribute( mesh.vertices, 3 );
let normals = null;
if ( mesh.normals.length ) {
normals = new Float32BufferAttribute( mesh.normals, 3 );
if ( mesh.color ) {
const color = mesh.color;
objDefaultMaterial = defaultMaterial.clone();
objDefaultMaterial.color = new Color( color.r, color.g, color.b );
if ( color.a !== 1.0 ) {
objDefaultMaterial.transparent = true;
objDefaultMaterial.opacity = color.a;
const volumes = mesh.volumes;
for ( j = 0; j < volumes.length; j ++ ) {
const volume = volumes[ j ];
const newGeometry = new BufferGeometry();
let material = objDefaultMaterial;
newGeometry.setIndex( volume.triangles );
newGeometry.setAttribute( 'position', vertices.clone() );
if ( normals ) {
newGeometry.setAttribute( 'normal', normals.clone() );
if ( amfMaterials[ volume.materialId ] !== undefined ) {
material = amfMaterials[ volume.materialId ];
newGeometry.scale( amfScale, amfScale, amfScale );
newObject.add( new Mesh( newGeometry, material.clone() ) );
sceneObject.add( newObject );
return sceneObject;
export { AMFLoader };