MCP 3D Printer Server
by DMontgomery40
* @webxr-input-profiles/motion-controllers 1.0.0
const Constants = {
Handedness: Object.freeze({
NONE: 'none',
LEFT: 'left',
RIGHT: 'right'
ComponentState: Object.freeze({
DEFAULT: 'default',
TOUCHED: 'touched',
PRESSED: 'pressed'
ComponentProperty: Object.freeze({
BUTTON: 'button',
X_AXIS: 'xAxis',
Y_AXIS: 'yAxis',
STATE: 'state'
ComponentType: Object.freeze({
TRIGGER: 'trigger',
SQUEEZE: 'squeeze',
TOUCHPAD: 'touchpad',
THUMBSTICK: 'thumbstick',
BUTTON: 'button'
ButtonTouchThreshold: 0.05,
AxisTouchThreshold: 0.1,
VisualResponseProperty: Object.freeze({
TRANSFORM: 'transform',
VISIBILITY: 'visibility'
* @description Static helper function to fetch a JSON file and turn it into a JS object
* @param {string} path - Path to JSON file to be fetched
async function fetchJsonFile(path) {
const response = await fetch(path);
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(response.statusText);
} else {
return response.json();
async function fetchProfilesList(basePath) {
if (!basePath) {
throw new Error('No basePath supplied');
const profileListFileName = 'profilesList.json';
const profilesList = await fetchJsonFile(`${basePath}/${profileListFileName}`);
return profilesList;
async function fetchProfile(xrInputSource, basePath, defaultProfile = null, getAssetPath = true) {
if (!xrInputSource) {
throw new Error('No xrInputSource supplied');
if (!basePath) {
throw new Error('No basePath supplied');
// Get the list of profiles
const supportedProfilesList = await fetchProfilesList(basePath);
// Find the relative path to the first requested profile that is recognized
let match;
xrInputSource.profiles.some((profileId) => {
const supportedProfile = supportedProfilesList[profileId];
if (supportedProfile) {
match = {
profilePath: `${basePath}/${supportedProfile.path}`,
deprecated: !!supportedProfile.deprecated
return !!match;
if (!match) {
if (!defaultProfile) {
throw new Error('No matching profile name found');
const supportedProfile = supportedProfilesList[defaultProfile];
if (!supportedProfile) {
throw new Error(`No matching profile name found and default profile "${defaultProfile}" missing.`);
match = {
profileId: defaultProfile,
profilePath: `${basePath}/${supportedProfile.path}`,
deprecated: !!supportedProfile.deprecated
const profile = await fetchJsonFile(match.profilePath);
let assetPath;
if (getAssetPath) {
let layout;
if (xrInputSource.handedness === 'any') {
layout = profile.layouts[Object.keys(profile.layouts)[0]];
} else {
layout = profile.layouts[xrInputSource.handedness];
if (!layout) {
throw new Error(
`No matching handedness, ${xrInputSource.handedness}, in profile ${match.profileId}`
if (layout.assetPath) {
assetPath = match.profilePath.replace('profile.json', layout.assetPath);
return { profile, assetPath };
/** @constant {Object} */
const defaultComponentValues = {
xAxis: 0,
yAxis: 0,
button: 0,
state: Constants.ComponentState.DEFAULT
* @description Converts an X, Y coordinate from the range -1 to 1 (as reported by the Gamepad
* API) to the range 0 to 1 (for interpolation). Also caps the X, Y values to be bounded within
* a circle. This ensures that thumbsticks are not animated outside the bounds of their physical
* range of motion and touchpads do not report touch locations off their physical bounds.
* @param {number} x The original x coordinate in the range -1 to 1
* @param {number} y The original y coordinate in the range -1 to 1
function normalizeAxes(x = 0, y = 0) {
let xAxis = x;
let yAxis = y;
// Determine if the point is outside the bounds of the circle
// and, if so, place it on the edge of the circle
const hypotenuse = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
if (hypotenuse > 1) {
const theta = Math.atan2(y, x);
xAxis = Math.cos(theta);
yAxis = Math.sin(theta);
// Scale and move the circle so values are in the interpolation range. The circle's origin moves
// from (0, 0) to (0.5, 0.5). The circle's radius scales from 1 to be 0.5.
const result = {
normalizedXAxis: (xAxis * 0.5) + 0.5,
normalizedYAxis: (yAxis * 0.5) + 0.5
return result;
* Contains the description of how the 3D model should visually respond to a specific user input.
* This is accomplished by initializing the object with the name of a node in the 3D model and
* property that need to be modified in response to user input, the name of the nodes representing
* the allowable range of motion, and the name of the input which triggers the change. In response
* to the named input changing, this object computes the appropriate weighting to use for
* interpolating between the range of motion nodes.
class VisualResponse {
constructor(visualResponseDescription) {
this.componentProperty = visualResponseDescription.componentProperty;
this.states = visualResponseDescription.states;
this.valueNodeName = visualResponseDescription.valueNodeName;
this.valueNodeProperty = visualResponseDescription.valueNodeProperty;
if (this.valueNodeProperty === Constants.VisualResponseProperty.TRANSFORM) {
this.minNodeName = visualResponseDescription.minNodeName;
this.maxNodeName = visualResponseDescription.maxNodeName;
// Initializes the response's current value based on default data
this.value = 0;
* Computes the visual response's interpolation weight based on component state
* @param {Object} componentValues - The component from which to update
* @param {number} xAxis - The reported X axis value of the component
* @param {number} yAxis - The reported Y axis value of the component
* @param {number} button - The reported value of the component's button
* @param {string} state - The component's active state
xAxis, yAxis, button, state
}) {
const { normalizedXAxis, normalizedYAxis } = normalizeAxes(xAxis, yAxis);
switch (this.componentProperty) {
case Constants.ComponentProperty.X_AXIS:
this.value = (this.states.includes(state)) ? normalizedXAxis : 0.5;
case Constants.ComponentProperty.Y_AXIS:
this.value = (this.states.includes(state)) ? normalizedYAxis : 0.5;
case Constants.ComponentProperty.BUTTON:
this.value = (this.states.includes(state)) ? button : 0;
case Constants.ComponentProperty.STATE:
if (this.valueNodeProperty === Constants.VisualResponseProperty.VISIBILITY) {
this.value = (this.states.includes(state));
} else {
this.value = this.states.includes(state) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
throw new Error(`Unexpected visualResponse componentProperty ${this.componentProperty}`);
class Component {
* @param {Object} componentId - Id of the component
* @param {Object} componentDescription - Description of the component to be created
constructor(componentId, componentDescription) {
if (!componentId
|| !componentDescription
|| !componentDescription.visualResponses
|| !componentDescription.gamepadIndices
|| Object.keys(componentDescription.gamepadIndices).length === 0) {
throw new Error('Invalid arguments supplied');
} = componentId;
this.type = componentDescription.type;
this.rootNodeName = componentDescription.rootNodeName;
this.touchPointNodeName = componentDescription.touchPointNodeName;
// Build all the visual responses for this component
this.visualResponses = {};
Object.keys(componentDescription.visualResponses).forEach((responseName) => {
const visualResponse = new VisualResponse(componentDescription.visualResponses[responseName]);
this.visualResponses[responseName] = visualResponse;
// Set default values
this.gamepadIndices = Object.assign({}, componentDescription.gamepadIndices);
this.values = {
state: Constants.ComponentState.DEFAULT,
button: (this.gamepadIndices.button !== undefined) ? 0 : undefined,
xAxis: (this.gamepadIndices.xAxis !== undefined) ? 0 : undefined,
yAxis: (this.gamepadIndices.yAxis !== undefined) ? 0 : undefined
get data() {
const data = { id:, ...this.values };
return data;
* @description Poll for updated data based on current gamepad state
* @param {Object} gamepad - The gamepad object from which the component data should be polled
updateFromGamepad(gamepad) {
// Set the state to default before processing other data sources
this.values.state = Constants.ComponentState.DEFAULT;
// Get and normalize button
if (this.gamepadIndices.button !== undefined
&& gamepad.buttons.length > this.gamepadIndices.button) {
const gamepadButton = gamepad.buttons[this.gamepadIndices.button];
this.values.button = gamepadButton.value;
this.values.button = (this.values.button < 0) ? 0 : this.values.button;
this.values.button = (this.values.button > 1) ? 1 : this.values.button;
// Set the state based on the button
if (gamepadButton.pressed || this.values.button === 1) {
this.values.state = Constants.ComponentState.PRESSED;
} else if (gamepadButton.touched || this.values.button > Constants.ButtonTouchThreshold) {
this.values.state = Constants.ComponentState.TOUCHED;
// Get and normalize x axis value
if (this.gamepadIndices.xAxis !== undefined
&& gamepad.axes.length > this.gamepadIndices.xAxis) {
this.values.xAxis = gamepad.axes[this.gamepadIndices.xAxis];
this.values.xAxis = (this.values.xAxis < -1) ? -1 : this.values.xAxis;
this.values.xAxis = (this.values.xAxis > 1) ? 1 : this.values.xAxis;
// If the state is still default, check if the xAxis makes it touched
if (this.values.state === Constants.ComponentState.DEFAULT
&& Math.abs(this.values.xAxis) > Constants.AxisTouchThreshold) {
this.values.state = Constants.ComponentState.TOUCHED;
// Get and normalize Y axis value
if (this.gamepadIndices.yAxis !== undefined
&& gamepad.axes.length > this.gamepadIndices.yAxis) {
this.values.yAxis = gamepad.axes[this.gamepadIndices.yAxis];
this.values.yAxis = (this.values.yAxis < -1) ? -1 : this.values.yAxis;
this.values.yAxis = (this.values.yAxis > 1) ? 1 : this.values.yAxis;
// If the state is still default, check if the yAxis makes it touched
if (this.values.state === Constants.ComponentState.DEFAULT
&& Math.abs(this.values.yAxis) > Constants.AxisTouchThreshold) {
this.values.state = Constants.ComponentState.TOUCHED;
// Update the visual response weights based on the current component data
Object.values(this.visualResponses).forEach((visualResponse) => {
* @description Builds a motion controller with components and visual responses based on the
* supplied profile description. Data is polled from the xrInputSource's gamepad.
* @author Nell Waliczek /
class MotionController {
* @param {Object} xrInputSource - The XRInputSource to build the MotionController around
* @param {Object} profile - The best matched profile description for the supplied xrInputSource
* @param {Object} assetUrl
constructor(xrInputSource, profile, assetUrl) {
if (!xrInputSource) {
throw new Error('No xrInputSource supplied');
if (!profile) {
throw new Error('No profile supplied');
this.xrInputSource = xrInputSource;
this.assetUrl = assetUrl; = profile.profileId;
// Build child components as described in the profile description
this.layoutDescription = profile.layouts[xrInputSource.handedness];
this.components = {};
Object.keys(this.layoutDescription.components).forEach((componentId) => {
const componentDescription = this.layoutDescription.components[componentId];
this.components[componentId] = new Component(componentId, componentDescription);
// Initialize components based on current gamepad state
get gripSpace() {
return this.xrInputSource.gripSpace;
get targetRaySpace() {
return this.xrInputSource.targetRaySpace;
* @description Returns a subset of component data for simplified debugging
get data() {
const data = [];
Object.values(this.components).forEach((component) => {
return data;
* @description Poll for updated data based on current gamepad state
updateFromGamepad() {
Object.values(this.components).forEach((component) => {
export { Constants, MotionController, fetchProfile, fetchProfilesList };