MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { Color, ColorManagement, Matrix3, SRGBColorSpace, Vector2, Vector3 } from 'three'; class OBJExporter { parse( object ) { let output = ''; let indexVertex = 0; let indexVertexUvs = 0; let indexNormals = 0; const vertex = new Vector3(); const color = new Color(); const normal = new Vector3(); const uv = new Vector2(); const face = []; function parseMesh( mesh ) { let nbVertex = 0; let nbNormals = 0; let nbVertexUvs = 0; const geometry = mesh.geometry; const normalMatrixWorld = new Matrix3(); // shortcuts const vertices = geometry.getAttribute( 'position' ); const normals = geometry.getAttribute( 'normal' ); const uvs = geometry.getAttribute( 'uv' ); const indices = geometry.getIndex(); // name of the mesh object output += 'o ' + + '\n'; // name of the mesh material if ( mesh.material && ) { output += 'usemtl ' + + '\n'; } // vertices if ( vertices !== undefined ) { for ( let i = 0, l = vertices.count; i < l; i ++, nbVertex ++ ) { vertex.fromBufferAttribute( vertices, i ); // transform the vertex to world space vertex.applyMatrix4( mesh.matrixWorld ); // transform the vertex to export format output += 'v ' + vertex.x + ' ' + vertex.y + ' ' + vertex.z + '\n'; } } // uvs if ( uvs !== undefined ) { for ( let i = 0, l = uvs.count; i < l; i ++, nbVertexUvs ++ ) { uv.fromBufferAttribute( uvs, i ); // transform the uv to export format output += 'vt ' + uv.x + ' ' + uv.y + '\n'; } } // normals if ( normals !== undefined ) { normalMatrixWorld.getNormalMatrix( mesh.matrixWorld ); for ( let i = 0, l = normals.count; i < l; i ++, nbNormals ++ ) { normal.fromBufferAttribute( normals, i ); // transform the normal to world space normal.applyMatrix3( normalMatrixWorld ).normalize(); // transform the normal to export format output += 'vn ' + normal.x + ' ' + normal.y + ' ' + normal.z + '\n'; } } // faces if ( indices !== null ) { for ( let i = 0, l = indices.count; i < l; i += 3 ) { for ( let m = 0; m < 3; m ++ ) { const j = indices.getX( i + m ) + 1; face[ m ] = ( indexVertex + j ) + ( normals || uvs ? '/' + ( uvs ? ( indexVertexUvs + j ) : '' ) + ( normals ? '/' + ( indexNormals + j ) : '' ) : '' ); } // transform the face to export format output += 'f ' + face.join( ' ' ) + '\n'; } } else { for ( let i = 0, l = vertices.count; i < l; i += 3 ) { for ( let m = 0; m < 3; m ++ ) { const j = i + m + 1; face[ m ] = ( indexVertex + j ) + ( normals || uvs ? '/' + ( uvs ? ( indexVertexUvs + j ) : '' ) + ( normals ? '/' + ( indexNormals + j ) : '' ) : '' ); } // transform the face to export format output += 'f ' + face.join( ' ' ) + '\n'; } } // update index indexVertex += nbVertex; indexVertexUvs += nbVertexUvs; indexNormals += nbNormals; } function parseLine( line ) { let nbVertex = 0; const geometry = line.geometry; const type = line.type; // shortcuts const vertices = geometry.getAttribute( 'position' ); // name of the line object output += 'o ' + + '\n'; if ( vertices !== undefined ) { for ( let i = 0, l = vertices.count; i < l; i ++, nbVertex ++ ) { vertex.fromBufferAttribute( vertices, i ); // transform the vertex to world space vertex.applyMatrix4( line.matrixWorld ); // transform the vertex to export format output += 'v ' + vertex.x + ' ' + vertex.y + ' ' + vertex.z + '\n'; } } if ( type === 'Line' ) { output += 'l '; for ( let j = 1, l = vertices.count; j <= l; j ++ ) { output += ( indexVertex + j ) + ' '; } output += '\n'; } if ( type === 'LineSegments' ) { for ( let j = 1, k = j + 1, l = vertices.count; j < l; j += 2, k = j + 1 ) { output += 'l ' + ( indexVertex + j ) + ' ' + ( indexVertex + k ) + '\n'; } } // update index indexVertex += nbVertex; } function parsePoints( points ) { let nbVertex = 0; const geometry = points.geometry; const vertices = geometry.getAttribute( 'position' ); const colors = geometry.getAttribute( 'color' ); output += 'o ' + + '\n'; if ( vertices !== undefined ) { for ( let i = 0, l = vertices.count; i < l; i ++, nbVertex ++ ) { vertex.fromBufferAttribute( vertices, i ); vertex.applyMatrix4( points.matrixWorld ); output += 'v ' + vertex.x + ' ' + vertex.y + ' ' + vertex.z; if ( colors !== undefined ) { color.fromBufferAttribute( colors, i ); ColorManagement.fromWorkingColorSpace( color, SRGBColorSpace ); output += ' ' + color.r + ' ' + color.g + ' ' + color.b; } output += '\n'; } output += 'p '; for ( let j = 1, l = vertices.count; j <= l; j ++ ) { output += ( indexVertex + j ) + ' '; } output += '\n'; } // update index indexVertex += nbVertex; } object.traverse( function ( child ) { if ( child.isMesh === true ) { parseMesh( child ); } if ( child.isLine === true ) { parseLine( child ); } if ( child.isPoints === true ) { parsePoints( child ); } } ); return output; } } export { OBJExporter };