MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
/** * @author sciecode / * * EXR format references: * */ import { FloatType, HalfFloatType, RGBAFormat, DataUtils, } from 'three'; import * as fflate from '../libs/fflate.module.js'; const textEncoder = new TextEncoder(); const NO_COMPRESSION = 0; const ZIPS_COMPRESSION = 2; const ZIP_COMPRESSION = 3; class EXRExporter { async parse( arg1, arg2, arg3 ) { if ( ! arg1 || ! ( arg1.isWebGLRenderer || arg1.isWebGPURenderer || arg1.isDataTexture ) ) { throw Error( 'EXRExporter.parse: Unsupported first parameter, expected instance of WebGLRenderer or DataTexture.' ); } else if ( arg1.isWebGLRenderer || arg1.isWebGPURenderer ) { const renderer = arg1, renderTarget = arg2, options = arg3; supportedRTT( renderTarget ); const info = buildInfoRTT( renderTarget, options ), dataBuffer = await getPixelData( renderer, renderTarget, info ), rawContentBuffer = reorganizeDataBuffer( dataBuffer, info ), chunks = compressData( rawContentBuffer, info ); return fillData( chunks, info ); } else if ( arg1.isDataTexture ) { const texture = arg1, options = arg2; supportedDT( texture ); const info = buildInfoDT( texture, options ), dataBuffer =, rawContentBuffer = reorganizeDataBuffer( dataBuffer, info ), chunks = compressData( rawContentBuffer, info ); return fillData( chunks, info ); } } } function supportedRTT( renderTarget ) { if ( ! renderTarget || ! renderTarget.isRenderTarget ) { throw Error( 'EXRExporter.parse: Unsupported second parameter, expected instance of WebGLRenderTarget.' ); } if ( renderTarget.isWebGLCubeRenderTarget || renderTarget.isWebGL3DRenderTarget || renderTarget.isWebGLArrayRenderTarget ) { throw Error( 'EXRExporter.parse: Unsupported render target type, expected instance of WebGLRenderTarget.' ); } if ( renderTarget.texture.type !== FloatType && renderTarget.texture.type !== HalfFloatType ) { throw Error( 'EXRExporter.parse: Unsupported WebGLRenderTarget texture type.' ); } if ( renderTarget.texture.format !== RGBAFormat ) { throw Error( 'EXRExporter.parse: Unsupported WebGLRenderTarget texture format, expected RGBAFormat.' ); } } function supportedDT( texture ) { if ( texture.type !== FloatType && texture.type !== HalfFloatType ) { throw Error( 'EXRExporter.parse: Unsupported DataTexture texture type.' ); } if ( texture.format !== RGBAFormat ) { throw Error( 'EXRExporter.parse: Unsupported DataTexture texture format, expected RGBAFormat.' ); } if ( ! ) { throw Error( 'EXRExporter.parse: Invalid DataTexture image data.' ); } if ( texture.type === FloatType && !== 'Float32Array' ) { throw Error( 'EXRExporter.parse: DataTexture image data doesn\'t match type, expected \'Float32Array\'.' ); } if ( texture.type === HalfFloatType && !== 'Uint16Array' ) { throw Error( 'EXRExporter.parse: DataTexture image data doesn\'t match type, expected \'Uint16Array\'.' ); } } function buildInfoRTT( renderTarget, options = {} ) { const compressionSizes = { 0: 1, 2: 1, 3: 16 }; const WIDTH = renderTarget.width, HEIGHT = renderTarget.height, TYPE = renderTarget.texture.type, FORMAT = renderTarget.texture.format, COMPRESSION = ( options.compression !== undefined ) ? options.compression : ZIP_COMPRESSION, EXPORTER_TYPE = ( options.type !== undefined ) ? options.type : HalfFloatType, OUT_TYPE = ( EXPORTER_TYPE === FloatType ) ? 2 : 1, COMPRESSION_SIZE = compressionSizes[ COMPRESSION ], NUM_CHANNELS = 4; return { width: WIDTH, height: HEIGHT, type: TYPE, format: FORMAT, compression: COMPRESSION, blockLines: COMPRESSION_SIZE, dataType: OUT_TYPE, dataSize: 2 * OUT_TYPE, numBlocks: Math.ceil( HEIGHT / COMPRESSION_SIZE ), numInputChannels: 4, numOutputChannels: NUM_CHANNELS, }; } function buildInfoDT( texture, options = {} ) { const compressionSizes = { 0: 1, 2: 1, 3: 16 }; const WIDTH = texture.image.width, HEIGHT = texture.image.height, TYPE = texture.type, FORMAT = texture.format, COMPRESSION = ( options.compression !== undefined ) ? options.compression : ZIP_COMPRESSION, EXPORTER_TYPE = ( options.type !== undefined ) ? options.type : HalfFloatType, OUT_TYPE = ( EXPORTER_TYPE === FloatType ) ? 2 : 1, COMPRESSION_SIZE = compressionSizes[ COMPRESSION ], NUM_CHANNELS = 4; return { width: WIDTH, height: HEIGHT, type: TYPE, format: FORMAT, compression: COMPRESSION, blockLines: COMPRESSION_SIZE, dataType: OUT_TYPE, dataSize: 2 * OUT_TYPE, numBlocks: Math.ceil( HEIGHT / COMPRESSION_SIZE ), numInputChannels: 4, numOutputChannels: NUM_CHANNELS, }; } async function getPixelData( renderer, rtt, info ) { let dataBuffer; if ( renderer.isWebGLRenderer ) { if ( info.type === FloatType ) { dataBuffer = new Float32Array( info.width * info.height * info.numInputChannels ); } else { dataBuffer = new Uint16Array( info.width * info.height * info.numInputChannels ); } await renderer.readRenderTargetPixelsAsync( rtt, 0, 0, info.width, info.height, dataBuffer ); } else { dataBuffer = await renderer.readRenderTargetPixelsAsync( rtt, 0, 0, info.width, info.height ); } return dataBuffer; } function reorganizeDataBuffer( inBuffer, info ) { const w = info.width, h = info.height, dec = { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0 }, offset = { value: 0 }, cOffset = ( info.numOutputChannels == 4 ) ? 1 : 0, getValue = ( info.type == FloatType ) ? getFloat32 : getFloat16, setValue = ( info.dataType == 1 ) ? setFloat16 : setFloat32, outBuffer = new Uint8Array( info.width * info.height * info.numOutputChannels * info.dataSize ), dv = new DataView( outBuffer.buffer ); for ( let y = 0; y < h; ++ y ) { for ( let x = 0; x < w; ++ x ) { const i = y * w * 4 + x * 4; const r = getValue( inBuffer, i ); const g = getValue( inBuffer, i + 1 ); const b = getValue( inBuffer, i + 2 ); const a = getValue( inBuffer, i + 3 ); const line = ( h - y - 1 ) * w * ( 3 + cOffset ) * info.dataSize; decodeLinear( dec, r, g, b, a ); offset.value = line + x * info.dataSize; setValue( dv, dec.a, offset ); offset.value = line + ( cOffset ) * w * info.dataSize + x * info.dataSize; setValue( dv, dec.b, offset ); offset.value = line + ( 1 + cOffset ) * w * info.dataSize + x * info.dataSize; setValue( dv, dec.g, offset ); offset.value = line + ( 2 + cOffset ) * w * info.dataSize + x * info.dataSize; setValue( dv, dec.r, offset ); } } return outBuffer; } function compressData( inBuffer, info ) { let compress, tmpBuffer, sum = 0; const chunks = { data: new Array(), totalSize: 0 }, size = info.width * info.numOutputChannels * info.blockLines * info.dataSize; switch ( info.compression ) { case 0: compress = compressNONE; break; case 2: case 3: compress = compressZIP; break; } if ( info.compression !== 0 ) { tmpBuffer = new Uint8Array( size ); } for ( let i = 0; i < info.numBlocks; ++ i ) { const arr = inBuffer.subarray( size * i, size * ( i + 1 ) ); const block = compress( arr, tmpBuffer ); sum += block.length; { dataChunk: block, size: block.length } ); } chunks.totalSize = sum; return chunks; } function compressNONE( data ) { return data; } function compressZIP( data, tmpBuffer ) { // // Reorder the pixel data. // let t1 = 0, t2 = Math.floor( ( data.length + 1 ) / 2 ), s = 0; const stop = data.length - 1; while ( true ) { if ( s > stop ) break; tmpBuffer[ t1 ++ ] = data[ s ++ ]; if ( s > stop ) break; tmpBuffer[ t2 ++ ] = data[ s ++ ]; } // // Predictor. // let p = tmpBuffer[ 0 ]; for ( let t = 1; t < tmpBuffer.length; t ++ ) { const d = tmpBuffer[ t ] - p + ( 128 + 256 ); p = tmpBuffer[ t ]; tmpBuffer[ t ] = d; } const deflate = fflate.zlibSync( tmpBuffer ); return deflate; } function fillHeader( outBuffer, chunks, info ) { const offset = { value: 0 }; const dv = new DataView( outBuffer.buffer ); setUint32( dv, 20000630, offset ); // magic setUint32( dv, 2, offset ); // mask // = HEADER = setString( dv, 'compression', offset ); setString( dv, 'compression', offset ); setUint32( dv, 1, offset ); setUint8( dv, info.compression, offset ); setString( dv, 'screenWindowCenter', offset ); setString( dv, 'v2f', offset ); setUint32( dv, 8, offset ); setUint32( dv, 0, offset ); setUint32( dv, 0, offset ); setString( dv, 'screenWindowWidth', offset ); setString( dv, 'float', offset ); setUint32( dv, 4, offset ); setFloat32( dv, 1.0, offset ); setString( dv, 'pixelAspectRatio', offset ); setString( dv, 'float', offset ); setUint32( dv, 4, offset ); setFloat32( dv, 1.0, offset ); setString( dv, 'lineOrder', offset ); setString( dv, 'lineOrder', offset ); setUint32( dv, 1, offset ); setUint8( dv, 0, offset ); setString( dv, 'dataWindow', offset ); setString( dv, 'box2i', offset ); setUint32( dv, 16, offset ); setUint32( dv, 0, offset ); setUint32( dv, 0, offset ); setUint32( dv, info.width - 1, offset ); setUint32( dv, info.height - 1, offset ); setString( dv, 'displayWindow', offset ); setString( dv, 'box2i', offset ); setUint32( dv, 16, offset ); setUint32( dv, 0, offset ); setUint32( dv, 0, offset ); setUint32( dv, info.width - 1, offset ); setUint32( dv, info.height - 1, offset ); setString( dv, 'channels', offset ); setString( dv, 'chlist', offset ); setUint32( dv, info.numOutputChannels * 18 + 1, offset ); setString( dv, 'A', offset ); setUint32( dv, info.dataType, offset ); offset.value += 4; setUint32( dv, 1, offset ); setUint32( dv, 1, offset ); setString( dv, 'B', offset ); setUint32( dv, info.dataType, offset ); offset.value += 4; setUint32( dv, 1, offset ); setUint32( dv, 1, offset ); setString( dv, 'G', offset ); setUint32( dv, info.dataType, offset ); offset.value += 4; setUint32( dv, 1, offset ); setUint32( dv, 1, offset ); setString( dv, 'R', offset ); setUint32( dv, info.dataType, offset ); offset.value += 4; setUint32( dv, 1, offset ); setUint32( dv, 1, offset ); setUint8( dv, 0, offset ); // null-byte setUint8( dv, 0, offset ); // = OFFSET TABLE = let sum = offset.value + info.numBlocks * 8; for ( let i = 0; i <; ++ i ) { setUint64( dv, sum, offset ); sum +=[ i ].size + 8; } } function fillData( chunks, info ) { const TableSize = info.numBlocks * 8, HeaderSize = 259 + ( 18 * info.numOutputChannels ), // 259 + 18 * chlist offset = { value: HeaderSize + TableSize }, outBuffer = new Uint8Array( HeaderSize + TableSize + chunks.totalSize + info.numBlocks * 8 ), dv = new DataView( outBuffer.buffer ); fillHeader( outBuffer, chunks, info ); for ( let i = 0; i <; ++ i ) { const data =[ i ].dataChunk; const size =[ i ].size; setUint32( dv, i * info.blockLines, offset ); setUint32( dv, size, offset ); outBuffer.set( data, offset.value ); offset.value += size; } return outBuffer; } function decodeLinear( dec, r, g, b, a ) { dec.r = r; dec.g = g; dec.b = b; dec.a = a; } // function decodeSRGB( dec, r, g, b, a ) { // dec.r = r > 0.04045 ? Math.pow( r * 0.9478672986 + 0.0521327014, 2.4 ) : r * 0.0773993808; // dec.g = g > 0.04045 ? Math.pow( g * 0.9478672986 + 0.0521327014, 2.4 ) : g * 0.0773993808; // dec.b = b > 0.04045 ? Math.pow( b * 0.9478672986 + 0.0521327014, 2.4 ) : b * 0.0773993808; // dec.a = a; // } function setUint8( dv, value, offset ) { dv.setUint8( offset.value, value ); offset.value += 1; } function setUint32( dv, value, offset ) { dv.setUint32( offset.value, value, true ); offset.value += 4; } function setFloat16( dv, value, offset ) { dv.setUint16( offset.value, DataUtils.toHalfFloat( value ), true ); offset.value += 2; } function setFloat32( dv, value, offset ) { dv.setFloat32( offset.value, value, true ); offset.value += 4; } function setUint64( dv, value, offset ) { dv.setBigUint64( offset.value, BigInt( value ), true ); offset.value += 8; } function setString( dv, string, offset ) { const tmp = textEncoder.encode( string + '\0' ); for ( let i = 0; i < tmp.length; ++ i ) { setUint8( dv, tmp[ i ], offset ); } } function decodeFloat16( binary ) { const exponent = ( binary & 0x7C00 ) >> 10, fraction = binary & 0x03FF; return ( binary >> 15 ? - 1 : 1 ) * ( exponent ? ( exponent === 0x1F ? fraction ? NaN : Infinity : Math.pow( 2, exponent - 15 ) * ( 1 + fraction / 0x400 ) ) : 6.103515625e-5 * ( fraction / 0x400 ) ); } function getFloat16( arr, i ) { return decodeFloat16( arr[ i ] ); } function getFloat32( arr, i ) { return arr[ i ]; } export { EXRExporter, NO_COMPRESSION, ZIP_COMPRESSION, ZIPS_COMPRESSION };