MCP 3D Printer Server
by DMontgomery40
- node_modules
- three
- examples
- jsm
- effects
* Ascii generation is based on
* 16 April 2012 - @blurspline
class AsciiEffect {
constructor( renderer, charSet = ' .:-=+*#%@', options = {} ) {
// ' .,:;=|iI+hHOE#`$';
// darker bolder character set from
// ' .\'`^",:;Il!i~+_-?][}{1)(|/tfjrxnuvczXYUJCLQ0OZmwqpdbkhao*#MW&8%B@$'.split('');
// Some ASCII settings
const fResolution = options[ 'resolution' ] || 0.15; // Higher for more details
const iScale = options[ 'scale' ] || 1;
const bColor = options[ 'color' ] || false; // nice but slows down rendering!
const bAlpha = options[ 'alpha' ] || false; // Transparency
const bBlock = options[ 'block' ] || false; // blocked characters. like good O dos
const bInvert = options[ 'invert' ] || false; // black is white, white is black
const strResolution = options[ 'strResolution' ] || 'low';
let width, height;
const domElement = document.createElement( 'div' ); = 'default';
const oAscii = document.createElement( 'table' );
domElement.appendChild( oAscii );
let iWidth, iHeight;
let oImg;
this.setSize = function ( w, h ) {
width = w;
height = h;
renderer.setSize( w, h );
this.render = function ( scene, camera ) {
renderer.render( scene, camera );
asciifyImage( oAscii );
this.domElement = domElement;
// Throw in ascii library from (MIT License)
function initAsciiSize() {
iWidth = Math.floor( width * fResolution );
iHeight = Math.floor( height * fResolution );
oCanvas.width = iWidth;
oCanvas.height = iHeight;
// = "none";
// = iWidth;
// = iHeight;
oImg = renderer.domElement;
if ( ) {
oAscii.rows[ 0 ].cells[ 0 ].style.backgroundColor =;
oAscii.rows[ 0 ].cells[ 0 ].style.color =;
oAscii.cellSpacing = 0;
oAscii.cellPadding = 0;
const oStyle =;
oStyle.whiteSpace = 'pre';
oStyle.margin = '0px';
oStyle.padding = '0px';
oStyle.letterSpacing = fLetterSpacing + 'px';
oStyle.fontFamily = strFont;
oStyle.fontSize = fFontSize + 'px';
oStyle.lineHeight = fLineHeight + 'px';
oStyle.textAlign = 'left';
oStyle.textDecoration = 'none';
const aDefaultCharList = ( ' .,:;i1tfLCG08@' ).split( '' );
const aDefaultColorCharList = ( ' CGO08@' ).split( '' );
const strFont = 'courier new, monospace';
const oCanvasImg = renderer.domElement;
const oCanvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
if ( ! oCanvas.getContext ) {
const oCtx = oCanvas.getContext( '2d' );
if ( ! oCtx.getImageData ) {
let aCharList = ( bColor ? aDefaultColorCharList : aDefaultCharList );
if ( charSet ) aCharList = charSet;
// Setup dom
const fFontSize = ( 2 / fResolution ) * iScale;
const fLineHeight = ( 2 / fResolution ) * iScale;
// adjust letter-spacing for all combinations of scale and resolution to get it to fit the image width.
let fLetterSpacing = 0;
if ( strResolution == 'low' ) {
switch ( iScale ) {
case 1 : fLetterSpacing = - 1; break;
case 2 :
case 3 : fLetterSpacing = - 2.1; break;
case 4 : fLetterSpacing = - 3.1; break;
case 5 : fLetterSpacing = - 4.15; break;
if ( strResolution == 'medium' ) {
switch ( iScale ) {
case 1 : fLetterSpacing = 0; break;
case 2 : fLetterSpacing = - 1; break;
case 3 : fLetterSpacing = - 1.04; break;
case 4 :
case 5 : fLetterSpacing = - 2.1; break;
if ( strResolution == 'high' ) {
switch ( iScale ) {
case 1 :
case 2 : fLetterSpacing = 0; break;
case 3 :
case 4 :
case 5 : fLetterSpacing = - 1; break;
// can't get a span or div to flow like an img element, but a table works?
// convert img element to ascii
function asciifyImage( oAscii ) {
oCtx.clearRect( 0, 0, iWidth, iHeight );
oCtx.drawImage( oCanvasImg, 0, 0, iWidth, iHeight );
const oImgData = oCtx.getImageData( 0, 0, iWidth, iHeight ).data;
// Coloring loop starts now
let strChars = '';
// console.time('rendering');
for ( let y = 0; y < iHeight; y += 2 ) {
for ( let x = 0; x < iWidth; x ++ ) {
const iOffset = ( y * iWidth + x ) * 4;
const iRed = oImgData[ iOffset ];
const iGreen = oImgData[ iOffset + 1 ];
const iBlue = oImgData[ iOffset + 2 ];
const iAlpha = oImgData[ iOffset + 3 ];
let iCharIdx;
let fBrightness;
fBrightness = ( 0.3 * iRed + 0.59 * iGreen + 0.11 * iBlue ) / 255;
// fBrightness = (0.3*iRed + 0.5*iGreen + 0.3*iBlue) / 255;
if ( iAlpha == 0 ) {
// should calculate alpha instead, but quick hack :)
//fBrightness *= (iAlpha / 255);
fBrightness = 1;
iCharIdx = Math.floor( ( 1 - fBrightness ) * ( aCharList.length - 1 ) );
if ( bInvert ) {
iCharIdx = aCharList.length - iCharIdx - 1;
// good for debugging
//fBrightness = Math.floor(fBrightness * 10);
//strThisChar = fBrightness;
let strThisChar = aCharList[ iCharIdx ];
if ( strThisChar === undefined || strThisChar == ' ' )
strThisChar = ' ';
if ( bColor ) {
strChars += '<span style=\''
+ 'color:rgb(' + iRed + ',' + iGreen + ',' + iBlue + ');'
+ ( bBlock ? 'background-color:rgb(' + iRed + ',' + iGreen + ',' + iBlue + ');' : '' )
+ ( bAlpha ? 'opacity:' + ( iAlpha / 255 ) + ';' : '' )
+ '\'>' + strThisChar + '</span>';
} else {
strChars += strThisChar;
strChars += '<br/>';
oAscii.innerHTML = `<tr><td style="display:block;width:${width}px;height:${height}px;overflow:hidden">${strChars}</td></tr>`;
// console.timeEnd('rendering');
// return oAscii;
export { AsciiEffect };