MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { Vector2, Vector3, MathUtils, Matrix4, Box3, Object3D, WebGLCoordinateSystem, ShadowBaseNode } from 'three/webgpu'; import { CSMFrustum } from './CSMFrustum.js'; import { viewZToOrthographicDepth, reference, uniform, float, vec4, vec2, If, Fn, min, renderGroup, positionView, shadow } from 'three/tsl'; const _cameraToLightMatrix = new Matrix4(); const _lightSpaceFrustum = new CSMFrustum(); const _center = new Vector3(); const _bbox = new Box3(); const _uniformArray = []; const _logArray = []; const _lightDirection = new Vector3(); const _lightOrientationMatrix = new Matrix4(); const _lightOrientationMatrixInverse = new Matrix4(); const _up = new Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ); class LwLight extends Object3D { constructor() { super(); = new Object3D(); } } class CSMShadowNode extends ShadowBaseNode { constructor( light, data = {} ) { super( light ); = null; this.cascades = data.cascades || 3; this.maxFar = data.maxFar || 100000; this.mode = data.mode || 'practical'; this.lightMargin = data.lightMargin || 200; this.customSplitsCallback = data.customSplitsCallback; this.fade = false; this.breaks = []; this._cascades = []; this.mainFrustum = null; this.frustums = []; this.lights = []; this._shadowNodes = []; } init( { camera, renderer } ) { = camera; const data = { webGL: renderer.coordinateSystem === WebGLCoordinateSystem }; this.mainFrustum = new CSMFrustum( data ); const light = this.light; const parent = light.parent; for ( let i = 0; i < this.cascades; i ++ ) { const lwLight = new LwLight(); lwLight.castShadow = true; const lShadow = light.shadow.clone(); lShadow.bias = lShadow.bias * ( i + 1 ); this.lights.push( lwLight ); parent.add( lwLight ); parent.add( ); lwLight.shadow = lShadow; this._shadowNodes.push( shadow( lwLight, lShadow ) ); this._cascades.push( new Vector2() ); } this.updateFrustums(); } initCascades() { const camera =; camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); this.mainFrustum.setFromProjectionMatrix( camera.projectionMatrix, this.maxFar ); this.mainFrustum.split( this.breaks, this.frustums ); } getBreaks() { const camera =; const far = Math.min( camera.far, this.maxFar ); this.breaks.length = 0; switch ( this.mode ) { case 'uniform': uniformSplit( this.cascades, camera.near, far, this.breaks ); break; case 'logarithmic': logarithmicSplit( this.cascades, camera.near, far, this.breaks ); break; case 'practical': practicalSplit( this.cascades, camera.near, far, 0.5, this.breaks ); break; case 'custom': if ( this.customSplitsCallback === undefined ) console.error( 'CSM: Custom split scheme callback not defined.' ); this.customSplitsCallback( this.cascades, camera.near, far, this.breaks ); break; } function uniformSplit( amount, near, far, target ) { for ( let i = 1; i < amount; i ++ ) { target.push( ( near + ( far - near ) * i / amount ) / far ); } target.push( 1 ); } function logarithmicSplit( amount, near, far, target ) { for ( let i = 1; i < amount; i ++ ) { target.push( ( near * ( far / near ) ** ( i / amount ) ) / far ); } target.push( 1 ); } function practicalSplit( amount, near, far, lambda, target ) { _uniformArray.length = 0; _logArray.length = 0; logarithmicSplit( amount, near, far, _logArray ); uniformSplit( amount, near, far, _uniformArray ); for ( let i = 1; i < amount; i ++ ) { target.push( MathUtils.lerp( _uniformArray[ i - 1 ], _logArray[ i - 1 ], lambda ) ); } target.push( 1 ); } } setLightBreaks() { for ( let i = 0, l = this.cascades; i < l; i ++ ) { const amount = this.breaks[ i ]; const prev = this.breaks[ i - 1 ] || 0; this._cascades[ i ].set( prev, amount ); } } updateShadowBounds() { const frustums = this.frustums; for ( let i = 0; i < frustums.length; i ++ ) { const shadowCam = this.lights[ i ]; const frustum = this.frustums[ i ]; // Get the two points that represent that furthest points on the frustum assuming // that's either the diagonal across the far plane or the diagonal across the whole // frustum itself. const nearVerts = frustum.vertices.near; const farVerts = frustum.vertices.far; const point1 = farVerts[ 0 ]; let point2; if ( point1.distanceTo( farVerts[ 2 ] ) > point1.distanceTo( nearVerts[ 2 ] ) ) { point2 = farVerts[ 2 ]; } else { point2 = nearVerts[ 2 ]; } let squaredBBWidth = point1.distanceTo( point2 ); if ( this.fade ) { // expand the shadow extents by the fade margin if fade is enabled. const camera =; const far = Math.max( camera.far, this.maxFar ); const linearDepth = frustum.vertices.far[ 0 ].z / ( far - camera.near ); const margin = 0.25 * Math.pow( linearDepth, 2.0 ) * ( far - camera.near ); squaredBBWidth += margin; } shadowCam.left = - squaredBBWidth / 2; shadowCam.right = squaredBBWidth / 2; = squaredBBWidth / 2; shadowCam.bottom = - squaredBBWidth / 2; shadowCam.updateProjectionMatrix(); } } updateFrustums() { this.getBreaks(); this.initCascades(); this.updateShadowBounds(); this.setLightBreaks(); } setupFade() { const cameraNear = reference( 'camera.near', 'float', this ).setGroup( renderGroup ); const cascades = reference( '_cascades', 'vec2', this ).setGroup( renderGroup ).label( 'cascades' ); const shadowFar = uniform( 'float' ).setGroup( renderGroup ).label( 'shadowFar' ) .onRenderUpdate( () => Math.min( this.maxFar, ) ); const linearDepth = viewZToOrthographicDepth( positionView.z, cameraNear, shadowFar ).toVar( 'linearDepth' ); const lastCascade = this.cascades - 1; return Fn( ( builder ) => { this.setupShadowPosition( builder ); const ret = vec4( 1, 1, 1, 1 ).toVar( 'shadowValue' ); const cascade = vec2().toVar( 'cascade' ); const cascadeCenter = float().toVar( 'cascadeCenter' ); const margin = float().toVar( 'margin' ); const csmX = float().toVar( 'csmX' ); const csmY = float().toVar( 'csmY' ); for ( let i = 0; i < this.cascades; i ++ ) { const isLastCascade = i === lastCascade; cascade.assign( cascades.element( i ) ); cascadeCenter.assign( cascade.x.add( cascade.y ).div( 2.0 ) ); const closestEdge = linearDepth.lessThan( cascadeCenter ).select( cascade.x, cascade.y ); margin.assign( float( 0.25 ).mul( closestEdge.pow( 2.0 ) ) ); csmX.assign( cascade.x.sub( margin.div( 2.0 ) ) ); if ( isLastCascade ) { csmY.assign( cascade.y ); } else { csmY.assign( cascade.y.add( margin.div( 2.0 ) ) ); } const inRange = linearDepth.greaterThanEqual( csmX ).and( linearDepth.lessThanEqual( csmY ) ); If( inRange, () => { const dist = min( linearDepth.sub( csmX ), csmY.sub( linearDepth ) ).toVar(); let ratio = dist.div( margin ).clamp( 0.0, 1.0 ); if ( i === 0 ) { // don't fade at nearest edge ratio = linearDepth.greaterThan( cascadeCenter ).select( ratio, 1 ); } ret.subAssign( this._shadowNodes[ i ].oneMinus().mul( ratio ) ); } ); } return ret; } )(); } setupStandard() { const cameraNear = reference( 'camera.near', 'float', this ).setGroup( renderGroup ); const cascades = reference( '_cascades', 'vec2', this ).setGroup( renderGroup ).label( 'cascades' ); const shadowFar = uniform( 'float' ).setGroup( renderGroup ).label( 'shadowFar' ) .onRenderUpdate( () => Math.min( this.maxFar, ) ); const linearDepth = viewZToOrthographicDepth( positionView.z, cameraNear, shadowFar ).toVar( 'linearDepth' ); return Fn( ( builder ) => { this.setupShadowPosition( builder ); const ret = vec4( 1, 1, 1, 1 ).toVar( 'shadowValue' ); const cascade = vec2().toVar( 'cascade' ); for ( let i = 0; i < this.cascades; i ++ ) { cascade.assign( cascades.element( i ) ); If( linearDepth.greaterThanEqual( cascade.x ).and( linearDepth.lessThanEqual( cascade.y ) ), () => { ret.assign( this._shadowNodes[ i ] ); } ); } return ret; } )(); } setup( builder ) { if ( === null ) this.init( builder ); return this.fade === true ? this.setupFade() : this.setupStandard(); } updateBefore( /*builder*/ ) { const light = this.light; const camera =; const frustums = this.frustums; _lightDirection.subVectors(, light.position ).normalize(); // for each frustum we need to find its min-max box aligned with the light orientation // the position in _lightOrientationMatrix does not matter, as we transform there and back _lightOrientationMatrix.lookAt( light.position,, _up ); _lightOrientationMatrixInverse.copy( _lightOrientationMatrix ).invert(); for ( let i = 0; i < frustums.length; i ++ ) { const lwLight = this.lights[ i ]; const shadow = lwLight.shadow; const shadowCam =; const texelWidth = ( shadowCam.right - shadowCam.left ) / shadow.mapSize.width; const texelHeight = ( - shadowCam.bottom ) / shadow.mapSize.height; _cameraToLightMatrix.multiplyMatrices( _lightOrientationMatrixInverse, camera.matrixWorld ); frustums[ i ].toSpace( _cameraToLightMatrix, _lightSpaceFrustum ); const nearVerts = _lightSpaceFrustum.vertices.near; const farVerts = _lightSpaceFrustum.vertices.far; _bbox.makeEmpty(); for ( let j = 0; j < 4; j ++ ) { _bbox.expandByPoint( nearVerts[ j ] ); _bbox.expandByPoint( farVerts[ j ] ); } _bbox.getCenter( _center ); _center.z = _bbox.max.z + this.lightMargin; _center.x = Math.floor( _center.x / texelWidth ) * texelWidth; _center.y = Math.floor( _center.y / texelHeight ) * texelHeight; _center.applyMatrix4( _lightOrientationMatrix ); lwLight.position.copy( _center ); _center ); _lightDirection ); } } dispose() { for ( let i = 0; i < this.lights.length; i ++ ) { const light = this.lights[ i ]; const parent = light.parent; parent.remove( ); parent.remove( light ); } super.dispose(); } } export { CSMShadowNode };