MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
'use strict' const test = require('tape') const split = require('./') const callback = require('callback-stream') const strcb = callback.bind(null, { decodeStrings: false }) const objcb = callback.bind(null, { objectMode: true }) test('split two lines on end', function (t) { t.plan(2) const input = split() input.pipe(strcb(function (err, list) { t.error(err) t.deepEqual(list, ['hello', 'world']) })) input.end('hello\nworld') }) test('split two lines on two writes', function (t) { t.plan(2) const input = split() input.pipe(strcb(function (err, list) { t.error(err) t.deepEqual(list, ['hello', 'world']) })) input.write('hello') input.write('\nworld') input.end() }) test('split four lines on three writes', function (t) { t.plan(2) const input = split() input.pipe(strcb(function (err, list) { t.error(err) t.deepEqual(list, ['hello', 'world', 'bye', 'world']) })) input.write('hello\nwor') input.write('ld\nbye\nwo') input.write('rld') input.end() }) test('accumulate multiple writes', function (t) { t.plan(2) const input = split() input.pipe(strcb(function (err, list) { t.error(err) t.deepEqual(list, ['helloworld']) })) input.write('hello') input.write('world') input.end() }) test('split using a custom string matcher', function (t) { t.plan(2) const input = split('~') input.pipe(strcb(function (err, list) { t.error(err) t.deepEqual(list, ['hello', 'world']) })) input.end('hello~world') }) test('split using a custom regexp matcher', function (t) { t.plan(2) const input = split(/~/) input.pipe(strcb(function (err, list) { t.error(err) t.deepEqual(list, ['hello', 'world']) })) input.end('hello~world') }) test('support an option argument', function (t) { t.plan(2) const input = split({ highWaterMark: 2 }) input.pipe(strcb(function (err, list) { t.error(err) t.deepEqual(list, ['hello', 'world']) })) input.end('hello\nworld') }) test('support a mapper function', function (t) { t.plan(2) const a = { a: '42' } const b = { b: '24' } const input = split(JSON.parse) input.pipe(objcb(function (err, list) { t.error(err) t.deepEqual(list, [a, b]) })) input.write(JSON.stringify(a)) input.write('\n') input.end(JSON.stringify(b)) }) test('split lines windows-style', function (t) { t.plan(2) const input = split() input.pipe(strcb(function (err, list) { t.error(err) t.deepEqual(list, ['hello', 'world']) })) input.end('hello\r\nworld') }) test('splits a buffer', function (t) { t.plan(2) const input = split() input.pipe(strcb(function (err, list) { t.error(err) t.deepEqual(list, ['hello', 'world']) })) input.end(Buffer.from('hello\nworld')) }) test('do not end on undefined', function (t) { t.plan(2) const input = split(function (line) { }) input.pipe(strcb(function (err, list) { t.error(err) t.deepEqual(list, []) })) input.end(Buffer.from('hello\nworld')) }) test('has destroy method', function (t) { t.plan(1) const input = split(function (line) { }) input.on('close', function () { t.ok(true, 'close emitted') t.end() }) input.destroy() }) test('support custom matcher and mapper', function (t) { t.plan(4) const a = { a: '42' } const b = { b: '24' } const input = split('~', JSON.parse) t.equal(input.matcher, '~') t.equal(typeof input.mapper, 'function') input.pipe(objcb(function (err, list) { t.notOk(err, 'no errors') t.deepEqual(list, [a, b]) })) input.write(JSON.stringify(a)) input.write('~') input.end(JSON.stringify(b)) }) test('support custom matcher and options', function (t) { t.plan(6) const input = split('~', { highWaterMark: 1024 }) t.equal(input.matcher, '~') t.equal(typeof input.mapper, 'function') t.equal(input._readableState.highWaterMark, 1024) t.equal(input._writableState.highWaterMark, 1024) input.pipe(strcb(function (err, list) { t.error(err) t.deepEqual(list, ['hello', 'world']) })) input.end('hello~world') }) test('support mapper and options', function (t) { t.plan(6) const a = { a: '42' } const b = { b: '24' } const input = split(JSON.parse, { highWaterMark: 1024 }) t.ok(input.matcher instanceof RegExp, 'matcher is RegExp') t.equal(typeof input.mapper, 'function') t.equal(input._readableState.highWaterMark, 1024) t.equal(input._writableState.highWaterMark, 1024) input.pipe(objcb(function (err, list) { t.error(err) t.deepEqual(list, [a, b]) })) input.write(JSON.stringify(a)) input.write('\n') input.end(JSON.stringify(b)) }) test('split utf8 chars', function (t) { t.plan(2) const input = split() input.pipe(strcb(function (err, list) { t.error(err) t.deepEqual(list, ['烫烫烫', '锟斤拷']) })) const buf = Buffer.from('烫烫烫\r\n锟斤拷', 'utf8') for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { input.write(buf.slice(i, i + 1)) } input.end() }) test('split utf8 chars 2by2', function (t) { t.plan(2) const input = split() input.pipe(strcb(function (err, list) { t.error(err) t.deepEqual(list, ['烫烫烫', '烫烫烫']) })) const str = '烫烫烫\r\n烫烫烫' const buf = Buffer.from(str, 'utf8') for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; i += 2) { input.write(buf.slice(i, i + 2)) } input.end() }) test('split lines when the \n comes at the end of a chunk', function (t) { t.plan(2) const input = split() input.pipe(strcb(function (err, list) { t.error(err) t.deepEqual(list, ['hello', 'world']) })) input.write('hello\n') input.end('world') }) test('truncated utf-8 char', function (t) { t.plan(2) const input = split() input.pipe(strcb(function (err, list) { t.error(err) t.deepEqual(list, ['烫' + Buffer.from('e7', 'hex').toString()]) })) const str = '烫烫' const buf = Buffer.from(str, 'utf8') input.write(buf.slice(0, 3)) input.end(buf.slice(3, 4)) }) test('maximum buffer limit', function (t) { t.plan(1) const input = split({ maxLength: 2 }) input.on('error', function (err) { t.ok(err) }) input.resume() input.write('hey') }) test('readable highWaterMark', function (t) { const input = split() t.equal(input._readableState.highWaterMark, 16) t.end() }) test('maxLength < chunk size', function (t) { t.plan(2) const input = split({ maxLength: 2 }) input.pipe(strcb(function (err, list) { t.error(err) t.deepEqual(list, ['a', 'b']) })) input.end('a\nb') }) test('maximum buffer limit w/skip', function (t) { t.plan(2) const input = split({ maxLength: 2, skipOverflow: true }) input.pipe(strcb(function (err, list) { t.error(err) t.deepEqual(list, ['a', 'b', 'c']) })) input.write('a\n123') input.write('456') input.write('789\nb\nc') input.end() }) test("don't modify the options object", function (t) { t.plan(2) const options = {} const input = split(options) input.pipe(strcb(function (err, list) { t.error(err) t.same(options, {}) })) input.end() }) test('mapper throws flush', function (t) { t.plan(1) const error = new Error() const input = split(function () { throw error }) input.on('error', (err, list) => { t.same(err, error) }) input.end('hello') }) test('mapper throws on transform', function (t) { t.plan(1) const error = new Error() const input = split(function (l) { throw error }) input.on('error', (err) => { t.same(err, error) }) input.write('a') input.write('\n') input.end('b') }) test('supports Symbol.split', function (t) { t.plan(2) const input = split({ [Symbol.split] (str) { return str.split('~') } }) input.pipe(strcb(function (err, list) { t.error(err) t.deepEqual(list, ['hello', 'world']) })) input.end('hello~world') })