MCP 3D Printer Server
by DMontgomery40
- node_modules
- router
2.1.0 / 2025-02-10
* Updated `engines` field to Node@18 or higher
* Remove `Object.setPrototypeOf` polyfill
* Use `Array.flat` instead of `array-flatten` package
* Replace `methods` dependency with standard library
* deps: parseurl@^1.3.3
* deps: is-promise@^4.0.0
* Replace `utils-merge` dependency with `Object.assign`
2.0.0 / 2024-09-09
* Drop support for node <18
* deps: path-to-regexp@^8.0.0
- Drop support for partial capture group `router.route('/user(s?)/:user/:op')` but still have optional non-capture `/user{s}/:user/:op`
- `:name?` becomes `{:name}`
- `:name*` becomes `*name`.
- The splat change also changes splat from strings to an array of strings
- Optional splats become `{*name}`
- `:name+` becomes `*name` and thus equivalent to `*name` so I dropped those tests
- Strings as regular expressions are fully removed, need to be converted to native regular expressions
2.0.0-beta.2 / 2024-03-20
This incorporates all changes after 1.3.5 up to 1.3.8.
* Add support for returned, rejected Promises to `router.param`
2.0.0-beta.1 / 2020-03-29
This incorporates all changes after 1.3.3 up to 1.3.5.
* Internalize private `router.process_params` method
* Remove `debug` dependency
* deps: array-flatten@3.0.0
* deps: parseurl@~1.3.3
* deps: path-to-regexp@3.2.0
- Add new `?`, `*`, and `+` parameter modifiers.
- Matching group expressions are only RegExp syntax.
`(*)` is no longer valid and must be written as `(.*)`, for example.
- Named matching groups no longer available by position in `req.params`.
`/:foo(.*)` only captures as `` and not available as
- Regular expressions can only be used in a matching group.
`/\\d+` is no longer valid and must be written as `/(\\d+)`.
- Matching groups are now literal regular expressions.
`:foo` named captures can no longer be included inside a capture group.
- Special `*` path segment behavior removed.
`/foo/*/bar` will match a literal `*` as the middle segment.
* deps: setprototypeof@1.2.0
2.0.0-alpha.1 / 2018-07-27
* Add basic support for returned, rejected Promises
- Rejected Promises from middleware functions `next(error)`
* Drop support for Node.js below 0.10
* deps: debug@3.1.0
- Add `DEBUG_HIDE_DATE` environment variable
- Change timer to per-namespace instead of global
- Change non-TTY date format
- Remove `DEBUG_FD` environment variable support
- Support 256 namespace colors
1.3.8 / 2023-02-24
* Fix routing requests without method
1.3.7 / 2022-04-28
* Fix hanging on large stack of sync routes
1.3.6 / 2021-11-15
* Fix handling very large stacks of sync middleware
* deps: safe-buffer@5.2.1
1.3.5 / 2020-03-24
* Fix incorrect middleware execution with unanchored `RegExp`s
* perf: use plain object for internal method map
1.3.4 / 2020-01-24
* deps: array-flatten@3.0.0
* deps: parseurl@~1.3.3
* deps: setprototypeof@1.2.0
1.3.3 / 2018-07-06
* Fix JSDoc for `Router` constructor
1.3.2 / 2017-09-24
* deps: debug@2.6.9
* deps: parseurl@~1.3.2
- perf: reduce overhead for full URLs
- perf: unroll the "fast-path" `RegExp`
* deps: setprototypeof@1.1.0
* deps: utils-merge@1.0.1
1.3.1 / 2017-05-19
* deps: debug@2.6.8
- deps: ms@2.0.0
1.3.0 / 2017-02-25
* Add `next("router")` to exit from router
* Fix case where `router.use` skipped requests routes did not
* Use `%o` in path debug to tell types apart
* deps: setprototypeof@1.0.3
* perf: add fast match path for `*` route
1.2.0 / 2017-02-17
* Skip routing when `req.url` is not set
* deps: debug@2.6.1
- Allow colors in workers
- Deprecated `DEBUG_FD` environment variable set to `3` or higher
- Fix error when running under React Native
- Use same color for same namespace
- deps: ms@0.7.2
1.1.5 / 2017-01-28
* deps: array-flatten@2.1.1
* deps: setprototypeof@1.0.2
- Fix using fallback even when native method exists
1.1.4 / 2016-01-21
* deps: array-flatten@2.0.0
* deps: methods@~1.1.2
- perf: enable strict mode
* deps: parseurl@~1.3.1
- perf: enable strict mode
1.1.3 / 2015-08-02
* Fix infinite loop condition using `mergeParams: true`
* Fix inner numeric indices incorrectly altering parent `req.params`
* deps: array-flatten@1.1.1
- perf: enable strict mode
* deps: path-to-regexp@0.1.7
- Fix regression with escaped round brackets and matching groups
1.1.2 / 2015-07-06
* Fix hiding platform issues with `decodeURIComponent`
- Only `URIError`s are a 400
* Fix using `*` before params in routes
* Fix using capture groups before params in routes
* deps: path-to-regexp@0.1.6
* perf: enable strict mode
* perf: remove argument reassignments in routing
* perf: skip attempting to decode zero length string
* perf: use plain for loops
1.1.1 / 2015-05-25
* Fix issue where `next('route')` in `router.param` would incorrectly skip values
* deps: array-flatten@1.1.0
* deps: debug@~2.2.0
- deps: ms@0.7.1
1.1.0 / 2015-04-22
* Use `setprototypeof` instead of `__proto__`
* deps: debug@~2.1.3
- Fix high intensity foreground color for bold
- deps: ms@0.7.0
1.0.0 / 2015-01-13
* Fix crash from error within `OPTIONS` response handler
* deps: array-flatten@1.0.2
- Remove redundant code path
1.0.0-beta.3 / 2015-01-11
* Fix duplicate methods appearing in OPTIONS responses
* Fix OPTIONS responses to include the HEAD method properly
* Remove support for leading colon in `router.param(name, fn)`
* Use `array-flatten` for flattening arrays
* deps: debug@~2.1.1
* deps: methods@~1.1.1
1.0.0-beta.2 / 2014-11-19
* Match routes iteratively to prevent stack overflows
1.0.0-beta.1 / 2014-11-16
* Initial release ported from Express 4.x
- Altered to work without Express