MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
# reInterval ![TRAVIS]( [![NPM](]( Reschedulable setInterval for node.js. ###### Note: Work highly inspired by [mcollina]('s [retimer]( ## Example ```js var reInterval = require('reInterval'); var inter = reInterval(function () { console.log('this should be called after 13s'); }, 10 * 1000); // This will reset/reschedule the interval after 3 seconds, therefore // the interval callback won't be called for at least 13 seconds. setTimeout(function () { inter.reschedule(10 * 1000); }, 3 * 1000); ``` ## API: ###`reInterval(callback, interval[, param1, param2, ...])` This is exactly like setInterval. _Arguments:_ - `callback`: The callback to be executed repeatedly. - `interval`: The number of milliseconds (thousandths of a second) that the `reInterval()` function should wait before each call to `callback`. - `param1, param2, ...`: *(OPTIONAL)* These arguments are passed to the `callback` function. ####returns an `interval` object with the following methods: ###`interval.reschedule([interval])` This function resets the `interval` and restarts it now. _Arguments:_ - `interval`: *(OPTIONAL)* This argument can be used to change the amount of milliseconds to wait before each call to the `callback` passed to the `reInterval()` function. ###`interval.clear()` This function clears the interval. Can be used to temporarily clear the `interval`, which can be rescheduled at a later time. ###`interval.destroy()` This function clears the interval, and will also clear the `callback` and `params` passed to reInterval, so calling this essentially just makes this object ready for overwriting with a new `interval` object. #### Note: Please ensure that either the `interval.clear()` or `interval.destroy()` function is called before overwriting the `interval` object, because the internal `interval` can continue to run in the background unless cleared. ## license **MIT**