"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.transformList = exports.parseLine = exports.testLine = void 0;
const FileInfo_1 = require("./FileInfo");
const JA_MONTH = "\u6708";
const JA_DAY = "\u65e5";
const JA_YEAR = "\u5e74";
* This parser is based on the FTP client library source code in Apache Commons Net provided
* under the Apache 2.0 license. It has been simplified and rewritten to better fit the Javascript language.
* https://github.com/apache/commons-net/blob/master/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/net/ftp/parser/UnixFTPEntryParser.java
* Below is the regular expression used by this parser.
* Permissions:
* r the file is readable
* w the file is writable
* x the file is executable
* - the indicated permission is not granted
* L mandatory locking occurs during access (the set-group-ID bit is
* on and the group execution bit is off)
* s the set-user-ID or set-group-ID bit is on, and the corresponding
* user or group execution bit is also on
* S undefined bit-state (the set-user-ID bit is on and the user
* execution bit is off)
* t the 1000 (octal) bit, or sticky bit, is on [see chmod(1)], and
* execution is on
* T the 1000 bit is turned on, and execution is off (undefined bit-
* state)
* e z/OS external link bit
* Final letter may be appended:
* + file has extended security attributes (e.g. ACL)
* Note: local listings on MacOSX also use '@'
* this is not allowed for here as does not appear to be shown by FTP servers
* {@code @} file has extended attributes
const RE_LINE = new RegExp("([bcdelfmpSs-])" // file type
+ "(((r|-)(w|-)([xsStTL-]))((r|-)(w|-)([xsStTL-]))((r|-)(w|-)([xsStTL-]?)))\\+?" // permissions
+ "\\s*" // separator TODO why allow it to be omitted??
+ "(\\d+)" // link count
+ "\\s+" // separator
+ "(?:(\\S+(?:\\s\\S+)*?)\\s+)?" // owner name (optional spaces)
+ "(?:(\\S+(?:\\s\\S+)*)\\s+)?" // group name (optional spaces)
+ "(\\d+(?:,\\s*\\d+)?)" // size or n,m
+ "\\s+" // separator
* numeric or standard format date:
* yyyy-mm-dd (expecting hh:mm to follow)
* MMM [d]d
* [d]d MMM
* N.B. use non-space for MMM to allow for languages such as German which use
* diacritics (e.g. umlaut) in some abbreviations.
* Japanese uses numeric day and month with suffixes to distinguish them
* [d]dXX [d]dZZ
+ "(" +
"(?:\\d+[-/]\\d+[-/]\\d+)" + // yyyy-mm-dd
"|(?:\\S{3}\\s+\\d{1,2})" + // MMM [d]d
"|(?:\\d{1,2}\\s+\\S{3})" + // [d]d MMM
"|(?:\\d{1,2}" + JA_MONTH + "\\s+\\d{1,2}" + JA_DAY + ")" +
+ "\\s+" // separator
* year (for non-recent standard format) - yyyy
* or time (for numeric or recent standard format) [h]h:mm
* or Japanese year - yyyyXX
+ "((?:\\d+(?::\\d+)?)|(?:\\d{4}" + JA_YEAR + "))" // (20)
+ "\\s" // separator
+ "(.*)"); // the rest (21)
* Returns true if a given line might be a Unix-style listing.
* - Example: `-rw-r--r--+ 1 patrick staff 1057 Dec 11 14:35 test.txt`
function testLine(line) {
return RE_LINE.test(line);
exports.testLine = testLine;
* Parse a single line of a Unix-style directory listing.
function parseLine(line) {
const groups = line.match(RE_LINE);
if (groups === null) {
return undefined;
const name = groups[21];
if (name === "." || name === "..") { // Ignore parent directory links
return undefined;
const file = new FileInfo_1.FileInfo(name);
file.size = parseInt(groups[18], 10);
file.user = groups[16];
file.group = groups[17];
file.hardLinkCount = parseInt(groups[15], 10);
file.rawModifiedAt = groups[19] + " " + groups[20];
file.permissions = {
user: parseMode(groups[4], groups[5], groups[6]),
group: parseMode(groups[8], groups[9], groups[10]),
world: parseMode(groups[12], groups[13], groups[14]),
// Set file type
switch (groups[1].charAt(0)) {
case "d":
file.type = FileInfo_1.FileType.Directory;
case "e": // NET-39 => z/OS external link
file.type = FileInfo_1.FileType.SymbolicLink;
case "l":
file.type = FileInfo_1.FileType.SymbolicLink;
case "b":
case "c":
file.type = FileInfo_1.FileType.File; // TODO change this if DEVICE_TYPE implemented
case "f":
case "-":
file.type = FileInfo_1.FileType.File;
// A 'whiteout' file is an ARTIFICIAL entry in any of several types of
// 'translucent' filesystems, of which a 'union' filesystem is one.
file.type = FileInfo_1.FileType.Unknown;
// Separate out the link name for symbolic links
if (file.isSymbolicLink) {
const end = name.indexOf(" -> ");
if (end !== -1) {
file.name = name.substring(0, end);
file.link = name.substring(end + 4);
return file;
exports.parseLine = parseLine;
function transformList(files) {
return files;
exports.transformList = transformList;
function parseMode(r, w, x) {
let value = 0;
if (r !== "-") {
value += FileInfo_1.FileInfo.UnixPermission.Read;
if (w !== "-") {
value += FileInfo_1.FileInfo.UnixPermission.Write;
const execToken = x.charAt(0);
if (execToken !== "-" && execToken.toUpperCase() !== execToken) {
value += FileInfo_1.FileInfo.UnixPermission.Execute;
return value;