MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.transformList = exports.parseLine = exports.testLine = void 0; const FileInfo_1 = require("./FileInfo"); /** * This parser is based on the FTP client library source code in Apache Commons Net provided * under the Apache 2.0 license. It has been simplified and rewritten to better fit the Javascript language. * * */ const RE_LINE = new RegExp("(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)\\s+" // MM-dd-yy whitespace hh:mma|kk:mm swallow trailing spaces + "(?:(<DIR>)|([0-9]+))\\s+" // <DIR> or ddddd swallow trailing spaces + "(\\S.*)" // First non-space followed by rest of line (name) ); /** * Returns true if a given line might be a DOS-style listing. * * - Example: `12-05-96 05:03PM <DIR> myDir` */ function testLine(line) { return /^\d{2}/.test(line) && RE_LINE.test(line); } exports.testLine = testLine; /** * Parse a single line of a DOS-style directory listing. */ function parseLine(line) { const groups = line.match(RE_LINE); if (groups === null) { return undefined; } const name = groups[5]; if (name === "." || name === "..") { // Ignore parent directory links return undefined; } const file = new FileInfo_1.FileInfo(name); const fileType = groups[3]; if (fileType === "<DIR>") { file.type = FileInfo_1.FileType.Directory; file.size = 0; } else { file.type = FileInfo_1.FileType.File; file.size = parseInt(groups[4], 10); } file.rawModifiedAt = groups[1] + " " + groups[2]; return file; } exports.parseLine = parseLine; function transformList(files) { return files; } exports.transformList = transformList;