MCP 3D Printer Server
by DMontgomery40
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.Client = void 0;
const fs_1 = require("fs");
const path_1 = require("path");
const tls_1 = require("tls");
const util_1 = require("util");
const FtpContext_1 = require("./FtpContext");
const parseList_1 = require("./parseList");
const ProgressTracker_1 = require("./ProgressTracker");
const StringWriter_1 = require("./StringWriter");
const parseListMLSD_1 = require("./parseListMLSD");
const netUtils_1 = require("./netUtils");
const transfer_1 = require("./transfer");
const parseControlResponse_1 = require("./parseControlResponse");
// Use promisify to keep the library compatible with Node 8.
const fsReadDir = (0, util_1.promisify)(fs_1.readdir);
const fsMkDir = (0, util_1.promisify)(fs_1.mkdir);
const fsStat = (0, util_1.promisify)(fs_1.stat);
const fsOpen = (0, util_1.promisify)(;
const fsClose = (0, util_1.promisify)(fs_1.close);
const fsUnlink = (0, util_1.promisify)(fs_1.unlink);
const LIST_COMMANDS_DEFAULT = () => ["LIST -a", "LIST"];
const LIST_COMMANDS_MLSD = () => ["MLSD", "LIST -a", "LIST"];
* High-level API to interact with an FTP server.
class Client {
* Instantiate an FTP client.
* @param timeout Timeout in milliseconds, use 0 for no timeout. Optional, default is 30 seconds.
constructor(timeout = 30000) {
this.availableListCommands = LIST_COMMANDS_DEFAULT();
this.ftp = new FtpContext_1.FTPContext(timeout);
this.prepareTransfer = this._enterFirstCompatibleMode([transfer_1.enterPassiveModeIPv6, transfer_1.enterPassiveModeIPv4]);
this.parseList = parseList_1.parseList;
this._progressTracker = new ProgressTracker_1.ProgressTracker();
* Close the client and all open socket connections.
* Close the client and all open socket connections. The client can’t be used anymore after calling this method,
* you have to either reconnect with `access` or `connect` or instantiate a new instance to continue any work.
* A client is also closed automatically if any timeout or connection error occurs.
close() {
* Returns true if the client is closed and can't be used anymore.
get closed() {
return this.ftp.closed;
* Connect (or reconnect) to an FTP server.
* This is an instance method and thus can be called multiple times during the lifecycle of a `Client`
* instance. Whenever you do, the client is reset with a new control connection. This also implies that
* you can reopen a `Client` instance that has been closed due to an error when reconnecting with this
* method. In fact, reconnecting is the only way to continue using a closed `Client`.
* @param host Host the client should connect to. Optional, default is "localhost".
* @param port Port the client should connect to. Optional, default is 21.
connect(host = "localhost", port = 21) {
family: this.ftp.ipFamily
}, () => this.ftp.log(`Connected to ${(0, netUtils_1.describeAddress)(this.ftp.socket)} (${(0, netUtils_1.describeTLS)(this.ftp.socket)})`));
return this._handleConnectResponse();
* As `connect` but using implicit TLS. Implicit TLS is not an FTP standard and has been replaced by
* explicit TLS. There are still FTP servers that support only implicit TLS, though.
connectImplicitTLS(host = "localhost", port = 21, tlsOptions = {}) {
this.ftp.socket = (0, tls_1.connect)(port, host, tlsOptions, () => this.ftp.log(`Connected to ${(0, netUtils_1.describeAddress)(this.ftp.socket)} (${(0, netUtils_1.describeTLS)(this.ftp.socket)})`));
this.ftp.tlsOptions = tlsOptions;
return this._handleConnectResponse();
* Handles the first reponse by an FTP server after the socket connection has been established.
_handleConnectResponse() {
return this.ftp.handle(undefined, (res, task) => {
if (res instanceof Error) {
// The connection has been destroyed by the FTPContext at this point.
else if ((0, parseControlResponse_1.positiveCompletion)(res.code)) {
// Reject all other codes, including 120 "Service ready in nnn minutes".
else {
// Don't stay connected but don't replace the socket yet by using reset()
// so the user can inspect properties of this instance.
task.reject(new FtpContext_1.FTPError(res));
* Send an FTP command and handle the first response.
send(command, ignoreErrorCodesDEPRECATED = false) {
if (ignoreErrorCodesDEPRECATED) { // Deprecated starting from 3.9.0
this.ftp.log("Deprecated call using send(command, flag) with boolean flag to ignore errors. Use sendIgnoringError(command).");
return this.sendIgnoringError(command);
return this.ftp.request(command);
* Send an FTP command and ignore an FTP error response. Any other kind of error or timeout will still reject the Promise.
* @param command
sendIgnoringError(command) {
return this.ftp.handle(command, (res, task) => {
if (res instanceof FtpContext_1.FTPError) {
task.resolve({ code: res.code, message: res.message });
else if (res instanceof Error) {
else {
* Upgrade the current socket connection to TLS.
* @param options TLS options as in `tls.connect(options)`, optional.
* @param command Set the authentication command. Optional, default is "AUTH TLS".
async useTLS(options = {}, command = "AUTH TLS") {
const ret = await this.send(command);
this.ftp.socket = await (0, netUtils_1.upgradeSocket)(this.ftp.socket, options);
this.ftp.tlsOptions = options; // Keep the TLS options for later data connections that should use the same options.
this.ftp.log(`Control socket is using: ${(0, netUtils_1.describeTLS)(this.ftp.socket)}`);
return ret;
* Login a user with a password.
* @param user Username to use for login. Optional, default is "anonymous".
* @param password Password to use for login. Optional, default is "guest".
login(user = "anonymous", password = "guest") {
this.ftp.log(`Login security: ${(0, netUtils_1.describeTLS)(this.ftp.socket)}`);
return this.ftp.handle("USER " + user, (res, task) => {
if (res instanceof Error) {
else if ((0, parseControlResponse_1.positiveCompletion)(res.code)) { // User logged in proceed OR Command superfluous
else if (res.code === 331) { // User name okay, need password
this.ftp.send("PASS " + password);
else { // Also report error on 332 (Need account)
task.reject(new FtpContext_1.FTPError(res));
* Set the usual default settings.
* Settings used:
* * Binary mode (TYPE I)
* * File structure (STRU F)
* * Additional settings for FTPS (PBSZ 0, PROT P)
async useDefaultSettings() {
const features = await this.features();
// Use MLSD directory listing if possible. See
// "The presence of the MLST feature indicates that both MLST and MLSD are supported."
const supportsMLSD = features.has("MLST");
this.availableListCommands = supportsMLSD ? LIST_COMMANDS_MLSD() : LIST_COMMANDS_DEFAULT();
await this.send("TYPE I"); // Binary mode
await this.sendIgnoringError("STRU F"); // Use file structure
await this.sendIgnoringError("OPTS UTF8 ON"); // Some servers expect UTF-8 to be enabled explicitly and setting before login might not have worked.
if (supportsMLSD) {
await this.sendIgnoringError("OPTS MLST type;size;modify;unique;unix.mode;unix.owner;;unix.ownername;unix.groupname;"); // Make sure MLSD listings include all we can parse
if (this.ftp.hasTLS) {
await this.sendIgnoringError("PBSZ 0"); // Set to 0 for TLS
await this.sendIgnoringError("PROT P"); // Protect channel (also for data connections)
* Convenience method that calls `connect`, `useTLS`, `login` and `useDefaultSettings`.
* This is an instance method and thus can be called multiple times during the lifecycle of a `Client`
* instance. Whenever you do, the client is reset with a new control connection. This also implies that
* you can reopen a `Client` instance that has been closed due to an error when reconnecting with this
* method. In fact, reconnecting is the only way to continue using a closed `Client`.
async access(options = {}) {
var _a, _b;
const useExplicitTLS = === true;
const useImplicitTLS = === "implicit";
let welcome;
if (useImplicitTLS) {
welcome = await this.connectImplicitTLS(, options.port, options.secureOptions);
else {
welcome = await this.connect(, options.port);
if (useExplicitTLS) {
// Fixes by making sure
// host is set for any future data connection as well.
const secureOptions = (_a = options.secureOptions) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {}; = (_b = !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b :;
await this.useTLS(secureOptions);
// Set UTF-8 on before login in case there are non-ascii characters in user or password.
// Note that this might not work before login depending on server.
await this.sendIgnoringError("OPTS UTF8 ON");
await this.login(options.user, options.password);
await this.useDefaultSettings();
return welcome;
* Get the current working directory.
async pwd() {
const res = await this.send("PWD");
// The directory is part of the return message, for example:
// 257 "/this/that" is current directory.
const parsed = res.message.match(/"(.+)"/);
if (parsed === null || parsed[1] === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Can't parse response to command 'PWD': ${res.message}`);
return parsed[1];
* Get a description of supported features.
* This sends the FEAT command and parses the result into a Map where keys correspond to available commands
* and values hold further information. Be aware that your FTP servers might not support this
* command in which case this method will not throw an exception but just return an empty Map.
async features() {
const res = await this.sendIgnoringError("FEAT");
const features = new Map();
// Not supporting any special features will be reported with a single line.
if (res.code < 400 && (0, parseControlResponse_1.isMultiline)(res.message)) {
// The first and last line wrap the multiline response, ignore them.
res.message.split("\n").slice(1, -1).forEach(line => {
// A typical lines looks like: " REST STREAM" or " MDTM".
// Servers might not use an indentation though.
const entry = line.trim().split(" ");
features.set(entry[0], entry[1] || "");
return features;
* Set the working directory.
async cd(path) {
const validPath = await this.protectWhitespace(path);
return this.send("CWD " + validPath);
* Switch to the parent directory of the working directory.
async cdup() {
return this.send("CDUP");
* Get the last modified time of a file. This is not supported by every FTP server, in which case
* calling this method will throw an exception.
async lastMod(path) {
const validPath = await this.protectWhitespace(path);
const res = await this.send(`MDTM ${validPath}`);
const date = res.message.slice(4);
return (0, parseListMLSD_1.parseMLSxDate)(date);
* Get the size of a file.
async size(path) {
const validPath = await this.protectWhitespace(path);
const command = `SIZE ${validPath}`;
const res = await this.send(command);
// The size is part of the response message, for example: "213 555555". It's
// possible that there is a commmentary appended like "213 5555, some commentary".
const size = parseInt(res.message.slice(4), 10);
if (Number.isNaN(size)) {
throw new Error(`Can't parse response to command '${command}' as a numerical value: ${res.message}`);
return size;
* Rename a file.
* Depending on the FTP server this might also be used to move a file from one
* directory to another by providing full paths.
async rename(srcPath, destPath) {
const validSrc = await this.protectWhitespace(srcPath);
const validDest = await this.protectWhitespace(destPath);
await this.send("RNFR " + validSrc);
return this.send("RNTO " + validDest);
* Remove a file from the current working directory.
* You can ignore FTP error return codes which won't throw an exception if e.g.
* the file doesn't exist.
async remove(path, ignoreErrorCodes = false) {
const validPath = await this.protectWhitespace(path);
if (ignoreErrorCodes) {
return this.sendIgnoringError(`DELE ${validPath}`);
return this.send(`DELE ${validPath}`);
* Report transfer progress for any upload or download to a given handler.
* This will also reset the overall transfer counter that can be used for multiple transfers. You can
* also call the function without a handler to stop reporting to an earlier one.
* @param handler Handler function to call on transfer progress.
trackProgress(handler) {
this._progressTracker.bytesOverall = 0;
* Upload data from a readable stream or a local file to a remote file.
* @param source Readable stream or path to a local file.
* @param toRemotePath Path to a remote file to write to.
async uploadFrom(source, toRemotePath, options = {}) {
return this._uploadWithCommand(source, toRemotePath, "STOR", options);
* Upload data from a readable stream or a local file by appending it to an existing file. If the file doesn't
* exist the FTP server should create it.
* @param source Readable stream or path to a local file.
* @param toRemotePath Path to a remote file to write to.
async appendFrom(source, toRemotePath, options = {}) {
return this._uploadWithCommand(source, toRemotePath, "APPE", options);
* @protected
async _uploadWithCommand(source, remotePath, command, options) {
if (typeof source === "string") {
return this._uploadLocalFile(source, remotePath, command, options);
return this._uploadFromStream(source, remotePath, command);
* @protected
async _uploadLocalFile(localPath, remotePath, command, options) {
const fd = await fsOpen(localPath, "r");
const source = (0, fs_1.createReadStream)("", {
start: options.localStart,
end: options.localEndInclusive,
autoClose: false
try {
return await this._uploadFromStream(source, remotePath, command);
finally {
await ignoreError(() => fsClose(fd));
* @protected
async _uploadFromStream(source, remotePath, command) {
const onError = (err) => this.ftp.closeWithError(err);
source.once("error", onError);
try {
const validPath = await this.protectWhitespace(remotePath);
await this.prepareTransfer(this.ftp);
// Keep the keyword `await` or the `finally` clause below runs too early
// and removes the event listener for the source stream too early.
return await (0, transfer_1.uploadFrom)(source, {
ftp: this.ftp,
tracker: this._progressTracker,
remotePath: validPath,
type: "upload"
finally {
source.removeListener("error", onError);
* Download a remote file and pipe its data to a writable stream or to a local file.
* You can optionally define at which position of the remote file you'd like to start
* downloading. If the destination you provide is a file, the offset will be applied
* to it as well. For example: To resume a failed download, you'd request the size of
* the local, partially downloaded file and use that as the offset. Assuming the size
* is 23, you'd download the rest using `downloadTo("local.txt", "remote.txt", 23)`.
* @param destination Stream or path for a local file to write to.
* @param fromRemotePath Path of the remote file to read from.
* @param startAt Position within the remote file to start downloading at. If the destination is a file, this offset is also applied to it.
async downloadTo(destination, fromRemotePath, startAt = 0) {
if (typeof destination === "string") {
return this._downloadToFile(destination, fromRemotePath, startAt);
return this._downloadToStream(destination, fromRemotePath, startAt);
* @protected
async _downloadToFile(localPath, remotePath, startAt) {
const appendingToLocalFile = startAt > 0;
const fileSystemFlags = appendingToLocalFile ? "r+" : "w";
const fd = await fsOpen(localPath, fileSystemFlags);
const destination = (0, fs_1.createWriteStream)("", {
start: startAt,
autoClose: false
try {
return await this._downloadToStream(destination, remotePath, startAt);
catch (err) {
const localFileStats = await ignoreError(() => fsStat(localPath));
const hasDownloadedData = localFileStats && localFileStats.size > 0;
const shouldRemoveLocalFile = !appendingToLocalFile && !hasDownloadedData;
if (shouldRemoveLocalFile) {
await ignoreError(() => fsUnlink(localPath));
throw err;
finally {
await ignoreError(() => fsClose(fd));
* @protected
async _downloadToStream(destination, remotePath, startAt) {
const onError = (err) => this.ftp.closeWithError(err);
destination.once("error", onError);
try {
const validPath = await this.protectWhitespace(remotePath);
await this.prepareTransfer(this.ftp);
// Keep the keyword `await` or the `finally` clause below runs too early
// and removes the event listener for the source stream too early.
return await (0, transfer_1.downloadTo)(destination, {
ftp: this.ftp,
tracker: this._progressTracker,
command: startAt > 0 ? `REST ${startAt}` : `RETR ${validPath}`,
remotePath: validPath,
type: "download"
finally {
destination.removeListener("error", onError);
* List files and directories in the current working directory, or from `path` if specified.
* @param [path] Path to remote file or directory.
async list(path = "") {
const validPath = await this.protectWhitespace(path);
let lastError;
for (const candidate of this.availableListCommands) {
const command = validPath === "" ? candidate : `${candidate} ${validPath}`;
await this.prepareTransfer(this.ftp);
try {
const parsedList = await this._requestListWithCommand(command);
// Use successful candidate for all subsequent requests.
this.availableListCommands = [candidate];
return parsedList;
catch (err) {
const shouldTryNext = err instanceof FtpContext_1.FTPError;
if (!shouldTryNext) {
throw err;
lastError = err;
throw lastError;
* @protected
async _requestListWithCommand(command) {
const buffer = new StringWriter_1.StringWriter();
await (0, transfer_1.downloadTo)(buffer, {
ftp: this.ftp,
tracker: this._progressTracker,
remotePath: "",
type: "list"
const text = buffer.getText(this.ftp.encoding);
return this.parseList(text);
* Remove a directory and all of its content.
* @param remoteDirPath The path of the remote directory to delete.
* @example client.removeDir("foo") // Remove directory 'foo' using a relative path.
* @example client.removeDir("foo/bar") // Remove directory 'bar' using a relative path.
* @example client.removeDir("/foo/bar") // Remove directory 'bar' using an absolute path.
* @example client.removeDir("/") // Remove everything.
async removeDir(remoteDirPath) {
return this._exitAtCurrentDirectory(async () => {
// Get the absolute path of the target because remoteDirPath might be a relative path, even `../` is possible.
const absoluteDirPath = await this.pwd();
await this.clearWorkingDir();
const dirIsRoot = absoluteDirPath === "/";
if (!dirIsRoot) {
await this.cdup();
await this.removeEmptyDir(absoluteDirPath);
* Remove all files and directories in the working directory without removing
* the working directory itself.
async clearWorkingDir() {
for (const file of await this.list()) {
if (file.isDirectory) {
await this.clearWorkingDir();
await this.cdup();
await this.removeEmptyDir(;
else {
await this.remove(;
* Upload the contents of a local directory to the remote working directory.
* This will overwrite existing files with the same names and reuse existing directories.
* Unrelated files and directories will remain untouched. You can optionally provide a `remoteDirPath`
* to put the contents inside a directory which will be created if necessary including all
* intermediate directories. If you did provide a remoteDirPath the working directory will stay
* the same as before calling this method.
* @param localDirPath Local path, e.g. "foo/bar" or "../test"
* @param [remoteDirPath] Remote path of a directory to upload to. Working directory if undefined.
async uploadFromDir(localDirPath, remoteDirPath) {
return this._exitAtCurrentDirectory(async () => {
if (remoteDirPath) {
await this.ensureDir(remoteDirPath);
return await this._uploadToWorkingDir(localDirPath);
* @protected
async _uploadToWorkingDir(localDirPath) {
const files = await fsReadDir(localDirPath);
for (const file of files) {
const fullPath = (0, path_1.join)(localDirPath, file);
const stats = await fsStat(fullPath);
if (stats.isFile()) {
await this.uploadFrom(fullPath, file);
else if (stats.isDirectory()) {
await this._openDir(file);
await this._uploadToWorkingDir(fullPath);
await this.cdup();
* Download all files and directories of the working directory to a local directory.
* @param localDirPath The local directory to download to.
* @param remoteDirPath Remote directory to download. Current working directory if not specified.
async downloadToDir(localDirPath, remoteDirPath) {
return this._exitAtCurrentDirectory(async () => {
if (remoteDirPath) {
return await this._downloadFromWorkingDir(localDirPath);
* @protected
async _downloadFromWorkingDir(localDirPath) {
await ensureLocalDirectory(localDirPath);
for (const file of await this.list()) {
const localPath = (0, path_1.join)(localDirPath,;
if (file.isDirectory) {
await this._downloadFromWorkingDir(localPath);
await this.cdup();
else if (file.isFile) {
await this.downloadTo(localPath,;
* Make sure a given remote path exists, creating all directories as necessary.
* This function also changes the current working directory to the given path.
async ensureDir(remoteDirPath) {
// If the remoteDirPath was absolute go to root directory.
if (remoteDirPath.startsWith("/")) {
const names = remoteDirPath.split("/").filter(name => name !== "");
for (const name of names) {
await this._openDir(name);
* Try to create a directory and enter it. This will not raise an exception if the directory
* couldn't be created if for example it already exists.
* @protected
async _openDir(dirName) {
await this.sendIgnoringError("MKD " + dirName);
* Remove an empty directory, will fail if not empty.
async removeEmptyDir(path) {
const validPath = await this.protectWhitespace(path);
return this.send(`RMD ${validPath}`);
* FTP servers can't handle filenames that have leading whitespace. This method transforms
* a given path to fix that issue for most cases.
async protectWhitespace(path) {
if (!path.startsWith(" ")) {
return path;
// Handle leading whitespace by prepending the absolute path:
// " test.txt" while being in the root directory becomes "/ test.txt".
const pwd = await this.pwd();
const absolutePathPrefix = pwd.endsWith("/") ? pwd : pwd + "/";
return absolutePathPrefix + path;
async _exitAtCurrentDirectory(func) {
const userDir = await this.pwd();
try {
return await func();
finally {
if (!this.closed) {
await ignoreError(() =>;
* Try all available transfer strategies and pick the first one that works. Update `client` to
* use the working strategy for all successive transfer requests.
* @returns a function that will try the provided strategies.
_enterFirstCompatibleMode(strategies) {
return async (ftp) => {
ftp.log("Trying to find optimal transfer strategy...");
let lastError = undefined;
for (const strategy of strategies) {
try {
const res = await strategy(ftp);
ftp.log("Optimal transfer strategy found.");
this.prepareTransfer = strategy; // eslint-disable-line require-atomic-updates
return res;
catch (err) {
// Try the next candidate no matter the exact error. It's possible that a server
// answered incorrectly to a strategy, for example a PASV answer to an EPSV.
lastError = err;
throw new Error(`None of the available transfer strategies work. Last error response was '${lastError}'.`);
* DEPRECATED, use `uploadFrom`.
* @deprecated
async upload(source, toRemotePath, options = {}) {
this.ftp.log("Warning: upload() has been deprecated, use uploadFrom().");
return this.uploadFrom(source, toRemotePath, options);
* DEPRECATED, use `appendFrom`.
* @deprecated
async append(source, toRemotePath, options = {}) {
this.ftp.log("Warning: append() has been deprecated, use appendFrom().");
return this.appendFrom(source, toRemotePath, options);
* DEPRECATED, use `downloadTo`.
* @deprecated
async download(destination, fromRemotePath, startAt = 0) {
this.ftp.log("Warning: download() has been deprecated, use downloadTo().");
return this.downloadTo(destination, fromRemotePath, startAt);
* DEPRECATED, use `uploadFromDir`.
* @deprecated
async uploadDir(localDirPath, remoteDirPath) {
this.ftp.log("Warning: uploadDir() has been deprecated, use uploadFromDir().");
return this.uploadFromDir(localDirPath, remoteDirPath);
* DEPRECATED, use `downloadToDir`.
* @deprecated
async downloadDir(localDirPath) {
this.ftp.log("Warning: downloadDir() has been deprecated, use downloadToDir().");
return this.downloadToDir(localDirPath);
exports.Client = Client;
async function ensureLocalDirectory(path) {
try {
await fsStat(path);
catch (err) {
await fsMkDir(path, { recursive: true });
async function ignoreError(func) {
try {
return await func();
catch (err) {
// Ignore
return undefined;