MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import pkceChallenge from "pkce-challenge"; import { LATEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION } from "../types.js"; import { OAuthClientInformationFullSchema, OAuthMetadataSchema, OAuthTokensSchema } from "../shared/auth.js"; export class UnauthorizedError extends Error { constructor(message) { super(message !== null && message !== void 0 ? message : "Unauthorized"); } } /** * Orchestrates the full auth flow with a server. * * This can be used as a single entry point for all authorization functionality, * instead of linking together the other lower-level functions in this module. */ export async function auth(provider, { serverUrl, authorizationCode }) { const metadata = await discoverOAuthMetadata(serverUrl); // Handle client registration if needed let clientInformation = await Promise.resolve(provider.clientInformation()); if (!clientInformation) { if (authorizationCode !== undefined) { throw new Error("Existing OAuth client information is required when exchanging an authorization code"); } if (!provider.saveClientInformation) { throw new Error("OAuth client information must be saveable for dynamic registration"); } const fullInformation = await registerClient(serverUrl, { metadata, clientMetadata: provider.clientMetadata, }); await provider.saveClientInformation(fullInformation); clientInformation = fullInformation; } // Exchange authorization code for tokens if (authorizationCode !== undefined) { const codeVerifier = await provider.codeVerifier(); const tokens = await exchangeAuthorization(serverUrl, { metadata, clientInformation, authorizationCode, codeVerifier, }); await provider.saveTokens(tokens); return "AUTHORIZED"; } const tokens = await provider.tokens(); // Handle token refresh or new authorization if (tokens === null || tokens === void 0 ? void 0 : tokens.refresh_token) { try { // Attempt to refresh the token const newTokens = await refreshAuthorization(serverUrl, { metadata, clientInformation, refreshToken: tokens.refresh_token, }); await provider.saveTokens(newTokens); return "AUTHORIZED"; } catch (error) { console.error("Could not refresh OAuth tokens:", error); } } // Start new authorization flow const { authorizationUrl, codeVerifier } = await startAuthorization(serverUrl, { metadata, clientInformation, redirectUrl: provider.redirectUrl }); await provider.saveCodeVerifier(codeVerifier); await provider.redirectToAuthorization(authorizationUrl); return "REDIRECT"; } /** * Looks up RFC 8414 OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Metadata. * * If the server returns a 404 for the well-known endpoint, this function will * return `undefined`. Any other errors will be thrown as exceptions. */ export async function discoverOAuthMetadata(serverUrl, opts) { var _a; const url = new URL("/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server", serverUrl); const response = await fetch(url, { headers: { "MCP-Protocol-Version": (_a = opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.protocolVersion) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : LATEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION } }); if (response.status === 404) { return undefined; } if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`HTTP ${response.status} trying to load well-known OAuth metadata`); } return OAuthMetadataSchema.parse(await response.json()); } /** * Begins the authorization flow with the given server, by generating a PKCE challenge and constructing the authorization URL. */ export async function startAuthorization(serverUrl, { metadata, clientInformation, redirectUrl, }) { const responseType = "code"; const codeChallengeMethod = "S256"; let authorizationUrl; if (metadata) { authorizationUrl = new URL(metadata.authorization_endpoint); if (!metadata.response_types_supported.includes(responseType)) { throw new Error(`Incompatible auth server: does not support response type ${responseType}`); } if (!metadata.code_challenge_methods_supported || !metadata.code_challenge_methods_supported.includes(codeChallengeMethod)) { throw new Error(`Incompatible auth server: does not support code challenge method ${codeChallengeMethod}`); } } else { authorizationUrl = new URL("/authorize", serverUrl); } // Generate PKCE challenge const challenge = await pkceChallenge(); const codeVerifier = challenge.code_verifier; const codeChallenge = challenge.code_challenge; authorizationUrl.searchParams.set("response_type", responseType); authorizationUrl.searchParams.set("client_id", clientInformation.client_id); authorizationUrl.searchParams.set("code_challenge", codeChallenge); authorizationUrl.searchParams.set("code_challenge_method", codeChallengeMethod); authorizationUrl.searchParams.set("redirect_uri", String(redirectUrl)); return { authorizationUrl, codeVerifier }; } /** * Exchanges an authorization code for an access token with the given server. */ export async function exchangeAuthorization(serverUrl, { metadata, clientInformation, authorizationCode, codeVerifier, }) { const grantType = "authorization_code"; let tokenUrl; if (metadata) { tokenUrl = new URL(metadata.token_endpoint); if (metadata.grant_types_supported && !metadata.grant_types_supported.includes(grantType)) { throw new Error(`Incompatible auth server: does not support grant type ${grantType}`); } } else { tokenUrl = new URL("/token", serverUrl); } // Exchange code for tokens const params = new URLSearchParams({ grant_type: grantType, client_id: clientInformation.client_id, code: authorizationCode, code_verifier: codeVerifier, }); if (clientInformation.client_secret) { params.set("client_secret", clientInformation.client_secret); } const response = await fetch(tokenUrl, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }, body: params, }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Token exchange failed: HTTP ${response.status}`); } return OAuthTokensSchema.parse(await response.json()); } /** * Exchange a refresh token for an updated access token. */ export async function refreshAuthorization(serverUrl, { metadata, clientInformation, refreshToken, }) { const grantType = "refresh_token"; let tokenUrl; if (metadata) { tokenUrl = new URL(metadata.token_endpoint); if (metadata.grant_types_supported && !metadata.grant_types_supported.includes(grantType)) { throw new Error(`Incompatible auth server: does not support grant type ${grantType}`); } } else { tokenUrl = new URL("/token", serverUrl); } // Exchange refresh token const params = new URLSearchParams({ grant_type: grantType, client_id: clientInformation.client_id, refresh_token: refreshToken, }); if (clientInformation.client_secret) { params.set("client_secret", clientInformation.client_secret); } const response = await fetch(tokenUrl, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }, body: params, }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Token refresh failed: HTTP ${response.status}`); } return OAuthTokensSchema.parse(await response.json()); } /** * Performs OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration according to RFC 7591. */ export async function registerClient(serverUrl, { metadata, clientMetadata, }) { let registrationUrl; if (metadata) { if (!metadata.registration_endpoint) { throw new Error("Incompatible auth server: does not support dynamic client registration"); } registrationUrl = new URL(metadata.registration_endpoint); } else { registrationUrl = new URL("/register", serverUrl); } const response = await fetch(registrationUrl, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(clientMetadata), }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Dynamic client registration failed: HTTP ${response.status}`); } return OAuthClientInformationFullSchema.parse(await response.json()); } //#