MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
#!/usr/bin/env node import { STLManipulator } from '../stl/stl-manipulator.js'; import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import * as THREE from 'three'; // Create a test directory const TEST_DIR = path.join(process.cwd(), 'test'); if (!fs.existsSync(TEST_DIR)) { fs.mkdirSync(TEST_DIR, { recursive: true }); } // Path for a sample STL file const sampleStlPath = path.join(TEST_DIR, 'sample_cube.stl'); // Create a simple cube STL for testing if it doesn't exist async function createSampleCube() { if (fs.existsSync(sampleStlPath)) { console.log('Sample STL already exists, skipping creation'); return sampleStlPath; } console.log('Creating sample cube STL...'); // Create a simple cube geometry const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(10, 10, 10); const material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial(); const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); // Import STLExporter const { STLExporter } = await import('three/examples/jsm/exporters/STLExporter.js'); const exporter = new STLExporter(); // Export as STL const stlString = exporter.parse(mesh); // Write to file fs.writeFileSync(sampleStlPath, stlString); console.log(`Sample cube saved to ${sampleStlPath}`); return sampleStlPath; } // Test the STL manipulator async function testSTLManipulator() { try { // Create a sample STL for testing const stlPath = await createSampleCube(); // Create an instance of the STL manipulator with the test directory const manipulator = new STLManipulator(TEST_DIR); // Listen for events from the manipulator manipulator.on('operationComplete', (data) => { console.log('Operation complete:', data); }); manipulator.on('operationError', (data) => { console.error('Operation error:', data); }); // Test progress callback const progressCallback = (progress, message) => { console.log(`Progress: ${progress}% - ${message || ''}`); }; // Test 1: Get information about the STL file console.log('\n=== Test 1: Get STL Info ==='); const stlInfo = await manipulator.getSTLInfo(stlPath); console.log('STL Info:', stlInfo); // Test 2: Scale the STL file console.log('\n=== Test 2: Scale STL ==='); const scaledStlPath = await manipulator.scaleSTL(stlPath, 2.0, progressCallback); console.log(`Scaled STL saved to: ${scaledStlPath}`); // Test 3: Rotate the STL file console.log('\n=== Test 3: Rotate STL ==='); const rotatedStlPath = await manipulator.rotateSTL(stlPath, [45, 0, 0], progressCallback); console.log(`Rotated STL saved to: ${rotatedStlPath}`); // Test 4: Translate the STL file console.log('\n=== Test 4: Translate STL ==='); const translatedStlPath = await manipulator.translateSTL(stlPath, [5, 10, 0], progressCallback); console.log(`Translated STL saved to: ${translatedStlPath}`); // Test 5: Extend the base of the STL file console.log('\n=== Test 5: Extend Base ==='); const extendedStlPath = await manipulator.extendBase(stlPath, 0.5, progressCallback); console.log(`Extended STL saved to: ${extendedStlPath}`); // Test 6: Modify a section of the STL file console.log('\n=== Test 6: Modify Section (Top) ==='); const modifiedStlPath = await manipulator.modifySection(stlPath, 'top', { type: 'scale', value: [1.5, 1.5, 1.5] }, progressCallback); console.log(`Modified STL saved to: ${modifiedStlPath}`); // Test 7: Generate visualization of the STL file console.log('\n=== Test 7: Generate Visualization ==='); const visualizationPath = await manipulator.generateVisualization(stlPath, 400, 400, progressCallback); console.log(`Visualization saved to: ${visualizationPath}`); console.log('\nAll tests completed successfully!'); } catch (error) { console.error('An error occurred during testing:', error); process.exit(1); } } // Run the tests testSTLManipulator().catch(console.error);