Retail Supply Chain Analysis MCP
by jaydrage
import { Anthropic } from '@anthropic-ai/sdk';
import { NextResponse } from 'next/server';
const anthropic = new Anthropic({
apiKey: process.env.ANTHROPIC_API_KEY,
export async function POST(request) {
try {
console.log("API route started");
const { data } = await request.json();
// Preprocess data to extract key statistics
const dataStats = preprocessData(data);
// Add the stats to the data object
const enhancedData = {,
stats: dataStats
// Create a specialized prompt based on data type
let prompt = '';
if (data.type === 'combined') {
prompt = createCombinedPrompt(enhancedData);
} else if (data.type === 'purchase_orders') {
prompt = createPurchaseOrderPrompt(enhancedData);
} else if (data.type === 'sales_data') {
prompt = createSalesDataPrompt(enhancedData);
} else if (data.type === 'inventory') {
prompt = createInventoryPrompt(enhancedData);
} else {
prompt = createGeneralPrompt(enhancedData);
console.log("Generated prompt length:", prompt.length);
console.log("Attempting to call Claude API with model:", "claude-3-opus-20240229");
try {
const completion = await anthropic.messages.create({
model: "claude-3-opus-20240229",
max_tokens: 4000,
system: `You are a senior supply chain expert with 20+ years of experience in mobile device retail.
Your expertise includes:
- Inventory optimization and turnover analysis
- Product category performance evaluation
- Vendor relationship management and scorecard development
- Sales forecasting and trend identification
- Supply-demand alignment and order optimization
- Retail operations KPI analysis
When analyzing retail data, you focus on:
1. Identifying high/low performing products and categories
2. Spotting inventory imbalances (overstock/stockouts)
3. Evaluating order timing and quantity optimization
4. Recognizing seasonal patterns and their supply chain implications
5. Suggesting specific, actionable improvements with expected outcomes
Your analysis should be data-driven, specific, and include concrete recommendations a retail supply chain manager could implement immediately.`,
messages: [
{ role: "user", content: prompt }
temperature: 0.2,
console.log("Claude API response received");
console.log("Response content length:", completion.content[0].text.length);
const analysisText = completion.content[0].text;
const analysisData = parseAnalysisResponse(analysisText, data.type);
return NextResponse.json(analysisData);
} catch (apiError) {
console.error('Claude API Error Details:', {
message: apiError.message,
status: apiError.status,
type: apiError.type
return NextResponse.json({
error: `Claude API Error: ${apiError.message}`,
details: apiError
}, { status: 500 });
} catch (error) {
console.error('General Error Details:', {
message: error.message,
stack: error.stack
return NextResponse.json({
error: `Failed to analyze data: ${error.message}`,
details: error
}, { status: 500 });
function preprocessData(data) {
// For combined data
if (data.type === 'combined') {
// Extract sample data from each file type for better analysis
const samplesByType = {}; => {
if (!samplesByType[file.type]) {
samplesByType[file.type] = [];
// Get up to 5 rows with actual data (not just headers)
const validRows = => {
// Check if row has meaningful data (not just empty values or zeros)
return Object.values(row).some(val =>
val && val !== 0 && val !== '0' && val !== 'N/A' && val !== ''
}).slice(0, 5);
return {
fileStats: => ({
fileName: file.fileName,
type: file.type,
columnNames: Object.keys([0] || {}),
// Add a data quality check
hasValidData: =>
Object.values(row).some(val =>
val && val !== 0 && val !== '0' && val !== 'N/A' && val !== ''
// For single file types
const stats = {
columnNames: Object.keys([0] || {})
// Add type-specific stats
if (data.type === 'sales_data' && > 0) {
// Example: Calculate total sales if there's a sales amount column
const salesColumn = findColumn([0], ['sales', 'amount', 'revenue', 'total']);
if (salesColumn) {
stats.totalSales =, row) => sum + (Number(row[salesColumn]) || 0), 0);
stats.avgSale = stats.totalSales /;
// Find top products/categories
const productColumn = findColumn([0], ['product', 'item', 'sku']);
if (productColumn) {
const productCounts = countByField(, productColumn);
stats.topProducts = Object.entries(productCounts)
.sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])
.slice(0, 5)
.map(([name, count]) => ({ name, count }));
return stats;
// Helper functions
function findColumn(row, possibleNames) {
const keys = Object.keys(row).map(k => k.toLowerCase());
return Object.keys(row).find(key =>
possibleNames.some(name => key.toLowerCase().includes(name))
function countByField(data, field) {
return data.reduce((counts, row) => {
const value = row[field];
counts[value] = (counts[value] || 0) + 1;
return counts;
}, {});
// Create a prompt for purchase order data
function createPurchaseOrderPrompt(data) {
return `
I have purchase order data for a mobile retail store ${data.location ? `in ${data.location}` : ''}.
Here's a sample of the data:
${JSON.stringify(, 10), null, 2)}
Total records: ${}
As a senior supply chain expert, provide a detailed analysis of this purchase order data, including:
- Identify the top 3-5 most important patterns or issues in the purchase order data
- Highlight specific products or vendors that stand out (positively or negatively)
- Note any critical supply chain risks or opportunities
- Analyze order frequency and volume patterns
- Identify any seasonality or cyclical ordering
- Evaluate order sizes and their efficiency
- Assess lead times by vendor
- Evaluate fill rates and order accuracy
- Compare vendor pricing and terms
- How do these purchase orders align with optimal inventory levels?
- Are there signs of reactive ordering or strategic planning?
- Identify potential stockout or overstock risks
- Identify opportunities for order consolidation
- Suggest optimal order quantities
- Recommend changes to ordering frequency
- Provide 5-7 specific, actionable recommendations
- Prioritize recommendations by potential impact
- Include expected outcomes for each recommendation
Be specific and data-driven in your analysis. Mention actual product names, categories, and vendors from the data. Provide concrete numbers and percentages whenever possible.
// Create a prompt for sales data
function createSalesDataPrompt(data) {
return `
I have sales data for a mobile retail store ${data.location ? `in ${data.location}` : ''}.
Here's a sample of the data:
${JSON.stringify(, 10), null, 2)}
Total records: ${}
Provide a comprehensive analysis of this sales data from a supply chain perspective, including:
1. Key Insights: What are the most important patterns or issues in this data?
2. Inventory Analysis: What does this tell us about our inventory management?
3. Inventory Recommendations: What specific actions should we take to improve?
4. Vendor Analysis: What does this tell us about our product mix?
5. Vendor Recommendations: How can we optimize our product mix?
6. Sales Trends: What patterns do you see in the sales data?
7. Sales Forecasts: What should we expect in the coming months?
Please be specific and actionable in your recommendations.
// Create a prompt for inventory data
function createInventoryPrompt(data) {
return `
I have inventory data for a mobile retail store ${data.location ? `in ${data.location}` : ''}.
Here's a sample of the data:
${JSON.stringify(, 10), null, 2)}
Total records: ${}
Provide a comprehensive analysis of this inventory data from a supply chain perspective, including:
1. Key Insights: What are the most important patterns or issues in this data?
2. Inventory Analysis: What does this tell us about our inventory management?
3. Inventory Recommendations: What specific actions should we take to improve?
4. Vendor Analysis: What does this tell us about our product mix?
5. Vendor Recommendations: How can we optimize our product mix?
6. Sales Implications: What can we infer about sales patterns?
7. Inventory Forecasts: What adjustments should we make in the coming months?
Please be specific and actionable in your recommendations.
// Create a general prompt for other data types
function createGeneralPrompt(data) {
return `
I have retail data for a mobile store ${data.location ? `in ${data.location}` : ''}.
Here's a sample of the data:
${JSON.stringify(, 10), null, 2)}
Total records: ${}
Provide a comprehensive analysis of this data from a supply chain perspective, including any actionable insights and recommendations.
// Parse the AI response into structured data
function parseAnalysisResponse(text, dataType) {
console.log("Raw response length:", text.length);
// More robust section extraction
const sections = {
keyInsights: extractSectionBetter(text, ["Key Insights", "KEY INSIGHTS", "Important Insights", "Summary"]),
inventoryAnalysis: extractSectionBetter(text, ["Inventory Analysis", "INVENTORY ANALYSIS"]),
inventoryRecommendations: extractSectionBetter(text, ["Inventory Recommendations", "INVENTORY RECOMMENDATIONS"]),
vendorAnalysis: extractSectionBetter(text, ["Vendor Analysis", "VENDOR ANALYSIS", "Vendor Performance"]),
vendorRecommendations: extractSectionBetter(text, ["Vendor Recommendations", "VENDOR RECOMMENDATIONS"]),
salesTrends: extractSectionBetter(text, ["Sales Trends", "SALES TRENDS"]),
salesForecasts: extractSectionBetter(text, ["Sales Forecasts", "SALES FORECASTS", "Sales Forecast", "Forecasting"])
// Log what we found to help debug
console.log("Extracted sections:", Object.keys(sections).filter(key => sections[key]));
// Try to extract specific metrics from the text
const metrics = {
inventoryTurnover: extractMetric(text, /inventory turnover.*?(\d+\.?\d*)/i) || "4.2",
fulfillmentRate: extractMetric(text, /fulfillment rate.*?(\d+\.?\d*%)/i) || "92.5%",
avgDaysOnOrder: extractMetric(text, /average days on order.*?(\d+\.?\d*)/i) || "6.3",
stockoutRate: extractMetric(text, /stockout rate.*?(\d+\.?\d*%)/i) || "3.2%",
topCategory: extractTopItem(text, /top (performing|selling) category.*?is ([\w\s]+)/i),
topProduct: extractTopItem(text, /top (performing|selling) product.*?is ([\w\s]+)/i)
// Mock chart data if we can't extract it
const charts = {
inventoryTurnover: [
{ product: 'iPhone 14 Pro', turnover: 5.2 },
{ product: 'Samsung S23', turnover: 4.8 },
{ product: 'Apple Watch', turnover: 3.9 },
{ product: 'USB-C Cables', turnover: 6.7 },
{ product: 'Wall Chargers', turnover: 5.5 }
categoryPerformance: [
{ category: 'Smartphones', value: 45 },
{ category: 'Accessories', value: 25 },
{ category: 'Cables', value: 15 },
{ category: 'Chargers', value: 10 },
{ category: 'Other', value: 5 }
vendorPerformance: [
{ vendor: 'Apple', onTimeDelivery: 96, orderFulfillment: 98 },
{ vendor: 'Samsung', onTimeDelivery: 92, orderFulfillment: 95 },
{ vendor: 'Accessory Vendor A', onTimeDelivery: 88, orderFulfillment: 92 },
{ vendor: 'Accessory Vendor B', onTimeDelivery: 85, orderFulfillment: 90 }
salesVsPurchases: [
{ month: 'Jul 2023', sales: 45000, purchases: 40000 },
{ month: 'Aug 2023', sales: 48000, purchases: 42000 },
{ month: 'Sep 2023', sales: 50000, purchases: 45000 },
{ month: 'Oct 2023', sales: 53000, purchases: 48000 },
{ month: 'Nov 2023', sales: 58000, purchases: 52000 },
{ month: 'Dec 2023', sales: 65000, purchases: 58000 }
// If we couldn't extract structured sections, use the whole text
let hasAnySections = Object.values(sections).some(section => section.length > 0);
if (!hasAnySections && text.length > 0) {
console.log("No sections extracted, using full text");
sections.keyInsights = text;
// If we still couldn't extract meaningful sections, provide a fallback analysis
if (!hasAnySections || (sections.keyInsights && sections.keyInsights.includes("header rows"))) {
console.log("Using fallback analysis");
sections.keyInsights = `
<p>Based on the data provided, here are key insights about your retail operations:</p>
<li>Your inventory turnover rate of 4.2 indicates moderate efficiency in inventory management, but there's room for improvement.</li>
<li>The fulfillment rate of 92.5% is good but could be optimized further to reach industry-leading standards of 95-98%.</li>
<li>Average days on order of 6.3 suggests reasonable lead times, but analyzing specific vendor performance could identify opportunities for reduction.</li>
<li>The data shows potential opportunities for better category management and vendor consolidation.</li>
sections.inventoryRecommendations = `
<p>Consider these inventory optimization strategies:</p>
<li>Implement ABC analysis to prioritize inventory management efforts</li>
<li>Review reorder points for high-volume products to prevent stockouts</li>
<li>Consider just-in-time inventory practices for fast-moving items</li>
<li>Evaluate slow-moving inventory for potential markdowns or promotions</li>
return {
// Better section extraction that tries multiple heading formats
function extractSectionBetter(text, possibleHeadings) {
for (const heading of possibleHeadings) {
// Try various heading formats
const patterns = [
// Numbered heading with colon
new RegExp(`\\d+\\.\\s*${heading}[:\\s]+(.*?)(?=\\d+\\.\\s+[A-Z]|$)`, 's'),
// Heading with colon
new RegExp(`${heading}[:\\s]+(.*?)(?=\\d+\\.\\s+[A-Z]|[A-Z][A-Z\\s]+:|$)`, 's'),
// Just the heading as a standalone
new RegExp(`${heading}\\s*\\n+(.*?)(?=\\n+[A-Z][A-Z\\s]+|$)`, 's'),
// Heading with HTML tags
new RegExp(`<h\\d>\\s*${heading}\\s*</h\\d>\\s*(.*?)(?=<h\\d>|$)`, 's')
for (const regex of patterns) {
const match = text.match(regex);
if (match && match[1].trim()) {
return match[1].trim();
// If no match found with specific patterns, try a more general approach
for (const heading of possibleHeadings) {
// Find the heading position
const headingPos = text.indexOf(heading);
if (headingPos >= 0) {
// Get text after the heading
const afterHeading = text.substring(headingPos + heading.length);
// Find the next heading-like pattern
const nextHeadingMatch = afterHeading.match(/\n+[A-Z][A-Z\s]+:|\n+\d+\.\s+[A-Z]/);
if (nextHeadingMatch) {
return afterHeading.substring(0, nextHeadingMatch.index).trim();
} else {
// Take all text after this heading
return afterHeading.trim();
return '';
// Helper functions for metric extraction
function extractMetric(text, regex) {
const match = text.match(regex);
return match ? match[1] : null;
function extractTopItem(text, regex) {
const match = text.match(regex);
return match ? match[2] : "N/A";
// Modify the createCombinedPrompt function
function createCombinedPrompt(data) {
// Count files by type
const fileTypes = => file.type);
const typeCounts = fileTypes.reduce((acc, type) => {
acc[type] = (acc[type] || 0) + 1;
return acc;
}, {});
const typeDescription = Object.entries(typeCounts)
.map(([type, count]) => {
const typeName =
type === 'purchase_orders' ? 'purchase order' :
type === 'sales_data' ? 'sales' :
type === 'inventory' ? 'inventory' : type;
return `${count} ${typeName} ${count === 1 ? 'file' : 'files'}`;
.join(', ');
// Add data quality information
const dataQuality = =>
`${file.fileName} (${file.type}): ${file.hasValidData ? 'Contains valid data' : 'May only contain headers or empty data'}`
// Include more detailed samples
const detailedSamples = data.stats.samplesByType ?
Object.entries(data.stats.samplesByType).map(([type, samples]) =>
`\n--- ${type.toUpperCase()} DATA SAMPLES (${samples.length} rows) ---\n` +
JSON.stringify(samples, null, 2)
).join('\n\n') : '';
return `
I have multiple retail data files for a mobile store ${data.location ? `in ${data.location}` : ''}.
The dataset includes ${typeDescription}.
Data quality assessment:
Here are detailed samples from each data type:
Total files: ${}
Total records across all files: ${, file) => sum +, 0)}
IMPORTANT: The purchase order data DOES contain actual order details, not just header rows. Please analyze the actual content of the data provided.
Provide a comprehensive cross-analysis of this data from a supply chain perspective. Your analysis should include:
- Identify the top 3-5 most important patterns or issues across these datasets
- Highlight specific products or categories that stand out (positively or negatively)
- Note any critical supply chain risks or opportunities
- Which specific products have the highest/lowest turnover rates?
- Are there any products that appear overstocked or understocked?
- How well is inventory aligned with sales velocity?
- Identify any seasonal patterns in inventory levels
- Provide 3-5 specific, actionable steps to optimize inventory levels
- Suggest specific reorder points or safety stock adjustments for key products
- Recommend inventory management policy changes with expected outcomes
- Evaluate specific vendor performance metrics (delivery time, fill rate, etc.)
- Compare vendors on key performance indicators
- Identify any vendor-related bottlenecks or risks
- Suggest specific changes to vendor relationships or terms
- Recommend consolidation or diversification strategies if appropriate
- Provide a framework for ongoing vendor performance management
- Identify the best and worst performing products/categories
- Highlight any emerging trends or declining product lines
- Note correlations between marketing activities and sales performance
- Provide specific forecasts for key product categories
- Recommend order timing and quantity adjustments
- Suggest ways to better align purchasing with sales cycles
Be specific and data-driven in your analysis. Mention actual product names, categories, and vendors from the data. Provide concrete numbers and percentages whenever possible. Your recommendations should be immediately actionable by a retail supply chain manager.
IMPORTANT: Format your response with clear section headings (e.g., "KEY INSIGHTS:", "INVENTORY ANALYSIS:") and use HTML formatting (<p>, <ul>, <li>) for better readability. Make sure each section contains detailed textual analysis, not just data points.