# MCP-Client
## Overview
The **MCP Client** is an example Client that uses the PGPT OpenAI-Compatible API (or other providers) and MCP Servers to make use of MCP tools.
## Features
- **Load Multiple MCP servers**
- **Communicate via Stdio**
- **List tools, and use tools**
## Prerequisites
- **Python:** 3.8 or higher
- **Dependencies:**
- **Have the OpenAI Compatible API agent running**
## Setup
1. **Clone the Repository:**
git clone https://github.com/pgpt-dev/MCP-Server-for-MAS-Developments.git
cd MCP-Server-for-MAS-Developments
2. **(Optional) Create and Activate a Virtual Environment:**
- **Windows:**
python -m venv venv
- **Unix/MacOS:**
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
3. **Install Dependencies:**
pip install -r agents/MCP-Client/requirements.txt
4. **Configure the Agent:**
Copy the example configuration file and adjust it to your environment:
cp agents/MCP-Client/.env.example agents/MCP-Client/.env
**Example `config.json`:**
PGPT_API_KEY = '<your api key>'
## Running the Agent
To start the MCP-Client, ensure you're in the repository's root directory and the OAI Agent is running and run:
python -m agents.MCP-Client.Python.mcp_client
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.