privateGPT MCP Server
by Fujitsu-AI
set -e
# Script to set up and build the MCP Server for MAS Developments
# Function to display error messages and exit
error_exit() {
echo "❌ $1" >&2
exit 1
# Function to prompt user with a yes/no question
prompt_yes_no() {
while true; do
read -rp "$1 [y/n]: " yn
case $yn in
[Yy]* ) return 0;;
[Nn]* ) return 1;;
* ) echo "Please answer with y (yes) or n (no).";;
# Check if the script is run as root
if [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "⚠️ Warning: You are running the installation script as the Root user."
echo "Installing as Root can lead to permission issues and potential security risks."
if prompt_yes_no "Do you want to create a new user 'mcpuser' and continue the installation as this user?"; then
# Check if 'mcpuser' already exists
if id "mcpuser" &>/dev/null; then
echo "✔️ User 'mcpuser' already exists."
echo "Creating user 'mcpuser'..."
useradd -m -s /bin/bash mcpuser || error_exit "Failed to create user 'mcpuser'."
echo "✔️ User 'mcpuser' has been created."
# Optional: Set a password for 'mcpuser' (uncomment the following lines if desired)
# echo "Setting a password for 'mcpuser' (optional):"
# passwd mcpuser
# Define new project directory for mcpuser
# Move the project directory to mcpuser's home directory if not already there
if [[ "$CURRENT_DIR" != "/home/mcpuser/$PROJECT_NAME" ]]; then
echo "📁 Moving project directory to '$NEW_PROJECT_DIR'..."
mkdir -p "/home/mcpuser"
mv "$CURRENT_DIR" "/home/mcpuser/" || error_exit "Failed to move the project directory."
chown -R mcpuser:mcpuser "/home/mcpuser/$PROJECT_NAME" || error_exit "Failed to change ownership of the project directory."
echo "✔️ Project directory moved and ownership changed."
echo "✔️ Project directory is already in the correct location."
echo "🔄 Switching to user 'mcpuser' and continuing the installation script..."
sudo -u mcpuser -H bash "/home/mcpuser/$PROJECT_NAME/" || error_exit "Installation as 'mcpuser' failed."
exit 0
error_exit "Installation as Root aborted."
# Warning if not running as root
echo "⚠️ It is recommended not to run the installation script as the Root user."
# Check if npm is installed
echo "🔍 Checking if npm is installed..."
if ! command -v npm &> /dev/null; then
error_exit "npm is not installed. Please install npm and try again. Installation aborted."
# Install dependencies from package.json
echo "📦 Installing project dependencies..."
rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json
npm install || error_exit "npm install failed. Installation aborted."
# Install additional dependencies
echo "🔧 Installing additional dependencies..."
npm install dotenv winston moment chalk figlet express chokidar strip-ansi || error_exit "Failed to install additional dependencies. Installation aborted."
# Build the project
echo "🛠️ Building the project..."
npm run build || error_exit "Build failed. Installation aborted."
# Logfile Server
echo "🔧 Installing index.html..."
cp src/public dist/ -R
echo "✅ Setup and build complete!"
# Prompt user before executing the last two commands
if prompt_yes_no "Do you want to create SSL certificates now?"; then
mkdir -p ~/.ssh/certs
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout ~/.ssh/certs/server.key -out ~/.ssh/certs/server.crt -days 365 -subj "/CN=localhost"
echo "✔️ SSL certificates created successfully."
echo "⚠️ Skipping SSL certificate creation. You can run these commands manually later."