
by NON906
#coding: utf-8 import os import sys import threading import io import asyncio import tempfile from contextlib import redirect_stdout import base64 import json import pyautogui import pyperclip from mcp.server.fastmcp import Image import PIL import pygetwindow as gw import requests omniparser_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'OmniParser') sys.path = [omniparser_path, ] + sys.path from util.omniparser import Omniparser sys.path = sys.path[1:] INPUT_IMAGE_SIZE = 960 def mcp_autogui_main(mcp): global omniparser omniparser = None input_image_path = '' output_dir_path = '' omniparser_thread = None result_image = None input_image_resized_path = None detail = None is_finished = False current_mouse_x, current_mouse_y = pyautogui.position() is_set_target_window = False match_windows = None if 'TARGET_WINDOW_NAME' in os.environ: match_windows = gw.getWindowsWithTitle(os.environ['TARGET_WINDOW_NAME']) if match_windows: current_window = match_windows[0] is_set_target_window = True else: current_window = gw.getActiveWindow() with redirect_stdout(sys.stderr): config = { 'som_model_path': os.environ['SOM_MODEL_PATH'] if 'SOM_MODEL_PATH' in os.environ else os.path.join(omniparser_path, 'weights/icon_detect/'), 'caption_model_name': os.environ['CAPTION_MODEL_NAME'] if 'CAPTION_MODEL_NAME' in os.environ else 'florence2', 'caption_model_path': os.environ['CAPTION_MODEL_PATH'] if 'CAPTION_MODEL_PATH' in os.environ else os.path.join(omniparser_path, 'weights/icon_caption_florence'), 'device': os.environ['OMNI_PARSER_DEVICE'] if 'OMNI_PARSER_DEVICE' in os.environ else 'cuda', 'BOX_TRESHOLD': float(os.environ['BOX_TRESHOLD']) if 'BOX_TRESHOLD' in os.environ else 0.05, } if not 'OMNI_PARSER_SERVER' in os.environ: def omniparser_start_thread_func(): global omniparser sys.path = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..'), ] + sys.path from download_models import download_omniparser_models download_omniparser_models() sys.path = sys.path[1:] omniparser = Omniparser(config) #print('Loading Omniparser is finished.', file=sys.stderr) if 'OMNI_PARSER_BACKEND_LOAD' in os.environ and os.environ['OMNI_PARSER_BACKEND_LOAD']: omniparser_start_thread = threading.Thread(target=omniparser_start_thread_func) omniparser_start_thread.start() else: omniparser_start_thread_func() temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() dname = @mcp.tool() async def omniparser_details_on_screen() -> list: """Get the screen and analyze its details. If a timeout occurs, you can continue by running it again. Return value: - Details such as the content of text. - Screen capture with ID number added. """ nonlocal omniparser_thread, result_image, detail, is_finished if not 'OMNI_PARSER_SERVER' in os.environ: while omniparser is None: await asyncio.sleep(0.1) detail_text = '' with redirect_stdout(sys.stderr): def omniparser_thread_func(): nonlocal result_image, detail, is_finished, detail_text with redirect_stdout(sys.stderr): if is_set_target_window: current_window.activate() screenshot_image = pyautogui.screenshot() if is_set_target_window: screenshot_image = screenshot_image.crop((current_window.left,, current_window.right, current_window.bottom)) if 'OMNI_PARSER_SERVER' in os.environ: buffered = io.BytesIO(), format='png') send_img = base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue()).decode('ascii') json_data = json.dumps({'base64_image': send_img}) response = f"http://{os.environ['OMNI_PARSER_SERVER']}/parse/", data=json_data, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"} ) response_json = response.json() dino_labled_img = response_json['som_image_base64'] detail = response_json['parsed_content_list'] else: dino_labled_img, detail = omniparser.parse_raw(screenshot_image) image_bytes = base64.b64decode(dino_labled_img) result_image_local = width, height = result_image_local.size if width > height: result_image_local = result_image_local.resize((INPUT_IMAGE_SIZE, INPUT_IMAGE_SIZE * height // width)) else: result_image_local = result_image_local.resize((INPUT_IMAGE_SIZE * width // height, INPUT_IMAGE_SIZE)) result_image = io.BytesIO(), format='png') detail_text = '' for loop, content in enumerate(detail): detail_text += f'ID: {loop}, {content["type"]}: {content["content"]}\n' is_finished = True if omniparser_thread is None: result_image = None detail = None is_finished = False omniparser_thread = threading.Thread(target=omniparser_thread_func) omniparser_thread.start() while not is_finished: await asyncio.sleep(0.1) omniparser_thread = None return [detail_text, Image(data=result_image.getvalue(), format="png")] @mcp.tool() async def omniparser_click(id: int, button: str = 'left', clicks: int = 1) -> bool: """Click on anything on the screen. Args: id: The element on the screen that it click. You can check it with "omniparser_details_on_screen". button: Button to click. 'left', 'middle', or 'right'. clicks: Number of clicks. 2 for double click. Return value: True is success. False is means "this is not found". """ nonlocal current_mouse_x, current_mouse_y, current_window screen_width, screen_height = pyautogui.size() if len(detail) > id: if is_set_target_window: current_window.activate() left = current_window.left top = else: left = 0 top = 0 compos = detail[id]['bbox'] current_mouse_x = int((compos[0] + compos[2]) * screen_width) // 2 + left current_mouse_y = int((compos[1] + compos[3]) * screen_height) // 2 + top, y=current_mouse_y, button=button, clicks=clicks) if not is_set_target_window: current_window = gw.getActiveWindow() return True return False @mcp.tool() async def omniparser_drags(from_id: int, to_id: int, button: str = 'left', key: str = '') -> bool: """Drag and drop on the screen. Args: from_id: The element on the screen that it start to drag. You can check it with "omniparser_details_on_screen". to_id: The element on the screen that it end to drag. You can check it with "omniparser_details_on_screen". button: Button to click. 'left', 'middle', or 'right'. key: The name of the keyboard key if you hold down it while dragging. You can check key's name with "omniparser_get_keys_list". Return value: True is success. False is means "this is not found". """ nonlocal current_mouse_x, current_mouse_y, current_window screen_width, screen_height = pyautogui.size() if is_set_target_window: current_window.activate() left = current_window.left top = else: left = 0 top = 0 from_x = -1 to_x = -1 if len(detail) <= from_id or len(detail) <= to_id: return False compos = detail[from_id]['bbox'] from_x = int((compos[0] + compos[2]) * screen_width) // 2 + left from_y = int((compos[1] + compos[3]) * screen_height) // 2 + top compos = detail[to_id]['bbox'] to_x = int((compos[0] + compos[2]) * screen_width) // 2 + left to_y = int((compos[1] + compos[3]) * screen_height) // 2 + top if key is not None and key != '': pyautogui.keyDown(key) pyautogui.moveTo(from_x, from_y) pyautogui.dragTo(to_x, to_y, button=button) if key is not None and key != '': pyautogui.keyUp(key) current_mouse_x = to_x current_mouse_y = to_y if not is_set_target_window: current_window = gw.getActiveWindow() return True @mcp.tool() async def omniparser_mouse_move(id: int) -> bool: """Moves the mouse cursor over the specified element. Args: id: The element on the screen that it move. You can check it with "omniparser_details_on_screen". Return value: True is success. False is means "this is not found". """ nonlocal current_mouse_x, current_mouse_y, current_window screen_width, screen_height = pyautogui.size() if len(detail) <= id: return False compos = detail[id]['bbox'] if is_set_target_window: current_window.activate() left = current_window.left top = else: left = 0 top = 0 current_mouse_x = int((compos[0] + compos[2]) * screen_width) // 2 + left current_mouse_y = int((compos[1] + compos[3]) * screen_height) // 2 + top pyautogui.moveTo(current_mouse_x, current_mouse_y) if not is_set_target_window: current_window = gw.getActiveWindow() return True @mcp.tool() async def omniparser_scroll(clicks: int) -> None: """The mouse scrolling wheel behavior. Args: clicks: Amount of scrolling. 1000 is scroll up 1000 "clicks" and -1000 is scroll down 1000 "clicks". """ current_window.activate() pyautogui.moveTo(current_mouse_x, current_mouse_y) pyautogui.scroll(clicks) @mcp.tool() async def omniparser_write(content: str, id: int = -1) -> None: """Type the characters in the string that is passed. Args: content: What to enter. id: Click on the target before typing. You can check it with "omniparser_details_on_screen". """ if id >= 0: await omniparser_click(id) else: current_window.activate() pyautogui.moveTo(current_mouse_x, current_mouse_y) if content.isascii(): pyautogui.write(content) else: prev_clip = pyperclip.paste() pyperclip.copy(content) pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'v') if prev_clip: pyperclip.copy(prev_clip) @mcp.tool() async def omniparser_get_keys_list() -> list[str]: """List of keyboard keys. Used in "omniparser_input_key" etc. Return value: List of keyboard keys. """ return pyautogui.KEYBOARD_KEYS @mcp.tool() async def omniparser_input_key(key1: str, key2: str = '', key3: str = '') -> None: """Press of keyboard keys. Args: key1-3: Press of keyboard keys. You can check key's name with "omniparser_get_keys_list". If you specify multiple, keys will be pressed down in order, and then released in reverse order. """ current_window.activate() pyautogui.moveTo(current_mouse_x, current_mouse_y) if key2 is not None and key2 != '' and key3 is not None and key3 != '': pyautogui.hotkey(key1, key2, key3) elif key2 is not None and key2 != '': pyautogui.hotkey(key1, key2) else: pyautogui.hotkey(key1) @mcp.tool() async def omniparser_wait(time: float = 1.0) -> None: """Waits for the specified number of seconds. Args: time: Waiting time (seconds). """ await asyncio.sleep(time)