Safe MCP Server
by 5ajaki
# Safe MCP Server
An MCP (Model Context Protocol) server implementation for interacting with Safe (formerly Gnosis Safe) smart contract wallets.
## Features
- Query Safe transactions for any Safe address
- Get multisig transaction details
- Decode transaction data
- Safe API integration
## Installation
npm install
## Usage
npm run build
npm start
No configuration is required - the server uses the Safe Transaction API mainnet endpoint by default.
## Available Tools
### getSafeTransactions
Get all transactions for any Safe address. The Safe address is determined by the LLM at runtime based on the context of the conversation.
// Example tool call
address: "0x123...", // Safe address determined by LLM
limit: 100, // optional
offset: 0, // optional
### getMultisigTransaction
Get details of a specific multisig transaction.
safeTxHash: "0x456...", // Transaction hash to query
### decodeTransactionData
Decode transaction data using Safe API.
data: "0x789...", // Transaction data to decode
to: "0xabc...", // Optional contract address
## Configuration (Optional)
By default, the server uses the Safe Transaction API mainnet endpoint:
If you need to use a different endpoint (e.g., for testnet), you can set it via environment variable:
SAFE_API_URL= npm start
## Development
npm run dev
## License