Nash MCP Server

from pathlib import Path from unittest.mock import patch from nash_mcp.nash_secrets.nash_secrets import nash_secrets class TestNashSecrets: @patch('nash_mcp.nash_secrets.nash_secrets.MAC_SECRETS_PATH', Path(__file__).parent / "test_secrets.json") def test_successful_secrets_retrieval(self): # Call function with the test file we created result = nash_secrets() # Check result formatting assert "Available secrets:" in result assert "Key: API_KEY_1" in result assert "Description: First API key" in result assert "Key: API_KEY_2" in result assert "Description: Second API key" in result @patch('nash_mcp.nash_secrets.nash_secrets.MAC_SECRETS_PATH', Path(__file__).parent / "nonexistent_file.json") def test_no_secrets_file(self): # Call function with a path that doesn't exist result = nash_secrets() # Assertions assert "No secrets file found." in result @patch('nash_mcp.nash_secrets.nash_secrets.MAC_SECRETS_PATH', Path(__file__).parent / "empty_secrets.json") def test_empty_secrets(self): # Call function with our empty file result = nash_secrets() # Assertions assert "No secrets available." in result